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For those who love the keyboard more than the mouse here is, the Command Line!
You can jump to command line from anywhere by pressing Space or Ctrl+Space.
Command line accepts MDI (example: G1 X## Y## F##) and also some really useful commands.
For example ABOUT shows information "about" bCNC. The asterix in the documentation below means that you can JUST type ABO or ABOU to make bCNC understand the right command.
Some commands accepts arguments that you should give separated by a space, in the documentation, parameters are inside [square brackets].
All commands are not case sensitive.
ABO*UT: Surprise! It shows the about box.
ABS*OLUTE: set the absolute coordinates (G90)
CAM*ERA <SWITCH|CAMERA|SPINDLE>: switch between camera and spindle
CLE*AR: clear terminal
BOX [dx] [dy] [dz] [nx] [ny] [nz] [tool]: create a finger box (ok this is not so easy, try it before in the Tools tabs).
CONT*ROL [TabName]: switch to the specified tab
CUT [height] [pass-per-depth]: replicate selected blocks to cut-height, default values are taken from the active material
DOWN: move downward in cutting order the selected blocks
UP: move upwards in cutting order the selected blocks
DRI*LL [depth] [peck]: perform drilling at all penetration points
FIL*TER: filter editor blocks with text
ED*ITOR: switch to editor tab
HOME: perform a homing cycle
HOLE: create a hole
IM*PORT : import filename with gcode or dxf at cursor location # or at the end of the file
INK*SCAPE: remove uneccessary Z motion as a result of inkscape gcodetools
ISO1: switch to ISO1 projection
ISO2: switch to ISO2 projection
ISO3: switch to ISO3 projection
LO*AD [filename]: load filename containing g-code
MIRROR [HORIZONTAL/V*ERTICAL]: mirror selected objects horizontally or vertically
MOVE [|CENTER|BL|BR|TL|TR|UP|DOWN|x] y [z]: move selected objects either by mouse or by coordinates
ORI*GIN x y z: move origin to x,y,z by moving all to -x -y -z
OPEN: open serial connection to Grbl
CLOSE: close serial connection to Grbl
QU*IT: quit program
EX*IT: exit program
PAUSE: pause cycle
PROF*ILE [offset]: create profile path
REL*ATIVE: switch to relative coordinates (G91)
RESET: perform a soft reset of Grbl
REV*ERSE: reverse path direction
RUN: run loaded G-code
ROT*ATE [CCW|CW|FLIP|ang] [x0 [y0]]: rotate selected blocks counter-clockwise(90) / clockwise(-90) / flip(180) 90deg or by a specific angle and a pivot point
ROU*ND [n]: round all digits to n fractional digits
RU*LER: measure distances with mouse ruler
SAFE [z]: safe Z to move
SA*VE [filename]: save to filename or to default name
SET [x [y [z]]]: set x,y,z coordinates to current workspace
STEP [s]: set motion step size to s
SPI*NDLE [ON|OFF|speed]: turn on/off spindle
STOP: stop current run
TERM*INAL: switch to terminal tab
TOOL [diameter]: set diameter of cutting tool
TOOLS: change to tab Tools
UNL*OCK: unlock Grbl
WCS [n]: switch to workspace index n
XY: switch to XY view
YX: switch to XY view
XZ: switch to XZ view
ZX: switch to XZ view
YZ: switch to YZ view
ZY: switch to YZ view
Commands that were added to aid in digitizing, these allow one to map shortcuts to the RAPID and FEED buttons on the Probe tab to allow digitizing drawings with a camera.
RR*APID: record a Rapid movement to current position
RF*EED: record a Feed movement to the current position
RP*OINT: record a point at the current position
RC*IRCLE: record a circle at current position
RFI*NISH: finish recording