ceRNA network induced by IL4/IL13 in prostatic fibrosis
- circRNAs significantly up/down regulated upon treatment with IL4/IL13 determined by arraystar. circRNA.R processes this data and gererates the list of up/down circs
- get_circ_sequences.R extracts the sequences of the circs from human genome
- proc_mirna_dea.R processes the miRNA-Seq data to identify up/down regulated miRNAs upon IL4/IL13 treatment. It integrates circs by identifying interacting miRNA/circ pairs. Miranda software used here.
- gen_count_mat_IL4_IL13_2024.R processes the linear RNAseq data
- deg_IL4_IL13_bulk_RNA_2024.R identifyies up/down regulated linear RNAs upon IL4/IL13 treatment.
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