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Semantic Segmentation for TEM images of biological samples


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Organelle prediction from Transmission Electron Microscopy images

Fast and efficient ML semantic segmentation pipeline.

This is a collection of scripts to perform semantic segmentation on images. The pipeline consists on the following steps:

  • Tiling of images
  • TFRecords generation
  • Model training
  • Evaluation and visualization

Preprocessing: Export QuPath masks

Start by opening your QuPath project, navigate to Automate -> Show script editor. Copy over contents of QuPath_Export.txt and click Run. This script will create additional folder called export with mitochondria segmentation masks inside.

Preprocessing: Prepare masks for ML pipeline

Carefully follow Post_Export.txt bash script and edit commands according to where you would like to store images and masks.

ML Pipeline

1. Installation:

  • To do

2. Tiling:

Tile images along with corresponding masks.

$ python3 --train 80 --valid 10 --test 10 --threads 12 --size 256 --overlap 128 --format png --quality 100 --outdir "/path_to/outdir/" --imdir "/path_to/images/*.tif" --mskdir "/path_to/masks/*.png"


  • --train type=int. Percentage of dataset that goes in training (ex. 84).
  • --valid type=int. Percentage of dataset that goes in validation (ex. 8).
  • --test type=int. Percentage of dataset that goes in testing (ex. 8).
  • --threads type=int. How many CPU threads you would like to use (ex. 8).
  • --overlap type=int. You can tile your slide with overlap of N pixels. Remember!!!: the formula for overlap: tile size + 2 * overlap, so if you want tiles of size 512x512, you need to pass 256 as --size argument and 128 as --overlap argument. More info at OpenSlide docs. Example: 64.
  • --size type=int. Tile size. Example: 512 (512x512).
  • --format type=str. Format of tiles (ex png, jpeg). Recommend png, otherwise code needs some internal changes.
  • --quality type=str. Quality of tiles (ex 100). Recommend 100.
  • --bounds type=bool. No need to pass this argument, default is already set.
  • --outdir type=str. Output directory where you would like to see you tiles. (ex "/home/username/Documents/tiled_images")
  • --imdir type=str. Directory with images that you would like to tile. (ex "/home/username/Documents/images/*tif")
  • --mskdir type=str. Directory with masks that you would like to tile. (ex "/home/username/Documents/masks/*png")

2. TFRecord_Creator:

Create TFRecords for faster data throughput when training:

$ python3 --size 512 --traindir "/path_to/train512/" --validdir "/path_to/valid512/" --test "/path_to/test512/" --outdir "/path_to/tfrecords512"


  • --traindir type=str. Directory with tiled training images.
  • --validdir type=str. Directory with tiled validation images.
  • --testdir type=str. Directory with tiled test images.
  • --outdir type=str. Output directory where you would like to see the TFRecords. (ex "/home/username/Documents/tfrecords").
  • --size type=int. Tile size from previous step (ex. 512), no need to worry about overlap here, just use expected tile size.

3. Training:

Train U-net Neural Network architecture.

$ python3 --batch_size 12 --kernel_size 5 --GPU_num '0' --size 512 --train_num 54072 --valid_num 1280 --epochs 100 --size 512 --ckpt_name "Unet_512" --ckpt_save_freq 10 --train_dir "/path_to/tfrecords512/512_train*.tfrecord" --valid_dir "/path_to/tfrecords512/512_valid*.tfrecord" --csv_log_name "/path_to/Logs/Training.log" --tensorboard_logs "/path_to/Logs/TB_logs" --MP "Yes"


  • --batch_size type=int. Typical batch size, scaled linearly with multiple GPU. Example: 64.
  • --kernel_size type=int. Kernel size of convolutions layers. Example: 5.
  • --GPU_num type=str. Which GPUs to use, one digit for one particular GPU, multiple for multiple GPUs (comma separated). Examples: '0' (first availbale GPU) or '0,1' (first two GPUs).
  • --train_num type=int. Number of training images, was given at the end of TFRecord_Creator execution. Example: 54072.
  • --valid_num type=int. Number of validation images, was given at the end of TFRecord_Creator execution. Example: 1280.
  • --epochs type=int. Number of epochs for training. Example: 100.
  • --size type=int. Tile size. Example: 512 (512x512).
  • --train_dir type=str. This argument expects train files' glob pattern. Example: '/path_to/tfrecords512/512_train*.tfrecord'
  • --valid_dir type=str. This argument expects validation files' glob pattern. Example: '/path_to/tfrecords512/512_valid*.tfrecord'
  • --ckpt_name type=str. This is the name pattern with which your model checkpoints will be saved. Example: '/path_to/TRAIN_OUTDIR/512_Unet'.
  • --ckpt_save_freq type=int. How often a checkpoint of model is saved, measured in epochs. Example: 10.
  • --csv_log_name type=str. This is a log name that will store the training progress information in a csv file, you can also pass filepath with it. Example: '/path_to/TRAIN_OUTDIR/Training.log'
  • --tensorboard_logs type=str. This is a folder which will have all information needed for TensorBoard.
  • --MP type=str. This argument is for Mixed Precision. MP can speed up training up to 3.3x, can also fit 2x batch size. Example: 'Yes' or 'No'.

4. Evaluation and visualization:

Will run evaluations based on given test dataset, after evaluations of every given checkpoint are done, will select best checkpoint based on IoU metric and make visualizations for every testing image. Visualizations consist of overlaying Ground Truth in Blue and Predicted semantic segmentation in Red. Most likely you would want to select best checkpoint based on validation dataset performance at training step and just passing this single checkpoint with testing dataset for visualization part.

$ python3 --testdir "/path_to/tfrecords512/512_test*.tfrecord" --size 512 --weights_path "/path_to/dir_with_checkpoints/" --batch_size 16 --kernel_size 5 --naming_pattern "Unet_512" --csv_name "Unet_512_Eval.csv" --contour_csv_name "Contour.csv" --threshold 0.7 --outdir "/path_to/store_outputs/"


  • --testdir type=str. This argument expects test files' glob pattern. Example: '/path_to/TFRecords/512_valid*.tfrecord'.
  • --GPU_num type=str. Which GPUs to use, limited to one GPU. Example: '0'.
  • --size type=int. Tile size. Example: 512 (512x512).
  • --weights_path type=str. Path to directory of checkpoints' weights or path to one particular checkpoint's weights.
  • --outdir type=str. Output directory to store eval and visualization results. Example: '/path_to/Visualizations/'
  • --naming_pattern type=str. Naming pattern of checkpoints, corresponds with --ckpt_name for previous - training step, no need to include full path since if will look for this pattern in --weights_path directory. Example: '512_Unet'
  • --csv_name type=str. Name of .csv file that will store eval data. Example: 'eval.csv'
  • --contour_csv_name type=str. Name of .csv file that will store area and arclen of predictions contour data. Example: 'contour.csv'
  • --batch_size type=int. Typical batch size, Suggestion: use number that is divisible by 8 without any remainder. Example: '16'
  • --kernel_size type=int. Kernel size of convolutions layers, must be the same value used during training. Example: 5.
  • --threshold type=float. IoU threshold for visualizations. Example: 0.5.

Using the docker image

The docker image can be build using the following command

$ docker build --no-cache -t cnn_tem -f Dockerfile .

where we have named the image with the tag cnn_tem.

To execute one of the scripts in this repo, you may use this command as a template:

$ docker run --rm --gpus "device=0" -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v /path_to_your_data:/app/data cnn_tem python3 args

Note that the paths to files in this command must be with respect to the container's filesystem, i.e. /app/data/some_folder_or_path


Semantic Segmentation for TEM images of biological samples







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