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First‐class functions, lambdas, closures

Tim Hardcastle edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 4 revisions

First-class functions

A function is called "first-class" if it can be treated like a value: that is if it can be assigned to a variable, passed to a function, made the value in a key-value pair, etc. First-class functions are demonstrated by the file examples/ Here we have a simple function applyTwice which takes a function and applies it twice to a string.


applyTwice(f func, arg string) : 
    f f arg

makeFancy(s string) : "*!* " + s + " *!*"

decorator(decoration string) :
    func(x) : decoration + " " + x + " " + decoration

If we try it out in the REPL:

→ hub run "examples/" as "Fcf"                                   
Starting script 'examples/' as service 'Fcf'.
Fcf → applyTwice makeFancy, "hello"
*!* *!* hello *!* *!*       

This is straightforward enough. We pass a function and a string to the applyTwice function, and it applies the function twice to the string.

Lambdas and closures

But what about the decorator function? Here we are taking a string, and returning an "anonymous function" or "lambda function". It has no name (we write the keyword func where the name would otherwise go): but it has a perfectly good definition. And so if we continue to toy with the REPL:

Fcf → applyTwice decorator("~~~"), "hello" 
~~~ ~~~ hello ~~~ ~~~
Fcf → applyTwice decorator("<*>"), "hello"
<*> <*> hello <*> <*>
Fcf →  

You will notice that the anonymous functions we're returning are also "closures". That is, without needing to be passed the value of decoration, each anonymous function on being created stores and retains that information, so that in effect calling decorator("~~~") returns a function func(x) : "~~~" + " " + x + " " + "~~~".

Inner functions are also closures. That is, if we had written the decorator function as follows, then it would do exactly the same thing.

decorator(decoration string) :
given :
    innerDecorator(x) : decoration + " " + x + " " + decoration
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