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Appendix C: Internal representation of Pipefish types

tim-hardcastle edited this page Dec 15, 2024 · 7 revisions

If you use the pf library for embedding Pipefish in Go, the result you get in the first instance from calling the Do method of a pf.Service is something of type pf.Value. This is a struct having two fields, T, of type pf.Type (an alias for int32) and V, of type any, containing the actual value of the value, so to speak: the payload.

The service that produces the value also offers three methods (ToLiteral(v Value), ToString(v Value), and ToGo(v Value, reflect.Type)) to convert the Pipefish value into something more familiar. If, however, you wish to substitute your own function for handling Pipefish Values, you need to know which pf.Types of T correspond to which Golang types of V, so that you know what to downcast them to.

Some notes:

In the case of pf.Error, pf.List, pf.Map, and pf.Set, these are custom types used by Pipefish and are exposed in the pf library along with everything else you're meant to get your hands on. More details of these types will be given at the foot of the page.

The pf.BLING type (or pseudotype) in Pipefish is not something you will have seen before. It is the "type" given to infixes and mixfixes when they appear in function calls, and if you poke around in the pf.Error type you will sometimes see it returned as part of a list of parameters that caused a runtime error.

The pf.UNDEFINED_TYPE is the null element of pf.Type and as such is the type of the Value returned if the Do method of a service returns a non-null error.

At present these types are not entirely stable. Use at your own risk.

pf.Type Go type
OK nil
TUPLE []pf.Value
ERROR *pf.Error
NULL nil
INT int
BOOL bool
STRING string
RUNE rune
FLOAT float64
PAIR []pf.Value
LIST pf.List
MAP pf.Map
SET pf.Set
LABEL string
any struct []pf.Value
any enum int
any clone the same as its parent

While the custom types have a number of methods, they are currently unstable, and so we shall mention only those necessary for extracting data from them. For this purpose:

  • The pf.List type has methods .Len() int and .Index(i int) any.
  • The pf.Set type has a method .ToSlice() []Value.
  • The pf.Map type has a method .ToSlice() [][]Value.
  • The pf.Error type is a struct defined as follows:
type Error struct {
	ErrorId string      // The error ID.
	Message string      // The error message.
	Args    []any       // Further arguments (if any) from which the error message was constructed.
	Values  []Value     // Usually empty, but may contain the specific values that caused a runtime error.
	Trace   []*Token    // A list of `Token`s tracing the path of a runtime error up the stack.
	Token   *Token      // A `Token` indicting the point in the sourcecode where an error originates.

The pf.Token type is defined as follows:

type Token struct {
	Type    TokenType   // A type based on `string`.
	Literal string      // The literal value of the token.
	Line    int         // The line number where it occurred.
	ChStart int         // The position in the line where it started.
	ChEnd   int         // The position in the line where it ended.
	Source  string      // The file it came from.
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