Accompaning repository for the 2022 ICRA paper "Lightweight Monocular Depth Estimation through Guided Decoding"
Dataset | Resolution | Model-Version |
NYU Depth V2 | 240x320 (Half) | GuideDepth |
NYU Depth V2 | 240x320 (Half) | GuideDepth-S |
NYU Depth V2 | 480x640 (Full) | GuideDepth |
NYU Depth V2 | 480x640 (Full) | GuideDepth-S |
KITTI | 192x640 (Half) | GuideDepth |
KITTI | 192x640 (Half) | TODO |
KITTI | 384x1280 (Full) | GuideDepth |
KITTI | 384x1280 (Full) | TODO |
For the evaluation, download the already prepared testsets from here:
Unpack the data for Evaluation
run --eval --dataset DATASET --resolution RESOLUTION --model MODEL_NAME --test_path PATH_TO_TEST_DATA --num_workers=NUM_WORKERS --save_results PATH_TO_RESULTS
You can select from the following options:
[RESOLUTION: full, half]
[DATASET: nyu_reduced, kitti]
We performed our evaluation on the NVIDIA Jetson Nano and the NVIDIA Xavier NX, using the following dependencies:
Jetpack: 4.5.1
CUDA: 10.2
CUDNN: 8.0.0
Python: 3.6.9
tensorRT: 7.1.3
PyTorch: 1.8.0
torchvision: 0.9.1
torch2trt: 0.2.0
Installing PyTorch and torchvision, refer to this post:
Installing torch2trt:
You might need to increase SWAP memory for the tensorRT conversion to 4GB:
python3 --eval --model MODEL_NAME --resolution RESOLUTION --dataset DATASET --weights_path PATH_TO_WEIGHTS --save_results PATH_TO_RESULTS --test_path PATH_TO_TEST_DATA
By selecting from the following options:
[RESOLUTION: full, half]
[DATASET: nyu_reduced, kitti]
You will need the pretrained weights for DDRNet-23 slim, which can be downloaded here or acquired from the official repository
We used a Subset of NYU Depth V2 designed and prepared by Alhashim et al. (
To train, download the dataset linked in their repository. No need to unpack, the dataloader loads the compressed data.
Coming soon!
run --train --dataset DATASET --resolution RESOLUTION --model MODEL_NAME --data_path PATH_TO_TRAINING_DATA --num_workers=NUM_WORKERS --save_checkpoint PATH_TO_CHECKPOINTS