sc soundpack development release, 2.8.1 dev, March 17, 2022
This release has a lot of mostly sound changes in it.
A buffer system is in the works, it's just at the time of publication not ready for even dev testing.
note: their are lines in the changelog not listed here as their are incomplete changes that were logged but the work wasn't finished at release publication.
change log since last release
*actually updates peoplecontrib so it reflects the actual last modified date.
*updates the startup message to reference the issue tracker and where you can find it's URL.
*slight cosmetic and readability changes to readme.txt
*thanks to luna, modifies several sound files to make them not suck.
*thanks to luna, modifies ground combat to use a different sound for enemy damage notifications.
*thanks to luna, adds a low grid sound file, and modifies the trigger to use it instead of the loud as piss failsafe sound.
*thanks to luna, screen reader gags the computer says in ships, but leaves the line stil visible in the output window. The screen reader will only read the second half of the line.