This is an introduction to computer programming that supports Scripps College's interdisciplinary vision. It is for everyone--visual designers, data scientists, and fine artists--who wants to create interactive media and computer graphics. This course links software concepts to principles of visual form, motion, and interaction. Students learn the fundamentals of Python programming (data structures, sequencing, selection and sorting, iteration and recursion, functions, object-oriented code) and use to analyze and visualize data, generate drawings and sounds, manipulate images, create interactions for games, use network communication to collect data, and learn how to work with remote data to create environmental simulations. Prior programming experience not required.
This course satisfies the pre-requisite for DS2 in Scripps' Data Science minor.
NOTE: The syllabus will evolve as we move through the semester. This will be tracked using Git and managed in the same fashion as a professional software project.
This class uses materials generously provided under Creative Commons licenses. These materials have been remixed for maximum benefit for students who wish to learn how to study critical data relationships using visualizations generated with Python.
Consider this statement from Charles Severance, author of "Python for Everybody" the book that provides both ballast and rudder to these materials.
^ In all cases, permission to reuse and remix this material will be granted as long as there is clear added value or benefit to students or teachers that will accrue as a result of the new work. ^ The Charles Severance Ann Arbor, MI, USA September 9, 2011
Book, website, creator of Sakai, Open Source hero. His book will supplies our foundation for learning Python 3. You don't need the book because it is your class. account
The free web site for Python for Everybody. This site hosts half of the assessments for the class.
An online development platform. Our syllabus lives on GitHub. Essential.
Replit is a collaborative, in-browser IDE. Authenticate with your GitHub credentials.
- Perseverance
- Faithfulness to the proposal
- Creative engagement
- Application of critical thinking
- Preparation (research, accumulation of needed materials, time management)
- Success of the finished piece
Mask Policy
**Attendance Policy: ** You may miss up to four classes and still pass this class. Note that 60 percent of the students' grade is given for work on in-class activities, and that these cannot be repeated except in extraordinary circumstances.
** You are expected to be attentive, ask questions, work alone and with a partner to complete your work.
**Late Assignment and Missed Exam Policy: ** Labs and in-class activities will not be repeated except in extraordinary circumstances.
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to abide by the Scripps College academic integrity code. You must submit work that is your own and which is original work for this class. Also, all sources must be documented. Omission of sources is considered plagiarism, even if it is an oversight and/or unintentional. All plagiarism will be reported to the department and Dean’s office for further action. For this course, collaboration is allowed in on lab activities and assignments IFF all contributions are documented.
Permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in any form (e.g. email, Word doc, Box file, Google sheet, or a hard copy). Also, assignments that have been previously submitted in another course may not be submitted for this course, and I discourage you from finding solutions on Stack Overflow or other online forums to paste into your notebooks.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Scripps students seeking to register to receive academic accommodations must contact Academic Resources and Services (ARS) at [email protected] to formalize accommodations. Students will be required to submit documentation and meet with a staff member before being approved for accommodations. Once ARS has authorized academic accommodations, a formal notification will be sent out.
A student’s home campus is responsible for establishing and providing accommodations. If you are not a Scripps student, you must contact your home institution to establish accommodations. Below is a list of coordinators on the other campuses:
CMC - Julia Easley, [email protected]
Harvey Mudd – Deborah Kahn, [email protected]
Pitzer- Gabriella Tempestoso, [email protected]
Pomona - Jan Collins-Eaglin, [email protected]
Inclusivity Statement: This class is an example of Scripps College’s commitment to changing the norms in Computer Science. Creating this initiative at a liberal arts women's college is both a bold step towards correcting gender imbalance in this field.
Our community represents a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives. We are committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity.
Institutional Policies: Students are responsible for reviewing Scripps College’s policies on incomplete grades, sexual misconduct, adverse weather, as well as student evaluation of instruction, and days of special concern/religious holiday.
We start with the basics and add visualizations exercises to take advantage of your new skills. By the end of the class you will be able to access remote data and make graphs and other visualizations of the data either to persuade viewers to action or to consider the aesthetics of information.
Academic evaluation at Scripps College is a system of letter grades with grade points assigned according to the following scale:
12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0
A A– B+ B B–
7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 0
C+ C C– D+ D F
The minimum passing grade is a "D" for any course taken at the Claremont Colleges. Letter grades on file with the Registrar at the end of the semester are final unless an error in calculating the grade is discovered. Errors must be corrected within one year of the time the grade was recorded.
Students are expected to attend all classes and not to be absent without adequate reason. The regulation of class attendance is ultimately the responsibility of the faculty. It is particularly important that students attend those classes immediately preceding and following vacation periods.
Unless otherwise approved, work is to be turned in on time or a penalty will be applied for every class it is late. You must accompany the work to the critique and be present throughout or points will be deducted. Students are also expected to prepare the readings and viewings for an assigned date before class meets.
I hope that this class will serve students from all backgrounds and perspectives, and that students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class. The diversity that students bring to this class is a gift that conveys strengths and benefits to all. I intend to present materials that are respectful of student diversity. Your suggestions towards this end are encouraged and appreciated, and I hope that you will tell me how to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students and groups.
Note that the history and practice of computer programming is spangled with charged language and has a history of discrimination. I hope that you will see this as an opportunity to challenge this corner of the cultural hegemony.
You are encouraged to seek support at the Writing Center on your home campus to assist with your writing process.
Scripps College values diversity and inclusion; we are committed to a climate of mutual respect and full participation. As such, our goal is to create learning environments that are equitable, inclusive and welcoming. If you anticipate or experience any barriers to learning related to a disability or condition, please meet with me or reach out to the Office of Academic Resources and Services at [email protected]. ARS will work with you to discuss your experiences and a range of options to ensure your full participation in this course and others.
Please note that a student’s home campus is responsible for establishing and providing accommodations. If you are not a Scripps student, you must contact your home institution to establish accommodations. Below is a list of coordinators on the other campuses:
· CMC: Kari Rood, [email protected] · HMC: Brandon Ice, [email protected] · Pitzer: Gabriella Tempestoso, [email protected] · Pomona: Mace Fuataina Mikaele, [email protected] · Claremont Graduate Institute: Madeline Kiuttu, [email protected] · Keck Graduate Institute: Andrea Mozqueda, [email protected]
Cheating and/or plagiarism seriously violate the principles of academic integrity that Scripps College expects its students to uphold. Academic dishonesty is not tolerated at Scripps and may result in suspension or expulsion from the College. (See the current Guide to Student Life.)