W Date theme Lessons (study before class) videos (watch before class) Assignment (complete before class) In class exercise Quiz 1 8/30 intro 09/01 Chapter 1: Introduction Autograder: Write Hello World | git Quiz: Why program? 2 09/06 LABOR DAY 09/08 Why Program - Part 1 Why Program - Part 2 Why Program - Part 3 Why Program - Part 4 Writing ‘hello world’ in the Autograder git Tutorial 3 09/13 Variables, Expressions, & Statements Chapter 2: Variables Variables, Expressions, and Statements - Part 1 Variables, Expressions, and Statements - Part 2 Autograder: Exercise 2.3 Quiz: Variables, Expressions, and Statements 09/15 Worked Exercise: 2.2 Worked Exercise: 2.3 4 09/20 Conditional execution Chapter 3: Conditionals Conditional Execution - Part 1 Conditional Execution - Part 2 Autograder: Exercise 3.1 Autograder: Exercise 3.3 09/22 Worked Exercise 3.1 Worked Exercise 3.2 Quiz: Conditional Execution 5 09/27 functions Chapter 4: Functions Functions - Part 1 Functions - Part 2 09/29 Worked Exercise 4.6 Autograder: Exercise 4.6 Quiz: Functions 6 10/04 Iteration Chapter 5: Iterations Loops and Iteration - Part 1 Loops and Iteration - Part 2 Loops and Iteration - Part 3 Loops and Iteration - Part 4 10/06 Worked Exercise 5.1 Autograder: Exercise 5.2 Quiz: Loops and Iterations 7 10/11 recursion Chapter 6: Strings Strings Part 1 Strings Part 2 10/13 Worked Exercise 6.5 Autograder: Exercise 6.5 Quiz: Strings 8 10/18 FALL BREAK 10/20 FALL BREAK++ 9 10/25 Lists CH 08 Lists part 1 | part 2 Autograder: Exercise 8.4 Autograder: Exercise 8.5 Draw a Living Line. Store the last 100 mouse points. Draw a curveVertex line between each one. 10/27 Animate a Walk Cycle using frames from Muybridge. Reverse the cycle with a mouse click. 10 11/01 Dictionaries CH 09 Dictionaries part 01 | part 02 Autograder Ex. 9.4 11/03 11 11/08 Tuples CH 10 Tuples part 01 | part 02 11/10 12 11/15 PROJECTS W01 11/17 13 11/22 PROJECTS W02 11/24 (HOLIDAY FEASTING) 14 11/29 PROJECTS W03 12/1 15 12/06 PROJECTS W04 12/08 PROJECT SHARE