This example of a GitHub respository to use in Deepnote will be loaded with code following "Data Science from Scratch" by Joel Grus.
add(v: List[float], w: List[float]) -> List[float]
Adds corresponding elements
distance(v: List[float], w: List[float]) -> float
dot(v: List[float], w: List[float]) -> float
Computes v_1 * w_1 + ... + v_n * w_n
get_column(A: List[List[float]], j: int) -> List[float]
Returns the j-th column of A (as a Vector)
get_row(A: List[List[float]], i: int) -> List[float]
Returns the i-th row of A (as a Vector)
identity_matrix(n: int) -> List[List[float]]
Returns the n x n identity matrix
magnitude(v: List[float]) -> float
Returns the magnitude (or length) of v
make_matrix(num_rows: int, num_cols: int, entry_fn: Callable[[int, int], float]) -> List[List[float]]
Returns a num_rows x num_cols matrix
whose (i,j)-th entry is entry_fn(i, j)
scalar_multiply(c: float, v: List[float]) -> List[float]
Multiplies every element by c
shape(A: List[List[float]]) -> Tuple[int, int]
Returns (# of rows of A, # of columns of A)
squared_distance(v: List[float], w: List[float]) -> float
Computes (v_1 - w_1) ** 2 + ... + (v_n - w_n) ** 2
subtract(v: List[float], w: List[float]) -> List[float]
Subtracts corresponding elements
sum_of_squares(v: List[float]) -> float
Returns v_1 * v_1 + ... + v_n * v_n
vector_mean(vectors: List[List[float]]) -> List[float]
Computes the element-wise average
vector_sum(vectors: List[List[float]]) -> List[float]
Sums all corresponding elements