- Cape Town, South Africa
- https://asoba.co
BuildingsBench Public
Forked from NREL/BuildingsBenchLarge-scale pretraining and benchmarking for short-term load forecasting.
Jupyter Notebook BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 18, 2024 -
GIS-shapefile-database Public
GeoJSON and shapefile data for creating maps to geospatial work. Most datasets are for locations within the US, and contain data like geographic boundaries, landmarks, topographies, and zoning/land…
advanced-analytics-for-looker Public
Forked from AsobaCloud/advanced-analytics-for-lookerlibrary of tools to support Looker AI and ML integrations
lookr Public
Forked from Rich1000/lookrA way to get data from Looker into R without row limits, and send dataframes back to BigQuery for resurfacing within Looker
R UpdatedOct 21, 2020 -
professional-services Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/professional-servicesCommon solutions and tools developed by Google Cloud's Professional Services team
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 21, 2020 -
lkml-python Public
Forked from drewgillson/lkml-pythonA speedy LookML parser & serializer implemented in pure Python.
Machine-Learning-with-Python Public
Forked from susanli2016/Machine-Learning-with-PythonPython code for common Machine Learning Algorithms
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 11, 2020 -
big-data-student-resources Public
Forked from Thinkful-Ed/big-data-student-resourcesThese are the Jupyter notebooks for the Big Data specialization in the Data Science Program.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 3, 2020 -
embed-sdk-sko-markdown Public
Forked from bryan-at-looker/embed-sdk-sko-markdownUpdatedMar 18, 2020 -
systemd Public
Forked from systemd/systemdThe systemd System and Service Manager
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 25, 2020 -
rocker-versioned Public
Forked from rocker-org/rocker-versionedRun current & prior versions of R using docker
Dockerfile GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 7, 2020 -
embed-sdk-sko Public
Forked from bryan-at-looker/embed-sdk-skoTypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 29, 2020 -
snowflake_to_gcs Public
Script for loading Snowflake data into Google Cloud Storage
UpdatedJan 19, 2020 -
lookr-1 Public
Forked from looker-open-source/lookrAn R library for the Looker API (3.0)
vega-lite Public
Forked from groodlooker/vega-liteVega-Lite for Looker
JavaScript UpdatedJul 31, 2019 -
custom_visualizations_v2 Public
Forked from looker/custom_visualizations_v2CSS MIT License UpdatedJul 24, 2019