Vega is an incredible way to create visualizations, stated in their own words:
Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative language for creating, saving, and sharing interactive visualization designs. With Vega, you can describe the visual appearance and interactive behavior of a visualization in a JSON format, and generate web-based views using Canvas or SVG.
More complex Vega visuals in Looker:
This Looker version adds a number of ui elements to craft visualizations in Vega-Lite, a higher-level language built on top of Vega:
NEW as of 07/08/2020 a bundled version - simply drop in the "Main" section. No more dependencies needed.
Dependencies that need to be added to your Looker Custom Viz are hosted here.
Use these dependencies for Vega 3.2[email protected][email protected][email protected]
If using older versions of vega and having issues, try these dependencies
(Newer versions of Vega-lite for Looker may not work without updating to the newest Vega dependencies)[email protected][email protected][email protected]
Vega-lite for Looker 3.2 with Legend & Size Control:
Vega-lite for Looker 3.1 with sort & label fixes:
Vega-lite for Looker 3.0
Vega-lite for Looker 1.0
Vega-lite for Looker 2.0:
All charts you create will maintain their drill paths with additional info about which field is generating the drill link.
A few examples of what you can create with Vega-Lite for Looker:
Move Legend in 3.2 (& two Looker color Palettes)
Labels available in 3.0
Label can be pinned to the field value or to zero:
Apply filters/conditions to labels:
New as of 12/22/18 box plot support
Multi-layer support availabe in 2.0
Reference Lines that update on selection:
Functionality in original vega-lite
Vega-Lite enables even richer visualization than this current version of "Vega-Lite for Looker" will allow for. Future iterations of this will include layers or "dual axis" support, cross-highlighting capabilities, more formatting options (line thickness, fonts, etc) and possibly crossfiltering.