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rprops edited this page Apr 21, 2017 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Phenoflow_package wiki!

Available functions

Functions Actions
flowBasis Function part of the flowFDA package (in development) which performes bivariate kernel density estimations on the phenotypic parameters
Diversity Calculation of Hill diversities of order 0, 1 and 2 from fingerprint object
Diversity_rf More accurate (i.e., smaller errors) calculation of Hill diversities from flowSet. It is slower than Diversity(). This calculation can be parallelized.
Diversity_16S Calculation of Hill diversities from 16S amplicon data for comparison with Diversity(). This calculation can be parallelized.
Evenness Calculation of pareto evenness (Wittebolle L. et al. (2009)) from fingerprint object (1 = maximum evenness, 0 = minimum evenness)
So Calculation of Structural Organization parameter (Koch et al. (2014), Frontiers in Microbiology)
CV Calculation of Coefficient of Variation (CV) of the fingerprint object
beta_diversity_fcm Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) or PCoA of the phenotypic fingerprints
time_discretization Function for subsetting .fcs files in time intervals and exporting them as new .fcs files. Designed for the analysis of on-line experiments.
FCS_resample Resamples sample files from flowSet object to an equal number of cells. Standard is to the minimum sample size.
FCS_clean Denoises all samples by means of automated identification and removal of fluorescence anomalies in flow cytometry data

Functionalities to be added in the future:

Functions Actions
flowRate Calculation of growth rates of microbial populations from flow cytometry data.