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Software ~ Advanced ~ WiFi Hotspot

[email protected] edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

Using the Wifi-Hotspot Functionality

  • Set WIFI_HOTSPOT=Yin wifibroadcast-1.txt to enable the Wifi hotspot
  • Leave WIFI_HOTSPOT_NIC=internal if you want to use the internal onboard Wifi adapter of the Pi3 or set it to the MAC address (all lower case, no spaces, dashes or colons) of the wifi adapter you want to use for the Hotspot.
  • Configure SSID, password and channel in apconfig.txt if desired. Default SSID is "EZ-Wifibroadcast", default password is "wifibroadcast", channel is 1.
  • Connect to the Wifi hotspot, if you also have a HDMI monitor connected, you should see a message that the device has been detected.

Note: To not interfere with each other, there must be about 130Mhz of "space" between Hotspot frequency and wifibroadcast video transmission frequency. The internal Pi3 wifi card only supports frequencies from 2412MHz to 2472Mhz, so if using the internal wifi card, it's not possible to use the 2.4G band for wifibroadcast transmission.

Other external cards have not been tested much, but Ralink based sticks seem to work for 5Ghz so far.

Please also note, that "normal" Wifi transmission is by far not as stable as wifibroadcast transmission, so be aware that there might be stuttering or badblocks, disconnects or other typical wifi issues when using the Wifi Hotspot. If you need a reliable video stream on the android device, consider using the Ethernet Hotspot or USB Tethering.



Hardware Setup

Software Setup

RC Control

Ground Stations

Expert Settings

Extensions / AddOns

  • HDMI-in cards
  • WebCams
  • Video Switcher
  • Thermal (FLIR, Seek)
  • 360° cameras


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