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Releases: pace-neutrons/Euphonic


21 Feb 17:02
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  • Bug fixes

    • Make Spectrum directly accessible from euphonic.spectra. (This was
      accidentally lost in a refactor, affecting downstream that uses
      Spectrum as a type annotation.)


13 Feb 22:54
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  • Bug fixes

    • CASTEP 25.1 allows Born effective charges to be calculated by
      Berry Phase methods without a corresponding dielectric tensor. In
      such cases, no long-range term can be subtracted from the Force
      Constants (or reconstructed). Euphonic uses the presence of Born
      effective charges to indicate such a subtraction; to prevent
      ill-defined cases, ForceConstants now sets both Born charges and
      dielectric tensor to None if only one was provided.

    • An optional parameter is provided to change how bin edges are
      obtained from bin centres: previously the bin edges were constrained
      to the initial data range, but this can lead to incorrect scaling
      when performing broadening. Variable-width broadening schemes are
      now allowed to extrapolate the bin edges in order to get the correct
      width scaling.

      Outside of broadening, the default behaviour is unchanged in order
      to maintain backward compatibility. This is likely to be changed
      in the next "major version" (i.e. API-breaking release) of

  • Maintenance

    • The euphonic.spectra module has been broken up into a subpackage
      with the single-spectrum classes defined in euphonic.spectra.base
      and the collections in euphonic.spectra.collections. This is not a
      breaking change: the public classes, functions and type annotations
      remain importable from euphonic.spectra.

    • CASTEP 25.1 includes an extra field in .castep_bin files,
      indicating whether Born effective charges were read from an
      external file. For clarity and safety, this field is now
      explicitly read by the Euphonic .castep_bin parser, but remains unused.

    • The release process has been reworked to reduce manual steps: a
      top-level "release" action will now sequence most of the
      steps. (Post-release testing is still separate.)


12 Feb 16:01
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v1.4.1rc2 Pre-release

This pre-release was created to test changes to release workflow. See v1.4.1rc1 for summary of changes.


12 Feb 11:34
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v1.4.1rc1 Pre-release
  • Bug fixes

    • CASTEP 25.1 allows Born effective charges to be calculated by
      Berry Phase methods without a corresponding dielectric tensor. In
      such cases, no long-range term can be subtracted from the Force
      Constants (or reconstructed). Euphonic uses the presence of Born
      effective charges to indicate such a subtraction; to prevent
      ill-defined cases, ForceConstants now sets both Born charges and
      dielectric tensor to None if only one was provided.

    • An optional parameter is provided to change how bin edges are
      obtained from bin centres: previously the bin edges were constrained
      to the initial data range, but this can lead to incorrect scaling
      when performing broadening. Variable-width broadening schemes are
      now allowed to extrapolate the bin edges in order to get the correct
      width scaling.

      Outside of broadening, the default behaviour is unchanged in order
      to maintain backward compatibility. This is likely to be changed
      in the next "major version" (i.e. API-breaking release) of

  • Maintenance

    • The euphonic.spectra module has been broken up into a subpackage
      with the single-spectrum classes defined in euphonic.spectra.base
      and the collections in euphonic.spectra.collections. This is not a
      breaking change: the public classes, functions and type annotations
      remain importable from euphonic.spectra.

    • CASTEP 25.1 includes an extra field in .castep_bin files,
      indicating whether Born effective charges were read from an
      external file. For clarity and safety, this field is now
      explicitly read by the Euphonic .castep_bin parser, but remains unused.

    • The release process has been reworked to reduce manual steps: a
      top-level "release" action will now sequence most of the
      steps. (Post-release testing is still separate.)


12 Dec 16:31
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  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug in the version numbering mechanism affecting builds from sdist
      on Windows and environments where Git is unavailable

    • Reduce size of sdist, removing docs and tests from
      archive. (Restoring similar size to pre-v1.4.0 releases.)

  • Maintenance

    • Source builds automatically tested on Windows as part of
      build/deployment process


05 Dec 16:19
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This release includes some significant modernisation and maintenance,
as well as new features and performance enhancements.

  • Requirements

    • Python 3.8, 3.9 is no longer supported

    • Python 3.12 is supported

    • importlib_resources backport is no longer required

    • toolz <>_ is
      a new requirement

    • Some other dependency requirements have been increased in order
      to simplify maintenance and testing:

      • Minimum version of numpy increased from 1.19.3 to 1.24.0

      • Minimum version of matplotlib increased from 3.2 to 3.8

      • Minimum version of Pint increased from 0.19 to 0.22

      • Minimum version of PyYAML increased from 3.13 to 6.0

      • Minimum version of h5py increaased from 2.10 to 3.6

      • Minimum version of threadpoolctl increased from 1.0 to 3.0.

  • Improvements

    • A "reciprocal_spectroscopy" Pint context is made available in the
      unit registry for tricky conversions between reciprocal
      frequency/energy units. It is not active by default but can be
      enabled with e.g.

      (10 * ureg("1 / meV")).to("cm", "reciprocal_spectroscopy")

      This can also help to avoid divide-by-zero issues when performing
      energy <-> wavenumber conversions.

    • A Spectrum2DCollection class has been added to euphonic.spectra,
      which shares many features with Spectrum1DCollection

      • In particular, the iter_metadata method is recommended when
        one needs to iterate over the collection metadata without
        copying the spectral data to new objects.
    • Both Spectrum1DCollection and Spectrum2DCollection have a
      .from_spectra() constructor with an "unsafe" option which
      bypasses some consistency checks on the component data. This
      should only be used when confident that these will be consistent,
      such as when iterating over an existing collection.

    • Performance optimisations have been made to the "item getter" for
      Spectrum1DCollection (and Spectrum2DCollection); it should now be
      significantly faster to access and iterate over the contained

    • A euphonic.writers.phonon_website module has been added with a
      function to export QpointPhononModes to appropriate JSON for use
      with the phonon visualisation website

      From the command-line, this can be accessed with a
      --save-web-json argument to the euphonic-dispersion tool.

  • Bug fixes

    • Metadata strings from Castep-imported PDOS data are now converted
      from numpy strings to native Python strings.

    • Spectra from CASTEP .phonon_dos files are now imported with units
      of reciprocal energy (e.g. 1/meV)

  • Maintenance

    • Cleared up unit-conversion-related warnings, de-cluttering the
      expected test suite output.

    • The Spectrum1DCollection class was significantly refactored to
      support addition of Spectrum2DCollection and improve

    • Entire build system rework, migrating to pyproject.toml form
      with meson-python, cibuildwheel and removing
      versioneer to simplify future development and maintenance.


16 Jul 14:58
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WARNING: the PyPI wheels for this release are built against "old" Numpy and will not work with Numpy 2.0. Source builds against the new Numpy ABI are expected to work.

  • Requirements

    • packaging library added to dependencies.
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed an error loading QpointPhononModes from JSON when there is a
      single q-point in the data
  • Improvements

    • When loading .castep_bin files, explicitly check the CASTEP
      version number and give a useful error message if this is < 17.1.
      (These files are missing information about the unit cell origins,
      and would previously cause an error with an unhelpful message.)
  • Maintenance

    • Compatibility fix for spglib 2.4 update: a new sanity-check in
      spglib raises TypeError when using empty unit cell and this needs
      handling when looking for high-symmetry labels

    • Compatibility fix for Numpy 2.0 update: avoid some
      broadcasting issues with array shape returned by np.unique

    • Update reference to scipy.integrate.simpson (scipy.integrate.simps
      is deprecated)

    • Filter out spglib deprecation warnings caused by SeeK-path.


31 Jan 14:25
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  • Maintenance

    • Updated versioneer for compatibility with Python 3.12
    • In tests, avoid checking an attribute of 3D plots which is unreliable in
      recent matplotlib versions
    • Update readthedocs configuration to fix documentation builds


07 Sep 14:02
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  • Requirements

    • Python 3.7 is no longer supported

    • Minimum version of scipy increased from 1.1 to 1.10

      • This requires numpy >= 1.19.5
    • Minimum version of matplotlib increased from 2.2.2 to 3.2.0

    • Minimum version of pint increased from 0.10.1 to 0.19

    • Minimum version of h5py increaased form 2.8 to 2.10

  • Improvements

    • Added variable-width broadening for 1-D and 2-D spectra. An
      arbitrary Callable can be provided relating the axis position to
      Gaussian or Lorentzian width parameter. euphonic-dos and
      euphonic-powder-map CLI tools accept polynomial coefficients
      as input. The broadening is implemented with the fast approximate
      interpolation method already available for adaptive broadening of

    • Added features to Spectrum classes

      • Added copy() methods returning an independent duplicate of data

      • Added __mul__ and __imul__ methods to Spectrum
        classes. This allows results to be conveniently scaled with
        infix notation * or *=

    • Added --scale parameter to euphonic-dos,
      euphonic-intensity-map, euphonic-powder-map to allow
      arbitrary scaling of results from command-line. (e.g. for
      comparison with experiment, or changing DOS normalisation from 1
      to 3N.)

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Changed the masking logic for kinematic constraints: instead of
      requiring energy bin to entirely fall within accessible range at
      Q-bin mid-point, unmask bins if any part of energy range is
      accessible at this Q value. This gives much more intuitive
      behaviour, especially for narrow angle ranges.


19 Jul 16:09
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  • Improvements

    • Added "prefer_non_loto" option to Castep .phonon file
      importers. When this is enabled, a block of q-points are
      encountered with splitting directions, and one q-point does not
      have a splitting direction, the data at this "exact" q-point is
      preferred and the other weights in the group are set to zero.

      This provides the intended behaviour of the Abins Castep parser
      and should give a reasonable result for Gamma-point only Castep

      The option is disabled by default, so existing scripts will not be

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Allow color to be passed as an extra kwarg to plot_1d and
      plot_1d_to_axis. Previously this caused a TypeError.
    • Fix bug where Py_None was not incremented before returning from
      calculate_phonons() in the C-extension causing a deallocation crash
    • Support phonopy.yaml files from Phonopy versions >= 1.18, which
      have moved the data relating to dipole-dipole
      corrections. (i.e. Born effective charges, static dielectric
      tensor and a related unit conversion factor.)
  • Maintenance:

    • A deprecation in Numpy 1.25, which indirectly caused a test failure, has been addressed.