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Releases: pace-neutrons/Euphonic


15 Feb 10:03
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  • Improvements:

    • Euphonic now tests on Python 3.11
    • Euphonic now provides PyPI wheels for Python 3.11
  • New features:

    • You can now perform linear interpolation of phonon frequencies and
      eigenvectors with the Brille <>_
      library using the new
      euphonic.brille.BrilleInterpolator object. This should provide
      performance improvements for large unit cells which require the
      dipole correction.
    • There is a new command-line tool euphonic-brille-convergence to
      assist with choosing the BrilleInterpolator.from_force_constants
      arguments to achieve the desired accuracy.
    • Brille interpolation can be accessed from the euphonic-powder-map tool
      using the new --use-brille, --brille-grid-type, --brille-npts
      and --brille-npts-density arguments.


10 Nov 11:29
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  • New features:

    • There is a new function ForceConstants.from_total_fc_with_dipole to allow
      reading force constants from other programs which contain long-ranged
      dipole-dipole interactions.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Avoid occasional segmentation faults when using OpenBLAS, workaround for
      #191 <>_
    • Correctly read force constants from Phonopy with dipole-dipole
      interactions, see #239 <>_.


02 Aug 07:49
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  • Changes:

    • Support for Python 3.6 has been dropped. This has also resulted in
      changes to the following dependencies:

      • numpy requirement increased from 1.12.1 to 1.14.5
      • scipy requirement increased from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
      • pint requirement increased from 0.9 to 0.10.1
      • matplotlib requirement increased from 2.0.0 to 2.2.2
      • h5py requirement increased from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0
    • The following deprecated features have been removed:

      • The return_mode_widths argument in ForceConstants.calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes
        and ForceConstants.calculate_qpoint_frequencies has been removed
      • The eta_scale argument in calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes/frequencies
        has been removed
      • The alias command-line tool argument --weights has been removed
      • The alias arguments x_label, y_label, y_min and y_max to
        plot_1d/2d have been removed
      • The modes_from_file and force_constants_from_file functions from
        euphonic.cli.utils have been removed
      • Calling broaden on a Spectrum with uneven bin widths without
        specifying the method='convolve' argument will now raise a ValueError
    • DOS and PDOS calculated by the calculate_dos and
      calculate_dos_map methods of QpointPhononModes and
      QpointFrequencies, and QpointPhononModes.calculate_pdos are
      now calculated per atom rather than per unit cell (integrated area
      is 3 rather than 3*N_atom). This is to keep consistency with
      the structure factors calculated by
      QpointPhononModes.calculate_structure_factor which are calculated
      per atom.

    • The option average_repeat_points when importing q-point modes or
      frequencies from a CASTEP .phonon file with
      QpointFrequencies/QpointPhononModes.from_castep is now True
      by default. To recover previous behaviour set this to False.


07 Jul 10:12
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v0.6.5 Pre-release
  • New Features:

    • Kinematic constraints have been implemented for 2-D S(q,w)-like data.

      • A function euphonic.spectra.apply_kinematic_constraints(Spectrum2d, **kwargs) -> Spectrum2D
        is implemented which masks out inaccessible data, replacing it with NaN.
      • Both direct-geometry and indirect-geometry are supported, by
        using the appropriate argument to set incident or final neutron energy.
      • This function is exposed to the euphonic-powder-map tool, so these
        plots can be produced directly from the CLI.
      • Some parameters from real-world instruments are collected in the
        documentation for convenience.
    • There is a new function euphonic.util.convert_fc_phases, which converts
      a force constants matrix which uses the atom coordinates in the phase
      during interpolation (Phonopy-like), to one which uses the cell origin
      coordinates (Euphonic, CASTEP-like).

    • When importing q-point modes or frequencies from a CASTEP .phonon
      file, a new option (average_repeat_points=True) allows
      repeated entries (with the same q-point index) to be identified
      and their weights divided down by the number of entries. This
      option should give better statistics for sampling meshes that
      include the Gamma-point with LO-TO splitting.

  • Improvements:

    • Documentation on the shape and format of the force constants, and how to
      read them from other programs has been improved.

    • The euphonic.util.get_qpoint_labels function, which is called when
      importing band-structure data to identify and label significant points,
      primarily identifies these points by searching for turning-points
      in the band path. The function will now also pick up any q-point
      that appears twice in succession. This is a common convention in
      band-structure calculations and helps with edge-cases such as when
      the path passes through a high-symmetry point without changing
      direction. This may pick up some previously-missing points in
      band-structure plots generated with euphonic-dispersion and

  • Bug fixes:

    • Allow read of phonopy.yaml quantities in 'au' (bohr) units.
      Previously this was interpreted as an astronomical unit by Pint.


01 Mar 11:57
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v0.6.4 Pre-release
  • Improvements:

    • The euphonic-dos, euphonic-dispersion and
      euphonic-intensity-map command-line tools can now read
      files that don't contain eigenvectors, if eigenvectors are
      not required for the chosen options.

    • A new --save-json option is available for command-line tools
      which produce plots, this will output the produced spectrum to
      a Euphonic .json file.

    • There is now the option to use a fast, approximate variable-width broadening method when
      adaptively broadening dos:

      • Added new adaptive_method and adaptive_error arguments for calculate_dos
        which specify which adaptive broadening method to use (reference or fast) and an
        acceptable error level when using the fast method.
      • Fast adaptive broadening can be used in the euphonic-dos tool with the
        --adaptive-method and --adaptive-error arguments.
  • Changes:

    • euphonic.cli.force_constants_from_file and modes_from_file
      have been deprecated in favour of euphonic.cli.load_data_from_file.
    • Using Spectrum1D/1DCollection/2D.broaden on an axis with unequal
      bin widths is now deprecated, as broadening is performed via convolution,
      which is incorrect in this case. In the future, this will raise a
      ValueError. To broaden anyway, method='convolve' can be supplied,
      which will just emit a warning.


26 Oct 08:09
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v0.6.3 Pre-release
  • New Features:

    • New Spectrum1D.to_text_file and Spectrum1DCollection.to_text_file
      methods to write to column text files

    • An expanded and consistent set of styling options is made
      available for command-line tools that produce plots.

    • Consistent styling and advanced changes can be made using
      Matplotlib stylesheet files, either as a CLI argument or
      using in a Python script.

  • Improvements:

    • Internally, plot theming has been adjusted to rely on Matplotlib
      style contexts. This means user changes and style context are more
      likely to be respected.
    • Additional aliases for plot arguments in the command-line tools have
      been added, for example either --x-label or --xlabel can be used.
  • Changes:

    • x_label, y_label, y_min and y_max in euphonic.plot
      functions have been deprecated in favour of xlabel, ylabel,
      ymin and ymax respectively, to match the Matplotlib arguments
      they refer to, and to match other arguments like vmin, vmax.


08 Sep 13:52
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v0.6.2 Pre-release
  • Improvements:

    • Wheels are now provided with PyPI releases
    • Type hinting is now handled more consistently across different Euphonic
      classes and functions
  • Bug Fixes:

    • Will no longer raise a KeyError reading from phonopy.yaml if
      physical_unit key is not present, instead will assume default units
    • Can now read Phonopy BORN files where the (optional) NAC conversion
      factor is not present


13 Jul 08:53
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v0.6.1 Pre-release
  • Bug fixes:

    • The scaling of S(Q,w) as produced by StructureFactor.calculate_sqw_map
      was incorrect, and did not correctly scale with energy bin size (given its
      units are now length**2/energy). This has been fixed, and S(Q,w) scale
      has changed by a factor of (hartee to energy bin unit conversion)/(energy
      bin width magnitude). e.g. if using an energy bin width of 0.1 meV, the new
      S(Q,w) will be scaled by 2.72e4/0.1 = 2.72e5. The original structure factors
      can now be correctly recovered by multiplying S(Q,w) by the energy bin width.


02 Jul 14:30
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v0.6.0 Pre-release
  • Euphonic can now calculate neutron-weighted partial density of states, and
    has new Spectra features to handle PDOS data:

    • Added QpointPhononModes.calculate_pdos method
    • Added QpointFrequencies.calculate_dos_map method
    • New Spectrum1D.__add__ method, which adds 2 spectra together
    • New Spectrum1DCollection.__add__ method, which concatenates 2 collections
    • Enabled indexing of Spectrum1DCollection by a sequence
    • Added Spectrum1DCollection.group_by method, which allows grouping and
      summing spectra by metadata keys e.g. group_by('species')
    • Added method, which allows selection
      of spectra by metadata keys e.g. select(species='Si')
    • Added Spectrum1DCollection.sum method, which sums all spectra in a
    • Added -w={'coherent-dos','incoherent-dos','coherent-plus-incoherent-dos'}
      neutron-weighted PDOS options to euphonic-dos and euphonic-powder-map
    • Added --pdos options for plotting specific species PDOS to
      euphonic-dos and euphonic-powder-map
    • Deprecated --weights command-line argument in favour of --weighting
      for consistency with calculate_pdos
  • Improvements:

    • LICENSE and CITATION.cff <>_
      files are now included in Euphonic's installation
    • Add ability to interactively change the colormap intensity limits
      in euphonic-powder-map
    • euphonic-optimise-dipole-parameter can now read from Phonopy sources
    • euphonic-optimise-dipole-parameter can now also be used for non-polar
      materials to get general per-qpoint timings
    • Dimensioned Euphonic properties (e.g. frequencies, cell_vectors)
      now have setters so can be set, previously this would raise an
  • Changes:

    • The units of density of states as produced by calculate_dos have
      changed from dimensionless to 1/energy
    • The scaling of density of states has also changed. Previously the
      integration would sum to 1 (if the x_data were converted to Hartree
      units), now the integration will sum to 3N in the same units as x_data
    • StructureFactor.structure_factors have been changed to be in absolute
      units per atom (rather than per unit cell) so will have changed by a
      factor of 1/2*n_atoms, this formulation change has been reflected in the
      calculate_structure_factor docstring
    • The default unit of StructureFactor.structure_factors has been changed
      from angstrom**2 to millibarn
    • The unit of S(Q,w) as produced by StructureFactor.calculate_sqw_map
      has changed dimension from length**2 to length**2/energy. Also,
      as its unit is derived from the input StructureFactor object, its
      default units are now millibarn/meV
    • The eta_scale argument in calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes has been
      deprecated, dipole_parameter should be used instead.
    • This means the euphonic-optimise-eta script has been renamed to


02 Jun 09:30
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v0.5.2 Pre-release
  • Improvements:

    • Added broaden method to Spectrum1DCollection
  • Changes:

    • The return_mode_widths argument in calculate_qpoint_phonon_modes
      has been deprecated in favour of return_mode_gradients. The mode
      widths can still be obtained from the mode gradients with
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed memory leak when using the C extension and making multiple calls to
    • Fixed bug which resulted in incorrect energy bins being generated
      in euphonic-powder-map if units other than meV are used and
      --e-max and --e-min aren't specified
    • Use correct number of energy bins in euphonic-intensity-map,
      euphonic-powder-map and euphonic-dos. Previously only
      ebins - 1 bins were generated