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Xuan Mai PHAM edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

scRNAbox is a single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) pipeline specifically designed for analyzing data under a High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems using the Slurm Workload Manager. The scRNAbox pipeline leverages the Seurat v4 framework and incorporates eight analytical steps into a comprehensive scRNAseq analysis that provides the foundation for further investigations.

More information can be found on the scRNAbox tool page.

For this example, we used the tutorial available on the scRNAbox page. It illustrates the steps taken to analyze the midbrain dataset (Smajic et al. 2022) that was presented in their pre-print manuscript. This dataset describes single-nuclei transcriptomes from the post-mortem midbrains of five individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and six controls sequenced separately.

Launch scRNAbox task

File requirement: file(s) has to be registered as a FASTQ collection and follow the FASTQ file naming convention.

File(s) selection

From the Files tab, select the required file(s) and click launch.


Tool selection

From the tool box, select the tool, execution server and the version then Launch scRNAbox count

If you want to run a quick run test, we recommend selecting Converter-1 or Converter-2.


Task control setting

  1. Choose the data provider where you want to save your results (for example MainStore)
  2. Choose your project
  3. Set up your Task parameters


Task parameters setting


  • For this exercise, we will go through steps 1-2
  • The task parameters values follow the scRNAbox github page tutorial
  • Every option marked with a red asterisk is mandatory


  • Step 1



  • Step 2


Task results

  • Click on Tasks to monitor the status of your task(s)

  • Once your task is completed (or failed), you will get a new notification


  • Click on the task to get the results


  • Click on the Output files to view your results

You can go deeper into the files by clicking on Expand



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