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TractoFlow UKBiobank process
The full documentation provided by Brent McPherson, is available on Beluga at the following path:
- Developer: Brent McPherson
- TractoFlow Version: v2.2.1
- GitHub of processing notes: github
- Container Link: Docker Hub
TractoFlow performs a sequence of noise removal and correction steps that prepare dMRI data (and a required T1w image) for further analysis. Additionally, it performs a standard sequence of common models and stores the most commonly used derivatives.
The processing steps are performed on both the dMRI and structural MRI (sMRI; T1w) images. The T1w images are used for registration and to improve the quality of the default tractography.
Data are available for the first 2 imaging time points (ses-2
and ses-3
), with the majority of participants with complete inputs available in the .squashfs
Processing for ses-3
will continue as more data is made available
through the project.
TractoFlow data is currently archived at the following path:
Within this directory, there are 2 folders with TractoFlow outputs:
and tractoflow_creating
Completed archives typically contain between 150-200 participant outputs.
Contains the initial processing of the majority of the subjects available for the first imaging time point
). However, some of these archived outputs are incomplete. Typically, if they are incomplete they are only missing the tractography. This is typically from a timeout due to slow performance from the single threaded PFT Tracking implemented by scilpy.
Newly completed subjects will be added and archived as completed.
Contains a large batch of the attempted and incomplete ses-2
participants as well as participants that were not
completed as part of the first attempt.
Additionally, this is where all the completed ses-3
archives are stored. More will be added as data are released.
Bet_DWI Bet_T1 Crop_DWI Denoise_DWI DTI_Metrics Extract_B0 Extract_FODF_Shell N4_DWI Normalize_DWI PFT_Tracking Register_T1 Resample_DWI Segment_Tissues
Bet_Prelim_DWI Compute_FRF Crop_T1 Denoise_T1 Eddy_Topup Extract_DTI_Shell FODF_Metrics N4_T1 PFT_Seeding_Mask PFT_Tracking_Maps Resample_B0 Resample_T1 Topup
sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_bet_mask.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_bet.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__dwi_bet.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_bet_mask_dilated.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_bet_mask.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_bet.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__t1_bet_mask.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__t1_bet.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_cropped.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_mask_cropped.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__dwi_cropped.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__t1_bet_cropped.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__t1_bet_mask_cropped.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__ad.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__evecs.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__ga.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__pulsation_std_dwi.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__residual_q1_residuals.npy sub-1000083_ses-2__tensor.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__evals_e1.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__evecs_v1.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__md.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__rd.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__residual_q3_residuals.npy
sub-1000083_ses-2__evals_e2.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__evecs_v2.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__mode.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__residual_iqr_residuals.npy sub-1000083_ses-2__residual_residuals_stats.png
sub-1000083_ses-2__evals_e3.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__evecs_v3.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__nonphysical.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__residual_mean_residuals.npy sub-1000083_ses-2__residual_std_residuals.npy
sub-1000083_ses-2__evals.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__fa.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__norm.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__residual.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__rgb.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_bet_mask.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__bval_eddy sub-1000083_ses-2__dwi_corrected.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__dwi_eddy_corrected.bvec
sub-1000083_ses-2__bval_dti sub-1000083_ses-2__bvec_dti sub-1000083_ses-2__dwi_dti.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__bval_fodf sub-1000083_ses-2__bvec_fodf sub-1000083_ses-2__dwi_fodf.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__afd_max.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__afd_sum.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__afd_total.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__fodf.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__nufo.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__peak_indices.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__peaks.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__dwi_normalized.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2_fa_wm_mask.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__interface.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__map_exclude.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__map_include.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__output0GenericAffine.mat sub-1000083_ses-2__output1InverseWarp.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__output1Warp.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__t1_mask_warped.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__t1_warped.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_mask_resampled.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__b0_resampled.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__map_csf.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__map_gm.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__map_wm.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__mask_csf.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__mask_gm.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__mask_wm.nii.gz
sub-1000083_ses-2__corrected_b0s.nii.gz sub-1000083_ses-2__rev_b0_warped.nii.gz topup_results_fieldcoef.nii.gz topup_results_movpar.txt
- Brain Extraction (FSL)
- Denoising (MRTrix3)
- TopUp (FSL)
- Eddy (FSL)
- N4 Bias Field Correction (ANTs)
- Resampling (Dipy)
- DTI Metrics (Dipy)
- fODF Metrics (Dipy)
- Particle Filter (PFT) Tractography (scilpy)
- Brain Extraction (ANTs)
- Denoising (Dipy)
- N4 Bias Field Removal (ANTs)
- Resampling (Dipy)
- Registration (Dipy)
- Tissue Segmentation (FSL)
For any questions or issues related to the registration process for accessing the UK Biobank data through the McGill agreement, please contact the NeuroHub team by email at [email protected].
For any questions or issues specifically related to accessing the NeuroHub portal or using any of the NeuroHub features and functionalities, please contact the NeuroHub team by email at [email protected].
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- Accessing the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform(CONP) datasets
- Accessing the HCP(Human Connectome Project) datasets
- Accessing the UK Biobank dataset
- Accessing the ABCD dataset
- Accessing the OpenNeuro dataset