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Relevant Future Enhancements and General Roadmap (Preserved Rants)

Loki The Great edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 1 revision

Okay so let's try this instead In the interest of time I'm going to attempt to summarize precisely what the changes are that I intend to include in future versions of project.

at one point I decided I was going to include data from the National Park Service which included not only shelter locations but Trail shapefiles

additionally there where hazardous species data that would actually have been retrieve from another one of the sister size related to I believe the USGS of course all of these links essentially will be included in these pages in time to come.

when determining the algorithms are actually engaging in pathfinding I was going to use the a sharp algorithm as a basis for incorporating not only geospatial data but also data that related to various conditions that a human being who was traveling may be interested in

also one must consider the psychological characteristics of the average human being and the responses or I should say States at their ability to engage and simple cognitive tasks under the effects of various environmental stressors

this includes things such as humidity temperature relative encumbrance as well as the physical shaping individual is in such as to whether or not they are overweight absurd and others physical disorders but obviously we would have to choose a base line as what would be considered to be an average human being place in this scenario

studies of Interest would include for example the effects on problem-solving ability adarius temperature ranges in varying levels of insulative clothing also variable consideration being the amount of time that an individual has been exposed to these various temperature branches and levels and encumbrance

there's also dietary considerations to being booted when plotting a path safely not only the availability of food and water but also the requirements of an individual throughout the day the best times to eat how many calories in needs taken how much protein they need to process and what levels of protein in pinto combined with physical activity holdfast and the adaptation of their body and their musculature and what levels they are to be consumed and at what levels the digestive organs will actually process as much how to consume nutrients as possible integrating them into muscle or tissue along with obviously things such as calcium integration into the bone structure cabin in general what will be the most efficient diet for an individual it was engaging in such rigorous activity such as traveling on foot over long distances

another layer of interest is the location of various clean Springs that have natural filtration in place such as sand or Rock based off of aquifers

there's a consideration of recuperation time as well which simply poses the question of how far can a person walk under a certain load until they reach a point where at least a day of recuperation time will be required

these are all considerations that need to be taken into account when plotting the best and safest path that will lead from point A to point B and also direct an individual voice certain hazards while simultaneously placing them in a scenario where they will have access to all resources places rest necessary from them to actually achieve goal of traveling on foot from point A to point B

consideration of this I have included a database of food stores including those that actually accept Snap and EBT

basic consideration of BMI height and base wait before taking to account body fat ratio an individual possesses

additionally will be useful would be a retail database putting the prices of various food items and also nutritional information When taking into account USGA values of suggested daily nutrient levels

most important thing is a presence of Clean Water especially when an individual is exerting cells for long periods of time this is especially in certain States is a greater pitfalls and one actually would estimate

example of the presence of heavily polluted alkaline polluted waterways in such locations as state of Wyoming would render quite a few water filtration units completely useless

there's also the consideration of various top of various topographical differences as an Ascent is obviously much harder on the body as is the actual difference between extreme and slight gradation the path of the person is traveling on

obviously one thing being assumed is that the individual is for example not riding a bike that are actually walking that could be included in this scenario it does greatly limit where a person is able to travel

from some research database study should be located which will allow us to model based off of a wide stratum of research subjects what physical limits we should consider when determining What Not only is safe but what is actually possible breaking down and individuals progression from point A to point B within reasonable limits that are achievable by the average individual also to some degree providing them advisory as to what represents proper gearing prevent them from succumbing to the meteorological hazards that they may encounter in their Journey

obviously as a baseline model for success what should we consider the following major factors

Their ability to think. Their physical comfort eliminating of the exhaustive of effects of environmental exposure cold and heat extreme sap the mind lack of cleanliness exacerbates wear and tear on the body by encouraging bacterial and fungal growth Their belief that they are safe and secure this affects their ability to rest deeply this affects our overall Outlook this affects motivational level Providing them a safe places in which they may rest without fear of theft or attack the effects of the environment on their emotions in general extreme heat increases aggressive tendencies in humans The effects of the environment on those that they may encounter for the same reasons the nature of those that they may encounter Crime Relative wealth level Helpfulness these are all basic sociological and psychological concerns when it comes to what one may encounter and everyday life to begin with but are more important when one finds oneself in a survival situation obviously human beings are not meant to survive on their own for very long they require you to the products of other persons people's labor for the assistance of other people in tasks that are obviously beyond their physical and mental capacity to accomplish on their own and why we seem to believe somehow that we have conquered the Wild Thing reality is is at the wild can very easily devour us if we allow it simple says things such as exposure are the prime example of just how frail the human body actually is

the presence of parasitic organisms in the range of other harmful organisms would greatly affect a person's at least they are in some way threatened as well as their overall Outlook

areas with your Marsh being swampy for example we do not only provide a certain level of hindrance for an individual who is traveling on foot but would also be more likely to be a spawning place for annoying and disease spreading insects such as mosquitoes

one would find a higher level of incidence of diseases such as Lyme disease in areas of tall grass in which the average herd animals such as deer would not own a grazing turn off the bed down in

Interestingly enough in the hills in the mountainous regions in multiple portions of the United States similar tall grasses are also a place where a certain species of big cats have a tendency to be on the hunt as that is what they are designed to blend in with Pumas tend to hide in the old grass in relatively uninhabited regions in places such as Pennsylvania

While most predatory restaurants in the United States with the exception of certain reptilian one reptiles and pythons a relatively avoidant of human beings there are time. Especially during periods of famine when they become more aggressive towards humans

so it's not really about becoming fearful one's environment is the proper Outlook that we are not most especially in a solitary state well adapted as a species to defend ourselves and we could go get our environment with a certain level of respect and not so much apprehension set a realistic Outlook on the fact that basically what amounts to a shaved monkey with no claws short teeth and a limited overland speed is not so well adapted against something like a pack of f****** wolves.

therefore one of the larger factors that should be incorporated into the algorithm to determine whether or not a person should wander certain direction should be the presence of such species which the individual would not only temporarily catch disease from but it also might Prey Upon the individual if they were to fall into a situation in which they are more vulnerable than they ordinarily would be

there are horror stories of individuals who stay for example we're pinned underneath of a vehicle or Rock or some other obstruction attracting the attention of envying creative on my creatures that one would not ordinarily assumed were threats to human beings such as foxes coyotes etc

especially when an individual is by themselves avoidance is usually the best practice eliminate the possibility of being brought into conflict with one's environment

this obviously are all being written before and transcribed before I'm kind of a little bit annoyed

so therefore species database that I have located I needs to be combined with additional data such as the presence of diseases that are communicable diseases to humans being carried by very species such as rabies Lyme disease excetera I'm not really certain if there is a greater number of things to worry about but also the presence of parasites in these creatures would also make them for food animals in the case that hunting was a method by which an individual to augment their food supply

there may be times a year where those parasites are more present than they ordinarily would if an individual that I spoke with recently is to be believed I would wish to verify this myself

I know that for example during the winter and he generally encounter something like a skunk you have to worry about more likelihood that they may have contracted rabies

raccoons are pests unfortunately they also are one of the species which more frequently carries rabies otherwise they are incredibly docile creature and we'll avoid humans or stay at a healthy distance from mostly like foxes being opportunistic and scavengers as well

obviously ideal situations do not exist in which an individual can just simply stay awake all possible threats however minimizing this Frets should be easy I'm pretty sure swampland in waterlogged land I'm more than likely included and quite a few GIS databases

they're in again the consideration of how much a person can actually Carry until the point of diminishing returns is encountered is also an important item to take into consideration

I think in general what they wanted they don't want people to make too many changes and it won't be able to give up on anything that could be considered to be in some way productive because I want everybody to remain completely reliant on the crap civilization they have created when in reality I never asked to be around people who are so f****** freakish that they can't live their lives without being miserable or stressed out and go so far as to actually seek out the ability to victimize or ruin the happiness of others as a piece of crap generally seem to

sometimes it's in the most Insidious a ways which leads to another likelihood which is crime statistics I really don't paint the entire picture are still to be considered as they will face people in Perry is of high crime that actually fit statistics that are being reported to the point where they are actually being planned so area is that historically show large amounts of violent crime that is the presence of Social and human predators should also probably considered as well but there's more to that then meets the eye some of the sickest people live in middle-class and affluent neighborhoods

actually in our present State of Affairs that seems to be more and more the case

I think that I pretty much got it all at this particular point so to recap

first we must consider what the average human being is capable of enduring

second we must consider what the average human being ideally would endure that would not only their restfulness it also their feelings of psychological well-being and optimize their ability to think and problem solve

third we must consider the locations of various forms of man-made shelter which are available

Fourth must consider the location of clean water sources

Fifth we must consider the location of natural hazards such as swamps marshes waterlogged land areas that have been stripped of underbrush inhibiting tree cover

sixth we must consider not only the time of year location together, as this will affect wind average temperature humidity inclement weather level of precipitation ultraviolet radiation one might be exposed example given the intensity of the Sun which in itself is a major inhibitor

Seventh consider what areas are more likely to be a spawning point for various parasitic organisms such as mosquitoes it must take into account the range I said parasitic organisms and other pests

you must take into account this is not the first time we have made this recording

Eighth must consider the incidence rate county-by-county more likely is the most precise level of granularity that will likely be available or data is concerned regarding infection of human beings and animals by certain cross-species communicable diseases such as rabies and Lyme disease and thereby either an advisory related to precautions or boundary essentially that it has indicative of an area that should not be entered or should be marked as one to be avoided and which is the likelihood of the contraction of one of these diseases is elevated face off of available historical data also based off of range of creatures that are more likely to carry these communicable diseases

Ninth too much consider the presence of various forms of can a provider resources such as restaurants homeless shelters snap and EBT retailers some food retailers in general

Tenth we must consider also the relative price levels represented by a shaving are nutritional needs I'm various is competitors in this

el eventh there is also the relative exertion required to Traverse one landscape over another based off of gains in elevation and the grade of one roadway or path versus another

also one might consider Road and traffic conditions as well as a present stupid large numbers of Motor Vehicles I might just leave that as it is

has the presence of large number of Motor Vehicles and motorists has a tendency to decrease one's mood and also to expose them to watch amounts of noxious gases noise and air pollution you're definitely not good for one's Mood or health

roadways are concerned that this was a tween various forms of Shelter From the Sun and wind is our other things to be considered

tell as we can see we already have a pretty large shopping list of data that we need to acquire to create an algorithm which sufficiently is capable pedestrians pass around and through not only the human Terrain but the natural Terrain and all the various obstacles that can be encountered therein

additionally objectively rating the importance of these will be necessary for the code itself to be able to make decisions between one route to another without human intervention

see I can do you buy personal experience that what one expects perusing various literature or descriptions of regions an area is one may driving either move travel to travel through or simply survive are very frequently not representative of all possible pitfalls consequences of long-term inhabitants and most specifically of the nature of the piece of crap people who lived in these areas since quite hypocritically I wouldn't say 2010's people have been misrepresenting and how they are more so than previously they had trying to paint this Rosie picture what to expect culturally in various areas I'm guessing that we should give everyone a chance when the reality is is at quite a few people who were painting said Rosy picture or actually just trying to keep people stupid so that they can prey up on them

people such as a misc rising think this is very amusing until it bites them in the ass which inevitably it always will if it has not already

and so has our culture devolved further and further and further over I would say about the last 20 years give or take although the problems that we are presently facing has its roots in the manipulations and inhumanity which has been systematically engaged in or I would say at least since the early nineteen hundreds and its present form of organization

of course it is possible that the nature of these people is pretty much to try to destroy the happiness not only of themselves but anyone else who is trying to live like a human being , which they no longer are, Would cause them to pollute and otherwise dilute publicly available data sources that could be used to circumvent their cruel disgusting games which inevitably lead to their own demises as well

the problem is a circular one description of such a problem is beyond the scope of this particular page

presently I am doing what I always attempt to do which is to diligently layout some form a project or idea wishing someway benefits what I would consider to be at least in theory what remains of the members of the human race deserve to propagate survive but also thrive.

I tell you that the longer that I am exposed to source of Twisted adult-sized children the less of those I actually believe exist any longer

these being the words once more have what in a literary form should have come to be known as Lieutenant Loki born John Robert Sohn

Actually what they should know at this particular point is is that a dad had my way a lot earlier without actually burdened with the knowledge of precisely what they are everyone's life would have been far are you by now and they would behave Universal backup plan in place to avert any possible man-made or natural disaster a long time ago including compensating for the sudden lack of Technology could we have all become so reliant on

however based on the attributes of the condition loop in which we are presently all suffering Within what I have noted is a technology is not even necessary for it to function it's just a helpful Aid which they have been able to pervert towards the purpose of keeping people unaware and going around in circles for many of the vital years of their lives

What Frustrates me about human beings in general especially in the United States is a tendency to keep themselves blind by what they consider to be their personal interest, personal interest that is so blinded by the influence of others they do not even realize that what they are fighting for is to their detriment and those who have created the system of control corruption and subversion have taken that particular manipulatable Factor of human behavior into account a very long time ago

just like essentially the idea that our political system always having been broken it becomes a kind of game by which they feel that those who believe they are truly being taken care of continuing to keep up the farce when in reality is still just the self entitled individuals that believe that they are born better are better, but in reality are just the same kind of dirty filth that comprises the masses of individuals who assist cooperatively in the destruction of our way of life and turning the culmination of four thousand years of human history and turning the path our own personal evolution and the evolution of our species and our culture into a very bad joke.

And still they continue, still they persist in destroying themselves and then revelling in the worse, more psychologically warped, more self assured and damaged, controllable generation that follows and through some kind of misguided idea of self interest simply assist their masters in further destroying what could have, a long time ago, been a better world.

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