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erdOne committed Dec 3, 2023
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39 changes: 19 additions & 20 deletions FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ open scoped NumberField nonZeroDivisors
open FiniteDimensional
open NumberField

variable (p : ℕ+) {K : Type*} [Field K] [NumberField K] [IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K]
variable (p : ℕ+) {K : Type*} [Field K] [NumberField K] -- [IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K]
variable {k : Type*} [Field k] [NumberField k] (hp : Nat.Prime p)

open FiniteDimensional BigOperators Finset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ end fundamentalSystemOfUnits
section application

[Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] [FiniteDimensional k K] -- [IsCyclic (K ≃ₐ[k] K)] -- technically redundant but useful
[Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] [FiniteDimensional k K] [InfinitePlace.IsUnramified k K]
(hKL : finrank k K = p) (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (hσ : ∀ x, x ∈ Subgroup.zpowers σ)

def RelativeUnits (k K : Type*) [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,30 +381,26 @@ local instance : Module.Finite ℤ G := Module.Finite.of_surjective

local instance : Module.Free ℤ G := Module.free_of_finite_type_torsion_free'

lemma NumberField.Units.rank_of_odd (h : Odd (finrank k K)) :
lemma NumberField.Units.rank_of_isUnramified :
NumberField.Units.rank K = (finrank k K) * NumberField.Units.rank k + (finrank k K) - 1 := by
delta NumberField.Units.rank
rw [InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_odd_fintype h, mul_comm, mul_tsub, mul_one, tsub_add_cancel_of_le]
rw [InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_isUnramified (k := k),
mul_comm, mul_tsub, mul_one, tsub_add_cancel_of_le]
refine (mul_one _).symm.trans_le (Nat.mul_le_mul_left _ ?_)
rw [Nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero, ← Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero, Fintype.card_pos_iff]

variable (hp2 : p ≠ 2)

lemma finrank_G (hp2 : p ≠ 2) : finrank ℤ G = (Units.rank k + 1) * (↑p - 1) := by
lemma finrank_G : finrank ℤ G = (Units.rank k + 1) * (↑p - 1) := by
rw [← Submodule.torsion_int]
refine (FiniteDimensional.finrank_quotient_of_le_torsion _ le_rfl).trans ?_
show finrank ℤ (Additive (𝓞 K)ˣ ⧸ AddSubgroup.toIntSubmodule (Subgroup.toAddSubgroup
(MonoidHom.range <| (algebraMap ↥(𝓞 k) ↥(𝓞 K) : ↥(𝓞 k) →* ↥(𝓞 K))))) = _
rw [FiniteDimensional.finrank_quotient]
show _ - finrank ℤ (LinearMap.range <| AddMonoidHom.toIntLinearMap <|
MonoidHom.toAdditive <| (algebraMap ↥(𝓞 k) ↥(𝓞 K) : ↥(𝓞 k) →* ↥(𝓞 K))) = _
have hodd : Odd (finrank k K)
· rw [hKL]; exact hp.odd_of_ne_two ( hp2)
rw [LinearMap.finrank_range_of_inj, NumberField.Units.finrank_eq, NumberField.Units.finrank_eq,
NumberField.Units.rank_of_odd hodd, add_mul, one_mul, mul_tsub, mul_one, mul_comm,
tsub_add_eq_add_tsub, hKL]
NumberField.Units.rank_of_isUnramified (k := k), add_mul, one_mul, mul_tsub, mul_one, mul_comm,
add_tsub_assoc_of_le, tsub_add_eq_add_tsub, hKL]
· exact (mul_one _).symm.trans_le (Nat.mul_le_mul_left _ hp.one_lt.le)
· exact hKL ▸ hp.one_lt.le
· intros i j e
Expand All @@ -416,7 +412,7 @@ lemma finrank_G (hp2 : p ≠ 2) : finrank ℤ G = (Units.rank k + 1) * (↑p - 1
lemma Hilbert91ish :
∃ S : systemOfUnits p G (NumberField.Units.rank k + 1), S.IsFundamental :=
fundamentalSystemOfUnits.existence p hp G (NumberField.Units.rank k + 1)
(finrank_G p hp hKL σ hσ hp2)
(finrank_G p hp hKL σ hσ)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -626,17 +622,18 @@ lemma h_exists' : ∃ (h : ℕ) (ζ : (𝓞 k)ˣ),
-- obtain ⟨ζ, hζ⟩ := this
-- refine ⟨n, hζ.unit', hζ, by simpa only [h] using Nat.find_spec H⟩

lemma Hilbert92ish
[Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] [FiniteDimensional k K] [IsCyclic (K ≃ₐ[k] K)]
(hKL : finrank k K = p) (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (hσ : ∀ x, x ∈ Subgroup.zpowers σ) (hp : Nat.Prime p) :
lemma Hilbert92ish (hp : Nat.Prime p)
[Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] [FiniteDimensional k K] [InfinitePlace.IsUnramified k K]
[IsCyclic (K ≃ₐ[k] K)]
(hKL : finrank k K = p) (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (hσ : ∀ x, x ∈ Subgroup.zpowers σ) :
∃ η : (𝓞 K)ˣ, Algebra.norm k (η : K) = 1 ∧ ∀ ε : (𝓞 K)ˣ, (η : K) ≠ ε / (σ ε : K) := by
obtain ⟨h, ζ, hζ⟩ := h_exists' p (k := k) hp
by_cases H : ∀ ε : (𝓞 K)ˣ, (algebraMap k K ζ) ≠ ε / (σ ε : K)
simp only [ne_eq, not_forall, not_not] at H
obtain ⟨ E, hE⟩:= H
let NE := (RingOfIntegers.norm k ) E
obtain ⟨S, hS⟩ := Hilbert91ish p (K := K) (k := k) hp hKL σ hσ hp2
obtain ⟨S, hS⟩ := Hilbert91ish p (K := K) (k := k) hp hKL σ hσ
have NE_p_pow : (( (algebraMap (𝓞 k) (𝓞 K) ).toMonoidHom ) NE) = E^(p : ℕ) := by sorry
let H := unitlifts p hp hKL σ hσ S
let N : Fin (NumberField.Units.rank k + 1) → Additive (𝓞 k)ˣ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -719,9 +716,11 @@ lemma Hilbert92ish

lemma Hilbert92
[Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] [FiniteDimensional k K]
(hKL : finrank k K = p) (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (hσ : ∀ x, x ∈ Subgroup.zpowers σ) :
∃ η : (𝓞 K)ˣ, Algebra.norm k (η : K) = 1 ∧ ∀ ε : (𝓞 K)ˣ, (η : K) ≠ ε / (σ ε : K) := by sorry
[Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] [FiniteDimensional k K] [InfinitePlace.IsUnramified k K]
(hKL : Nat.Prime (finrank k K)) (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (hσ : ∀ x, x ∈ Subgroup.zpowers σ) :
∃ η : (𝓞 K)ˣ, Algebra.norm k (η : K) = 1 ∧ ∀ ε : (𝓞 K)ˣ, (η : K) ≠ ε / (σ ε : K) :=
letI : IsCyclic (K ≃ₐ[k] K) := ⟨σ, hσ⟩
Hilbert92ish ⟨finrank k K, finrank_pos⟩ hKL rfl σ hσ

end application
Expand Down
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert94.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.RegularPrimes

open scoped NumberField

variable {K : Type*} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [Field K] [NumberField K]
variable [Fintype (ClassGroup (𝓞 K))]

attribute [-instance] instCoeOut

open Polynomial

variable {L} [Field L] [Algebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [IsGalois K L]
variable (σ : L ≃ₐ[K] L) (hσ : ∀ x, x ∈ Subgroup.zpowers σ) (hKL : FiniteDimensional.finrank K L = p)

variable {A B} [CommRing A] [CommRing B] [Algebra A B] [Algebra A L] [Algebra A K]
[Algebra B L] [IsScalarTower A B L] [IsScalarTower A K L] [IsFractionRing A K]
[IsIntegralClosure B A L]

lemma comap_span_galRestrict_eq_of_cyclic (β : B) (η : Bˣ) (hβ : η * (galRestrict A K B L σ) β = β)
(σ' : L ≃ₐ[K] L) :
(Ideal.span {β}).comap (galRestrict A K B L σ') = Ideal.span {β} := by
suffices : (Ideal.span {β}).map
(galRestrict A K B L σ'⁻¹).toRingEquiv.toRingHom = Ideal.span {β}
· rwa [RingEquiv.toRingHom_eq_coe, Ideal.map_comap_of_equiv, map_inv] at this
apply_fun (Ideal.span {·}) at hβ
rw [← Ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton, Ideal.span_singleton_eq_top.mpr η.isUnit,
← Ideal.one_eq_top, one_mul, ← Set.image_singleton, ← Ideal.map_span] at hβ
change (galRestrict A K B L σ : B →+* B) _ = _ at hβ
generalize σ'⁻¹ = σ'
obtain ⟨n, rfl : σ ^ n = σ'⟩ := mem_powers_iff_mem_zpowers.mpr (hσ σ')
rw [map_pow]
induction n with
| zero =>
simp only [Nat.zero_eq, pow_zero, AlgEquiv.toRingEquiv_eq_coe, RingEquiv.toRingHom_eq_coe]
exact Ideal.map_id _
| succ n IH =>
simp only [AlgEquiv.toRingEquiv_eq_coe, RingEquiv.toRingHom_eq_coe, pow_succ'] at IH ⊢
conv_lhs at IH => rw [← hβ, Ideal.map_map]
exact IH

open FiniteDimensional in
theorem exists_not_isPrincipal_and_isPrincipal_map_aux
[IsDedekindDomain A] [IsUnramified A B] (η : Bˣ)
(hη : Algebra.norm K (algebraMap B L η) = 1)
(hη' : ¬∃ α : Bˣ, algebraMap B L η = (algebraMap B L α) / σ (algebraMap B L α)) :
∃ I : Ideal A, ¬I.IsPrincipal ∧ ( (algebraMap A B)).IsPrincipal := by
obtain ⟨β, hβ_zero, hβ⟩ := Hilbert90_integral (A := A) (B := B) σ hσ η hη
haveI : IsDomain B :=
(IsIntegralClosure.equiv A B L (integralClosure A L)).toMulEquiv.isDomain (integralClosure A L)
have hβ' := comap_map_eq_of_isUnramified K L _
(comap_span_galRestrict_eq_of_cyclic σ hσ (A := A) (B := B) β η hβ)
refine ⟨(Ideal.span {β}).comap (algebraMap A B), ?_, ?_⟩
· rintro ⟨⟨γ, hγ : _ = Ideal.span _⟩⟩
rw [hγ, Ideal.map_span, Set.image_singleton, Ideal.span_singleton_eq_span_singleton] at hβ'
obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := hβ'
rw [map_mul, AlgEquiv.commutes, mul_left_comm, (mul_right_injective₀ _).eq_iff] at hβ
apply hη'
use a
conv_rhs => enter [1]; rw [← hβ]
rw [map_mul, ← AlgHom.coe_coe σ, ← algebraMap_galRestrictHom_apply A K B L σ a]
refine (mul_div_cancel _ ?_).symm
· rw [ne_eq, (injective_iff_map_eq_zero' _).mp (IsIntegralClosure.algebraMap_injective B A L),
(injective_iff_map_eq_zero' _).mp (galRestrict A K B L σ).injective]
exact a.isUnit.ne_zero
· exact ( hβ_zero).1
· rw [hβ']
exact ⟨⟨_, rfl⟩⟩

attribute [local instance 2000] NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra Algebra.toSMul Algebra.toModule

attribute [local instance] FractionRing.liftAlgebra

open FiniteDimensional (finrank)

theorem Ideal.isPrincipal_pow_finrank_of_isPrincipal_map [IsDedekindDomain A] (I : Ideal A)
(hI : ( (algebraMap A B)).IsPrincipal) : (I ^ finrank K L).IsPrincipal := by
haveI : IsDomain B :=
(IsIntegralClosure.equiv A B L (integralClosure A L)).toMulEquiv.isDomain (integralClosure A L)
haveI := IsIntegralClosure.isNoetherian A K L B
haveI := IsIntegralClosure.isDedekindDomain A K L B
haveI := IsIntegralClosure.isFractionRing_of_finite_extension A K L B
have hAB : Function.Injective (algebraMap A B)
· refine Function.Injective.of_comp (f := algebraMap B L) ?_
rw [← RingHom.coe_comp, ← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_eq, IsScalarTower.algebraMap_eq A K L]
exact (algebraMap K L).injective.comp (IsFractionRing.injective _ _)
rw [← NoZeroSMulDivisors.iff_algebraMap_injective] at hAB
letI : Algebra (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B) := FractionRing.liftAlgebra _ _
have : IsScalarTower A (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B) :=
FractionRing.isScalarTower_liftAlgebra _ _
have H : RingHom.comp (algebraMap (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B))
↑(FractionRing.algEquiv A K).symm.toRingEquiv =
RingHom.comp ↑(FractionRing.algEquiv B L).symm.toRingEquiv (algebraMap K L)
· apply IsLocalization.ringHom_ext (nonZeroDivisors A)
simp only [AlgEquiv.toRingEquiv_eq_coe, RingHom.coe_comp, RingHom.coe_coe,
AlgEquiv.coe_ringEquiv, Function.comp_apply, AlgEquiv.commutes,
← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply]
rw [IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply A B L, AlgEquiv.commutes, ← IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply]
have : IsSeparable (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B) := IsSeparable_of_equiv_equiv _ _ H
have hLK : finrank (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B) = finrank K L :=
(FiniteDimensional.finrank_of_equiv_equiv _ _ H).symm
rw [← hLK, ← Ideal.spanIntNorm_map, ← ( (algebraMap A B)).span_singleton_generator,
exact ⟨⟨_, rfl⟩⟩

theorem exists_not_isPrincipal_and_isPrincipal_map (K L : Type*)
[Field K] [Field L] [NumberField K] [NumberField L] [Algebra K L]
[FiniteDimensional K L] [IsGalois K L] [IsUnramified ↥(𝓞 K) ↥(𝓞 L)] [IsCyclic (L ≃ₐ[K] L)]
[NumberField.InfinitePlace.IsUnramified K L] (hKL : Nat.Prime (finrank K L)) :
∃ I : Ideal (𝓞 K), ¬I.IsPrincipal ∧ ( (algebraMap ↥(𝓞 K) ↥(𝓞 L))).IsPrincipal := by
obtain ⟨⟨σ, hσ⟩⟩ := ‹IsCyclic (L ≃ₐ[K] L)›
obtain ⟨η, hη, hη'⟩ := Hilbert92 hKL σ hσ
exact exists_not_isPrincipal_and_isPrincipal_map_aux (A := ↥(𝓞 K)) σ hσ η hη (not_exists.mpr hη')

/-- This is **Hilbert Theorem 94**, which states that if `L/K` is an unramified
cyclic finite extension of number fields of prime degree,
then the degree divides the class number of `K`. -/
theorem dvd_card_classGroup_of_isUnramified_isCyclic (K L : Type*)
[Field K] [Field L] [NumberField K] [NumberField L] [Algebra K L]
[FiniteDimensional K L] [IsGalois K L] [IsUnramified ↥(𝓞 K) ↥(𝓞 L)] [IsCyclic (L ≃ₐ[K] L)]
[NumberField.InfinitePlace.IsUnramified K L] (hKL : Nat.Prime (finrank K L)) :
finrank K L ∣ Fintype.card (ClassGroup ↥(𝓞 K)) := by
obtain ⟨I, hI, hI'⟩ := exists_not_isPrincipal_and_isPrincipal_map K L hKL
letI := hKL
rw [← Int.ofNat_dvd, ( hKL).irreducible.dvd_iff_not_coprime,
exact fun h ↦ hI (IsPrincipal_of_IsPrincipal_pow_of_Coprime _ _ h _
(Ideal.isPrincipal_pow_finrank_of_isPrincipal_map _ hI'))
28 changes: 20 additions & 8 deletions FltRegular/NumberTheory/InfinitePlace.lean
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Expand Up @@ -329,16 +329,28 @@ lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq_card_isRamifiedIn [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K] :
filter_eq_empty_iff, not_forall, not_not] at H
rw [Nat.div_mul_cancel H.choose_spec.even_finrank.two_dvd]

lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_forall_not_isRamified [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K]
(h : ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, ¬ IsRamified k w) :
class InfinitePlace.IsUnramified (k K) [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] : Prop where
not_isRamified : ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, ¬ IsRamified k w

lemma InfinitePlace.not_isRamified (k) {K} [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] [IsUnramified k K]
(w : InfinitePlace K) : ¬ IsRamified k w := IsUnramified.not_isRamified w

lemma InfinitePlace.not_isRamifiedIn {k} (K) [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] [IsUnramified k K]
[IsGalois k K] (w : InfinitePlace k) : ¬ w.IsRamifiedIn K := IsUnramified.not_isRamified _

lemma InfinitePlace.isUnramified_of_odd_card_aut (h : Odd (Fintype.card <| K ≃ₐ[k] K)) :
IsUnramified k K where
not_isRamified _ hw := h hw.even_card_aut

lemma InfinitePlace.isUramified_of_odd_finrank [IsGalois k K] (h : Odd (finrank k K)) :
IsUnramified k K where
not_isRamified _ hw := h hw.even_finrank

lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_isUnramified [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K]
[IsUnramified k K] :
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace K) = Fintype.card (InfinitePlace k) * finrank k K := by
rw [card_eq_card_isRamifiedIn (k := k) (K := K), Finset.card_eq_zero.mpr, zero_mul, tsub_zero]
simp only [Finset.mem_univ, forall_true_left, Finset.filter_eq_empty_iff]
exact fun x hx ↦ h _ hx

lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_odd_fintype [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K]
(h : Odd (finrank k K)) :
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace K) = Fintype.card (InfinitePlace k) * finrank k K :=
card_eq_of_forall_not_isRamified (fun _ hw ↦ h hw.even_finrank)
exact InfinitePlace.not_isRamifiedIn K

end NumberField

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