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erdOne committed Dec 3, 2023
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8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean
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import FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.SystemOfUnits
import FltRegular.NumberTheory.InfinitePlace
import Mathlib

set_option autoImplicit false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,15 +381,10 @@ local instance : Module.Finite ℤ G := Module.Finite.of_surjective

local instance : Module.Free ℤ G := Module.free_of_finite_type_torsion_free'

lemma card_infinitePlace_eq_finrank_mul_of_odd {k K} [Field k] [Field K] [NumberField k]
[NumberField K] [Algebra k K] (h : Odd (finrank k K)) :
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace K) = finrank k K * Fintype.card (InfinitePlace k) := sorry

lemma NumberField.Units.rank_of_odd (h : Odd (finrank k K)) :
NumberField.Units.rank K = (finrank k K) * NumberField.Units.rank k + (finrank k K) - 1 := by
delta NumberField.Units.rank
rw [card_infinitePlace_eq_finrank_mul_of_odd h,
mul_tsub, mul_one, tsub_add_cancel_of_le]
rw [InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_odd_fintype h, mul_comm, mul_tsub, mul_one, tsub_add_cancel_of_le]
refine (mul_one _).symm.trans_le (Nat.mul_le_mul_left _ ?_)
rw [Nat.one_le_iff_ne_zero, ← Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero, Fintype.card_pos_iff]
Expand Down
344 changes: 344 additions & 0 deletions FltRegular/NumberTheory/InfinitePlace.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Embeddings

namespace NumberField

variable {k K} [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] [NumberField K]

instance : FiniteDimensional k K :=
letI := (algebraMap k K).charZero
Module.Finite.of_restrictScalars_finite ℚ _ _

def (w : InfinitePlace K) (f : k →+* K) : InfinitePlace k :=
⟨w.1.comp f.injective, w.embedding.comp f,
by { ext x; show _ = w.1 (f x); rw [← w.2.choose_spec]; rfl }⟩

lemma InfinitePlace.map_mk (φ : K →+* ℂ) (f : k →+* K) : (mk φ).map f = mk (φ.comp f) := rfl

@[simps! smul_coe_apply]
instance : MulAction (K ≃ₐ[k] K) (InfinitePlace K) where
smul := fun σ w ↦ σ.symm
one_smul := fun _ ↦ rfl
mul_smul := fun _ _ _ ↦ rfl

local notation "Stab" => MulAction.stabilizer (K ≃ₐ[k] K)

lemma InfinitePlace.smul_apply (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (w : InfinitePlace K) (x) :
(σ • w) x = w (σ.symm x) := rfl

lemma InfinitePlace.smul_mk (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (φ : K →+* ℂ) :
σ • mk φ = mk (φ.comp σ.symm) := rfl

def ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal (φ : K →+* ℂ) (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) : Prop :=
∀ x, φ (σ x) = star (φ x)

lemma ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal.ext {φ : K →+* ℂ} {σ₁ σ₂ : K ≃ₐ[k] K}
(h₁ : IsConjGal φ σ₁) (h₂ : IsConjGal φ σ₂) : σ₁ = σ₂ :=
AlgEquiv.ext fun x ↦ φ.injective ((h₁ x).trans (h₂ x).symm)

lemma ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal.ext_iff {φ : K →+* ℂ} {σ₁ σ₂ : K ≃ₐ[k] K}
(h₁ : IsConjGal φ σ₁) : σ₁ = σ₂ ↔ IsConjGal φ σ₂ :=
fun e ↦ e ▸ h₁, h₁.ext⟩

lemma ComplexEmbedding.isConjGal_one_iff {φ : K →+* ℂ} :
IsConjGal φ (1 : K ≃ₐ[k] K) ↔ IsReal φ :=
RingHom.ext_iff.symm.trans (@eq_comm _ φ (star φ))

alias ⟨_, ComplexEmbedding.IsReal.isConjGal_one⟩ := ComplexEmbedding.isConjGal_one_iff

variable (k)

def ComplexEmbedding.IsRamified (φ : K →+* ℂ) : Prop :=
∃ (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K), σ ≠ 1 ∧ IsConjGal φ σ

def InfinitePlace.IsRamified (w : InfinitePlace K) : Prop :=
Stab w ≠ ⊥

variable {k}

lemma ComplexEmbedding.IsRamified.not_isReal {φ : K →+* ℂ} (hφ : IsRamified k φ) : ¬IsReal φ :=
fun H ↦ hφ.choose_spec.1 (H.isConjGal_one.ext hφ.choose_spec.2).symm

lemma ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal.symm {φ : K →+* ℂ} {σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K} (hσ : IsConjGal φ σ) :
IsConjGal φ σ.symm := fun x ↦ by simpa using congr_arg star (hσ (σ.symm x)).symm

lemma ComplexEmbedding.isConjGal_symm {φ : K →+* ℂ} {σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K} :
IsConjGal φ σ.symm ↔ IsConjGal φ σ :=
⟨IsConjGal.symm, IsConjGal.symm⟩

lemma InfinitePlace.mem_stabilizer_mk_iff (φ : K →+* ℂ) (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) :
σ ∈ Stab (mk φ) ↔ σ = AlgEquiv.refl ∨ ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal φ σ := by
simp only [MulAction.mem_stabilizer_iff, smul_mk, mk_eq_iff]
apply or_congr <;> constructor <;> intro H
· exact congr_arg AlgEquiv.symm
(AlgEquiv.ext (g := AlgEquiv.refl) fun x ↦ φ.injective (RingHom.congr_fun H x))
· subst H; rfl
· exact fun x ↦ by simpa using RingHom.congr_fun H.symm (σ x)
· ext1 x; simpa using (H (σ.symm x)).symm

lemma InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_isConjGal
{φ : K →+* ℂ} {σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K} (hσ : ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal φ σ) :
(Stab (mk φ) : Set (K ≃ₐ[k] K)) = {1, σ} := by
ext x
rw [SetLike.mem_coe, mem_stabilizer_mk_iff, Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_singleton_iff,
← hσ.ext_iff, @eq_comm _ σ]

lemma InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_isReal {φ : K →+* ℂ} (hσ : ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ) :
Stab (mk φ) = ⊥ := Subgroup.ext fun x => by
simpa only [Set.mem_singleton_iff, Set.insert_eq_of_mem] using (InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_isConjGal hσ.isConjGal_one) x

lemma InfinitePlace.isReal.stabilizer_eq_bot {w : InfinitePlace K} (hσ : w.IsReal) :
Stab w = ⊥ := by
rw [← mk_embedding w]
exact stabilizer_mk_of_isReal ( hσ)

lemma InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_not_isConjGal
{φ : K →+* ℂ} (hφ : ∀ σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K, ¬ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal φ σ) :
Stab (mk φ) = ⊥ := by
ext x
simp only [mem_stabilizer_mk_iff, hφ, or_false, Subgroup.mem_bot]

open scoped Classical

lemma InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_isRamified {φ : K →+* ℂ}
(hφ : ComplexEmbedding.IsRamified k φ) :
Fintype.card (Stab (mk φ)) = 2 := by
obtain ⟨σ, hσ, hσ'⟩ := hφ
show Fintype.card (Stab (mk φ) : Set (K ≃ₐ[k] K)) = 2
simp [stabilizer_mk_of_isConjGal hσ', hσ.symm]

alias ComplexEmbedding.IsRamified.stabilizer_mk := InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_isRamified

lemma InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_not_isRamified {φ : K →+* ℂ}
(hφ : ¬ ComplexEmbedding.IsRamified k φ) :
Fintype.card (Stab ( φ)) = 1 := by
by_cases H : ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal φ (1 : K ≃ₐ[k] K)
· show Fintype.card (Stab (mk φ) : Set (K ≃ₐ[k] K)) = 1
simp [stabilizer_mk_of_isConjGal H]
· have : ∀ σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K, ¬ComplexEmbedding.IsConjGal φ σ :=
fun σ hσ ↦ if e : σ = 1 then H (e ▸ hσ) else hφ ⟨σ, e, hσ⟩
simp [stabilizer_mk_of_not_isConjGal this]

lemma ComplexEmbedding.isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk {φ : K →+* ℂ} :
IsRamified k φ ↔ Fintype.card (Stab ( φ)) = 2 :=
⟨InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_isRamified, <| fun H ↦
InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_not_isRamified H ▸ Nat.ne_of_beq_eq_false rfl⟩

lemma ComplexEmbedding.not_isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk {φ : K →+* ℂ} :
¬IsRamified k φ ↔ Fintype.card (Stab ( φ)) = 1 :=
⟨InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_not_isRamified, <| fun H ↦
InfinitePlace.stabilizer_mk_of_isRamified ( H) ▸ Nat.ne_of_beq_eq_false rfl⟩

lemma ComplexEmbedding.isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk' {φ : K →+* ℂ} :
IsRamified k φ ↔ Fintype.card (Stab ( φ)) ≠ 1 :=
( not_isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk).symm

lemma ComplexEmbedding.not_isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk' {φ : K →+* ℂ} :
¬IsRamified k φ ↔ Fintype.card (Stab ( φ)) ≠ 2 :=
not_iff_not.mpr isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk

lemma InfinitePlace.isRamified_mk_iff {φ : K →+* ℂ} :
IsRamified k (mk φ) ↔ ComplexEmbedding.IsRamified k φ := by
rw [ComplexEmbedding.isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk', IsRamified, not_iff_not,

lemma InfinitePlace.card_stabilizer_mk (φ : K →+* ℂ) :
Fintype.card (Stab (mk φ)) = if ComplexEmbedding.IsRamified k φ then 2 else 1 := by
· rwa [← ComplexEmbedding.isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk]
· rwa [← ComplexEmbedding.not_isRamified_iff_stabilizer_mk]

lemma InfinitePlace.card_stabilizer (w : InfinitePlace K) :
Fintype.card (Stab w) = if w.IsRamified k then 2 else 1 := by
rw [← mk_embedding w, card_stabilizer_mk, isRamified_mk_iff]

lemma InfinitePlace.card_stabilizer_of_isRamified {w : InfinitePlace K} (hw : w.IsRamified k) :
Fintype.card (Stab w) = 2 := by
rw [card_stabilizer, if_pos hw]

lemma InfinitePlace.card_stabilizer_of_not_isRamified {w : InfinitePlace K} (hw : ¬w.IsRamified k) :
Fintype.card (Stab w) = 1 := by
rw [card_stabilizer, if_neg hw]

open FiniteDimensional (finrank)

lemma InfinitePlace.IsRamified.even_card_aut {w : InfinitePlace K} (hw : w.IsRamified k) :
Even (Fintype.card <| K ≃ₐ[k] K) := by
rw [even_iff_two_dvd, ← card_stabilizer_of_isRamified hw]
exact Subgroup.card_subgroup_dvd_card (Stab w)

lemma InfinitePlace.IsRamified.even_finrank [IsGalois k K]
{w : InfinitePlace K} (hw : w.IsRamified k) :
Even (finrank k K) :=
IsGalois.card_aut_eq_finrank k K ▸ hw.even_card_aut

lemma ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_symm_eq_of_comp_eq [IsGalois k K] (φ ψ : K →+* ℂ)
(h : φ.comp (algebraMap k K) = ψ.comp (algebraMap k K)) :
∃ σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K, φ.comp σ.symm = ψ := by
letI := (φ.comp (algebraMap k K)).toAlgebra
letI := φ.toAlgebra
have : IsScalarTower k K ℂ := IsScalarTower.of_algebraMap_eq' rfl
let ψ' : K →ₐ[k] ℂ := { ψ with commutes' := fun r ↦ (RingHom.congr_fun h r).symm }
use (AlgHom.restrictNormal' ψ' K).symm
ext1 x
exact AlgHom.restrictNormal_commutes ψ' K x

lemma ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_eq (h : Algebra.IsAlgebraic k K) (φ : k →+* ℂ) :
∃ ψ : K →+* ℂ, ψ.comp (algebraMap k K) = φ :=
letI := φ.toAlgebra
⟨IsAlgClosed.lift (M := ℂ) h, AlgHom.comp_algebraMap _⟩

lemma InfinitePlace.exists_smul_eq_of_map_eq [IsGalois k K] (w w' : InfinitePlace K)
(h : (algebraMap k K) = w'.map (algebraMap k K)) : ∃ σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K, σ • w = w' := by
rw [← mk_embedding w, ← mk_embedding w', map_mk, map_mk, mk_eq_iff] at h
cases h with
| inl h =>
obtain ⟨σ, hσ⟩ := ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_symm_eq_of_comp_eq w.embedding w'.embedding h
use σ
rw [← mk_embedding w, ← mk_embedding w', smul_mk, hσ]
| inr h =>
obtain ⟨σ, hσ⟩ := ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_symm_eq_of_comp_eq
((starRingEnd ℂ).comp (embedding w)) w'.embedding h
use σ
rw [← mk_embedding w, ← mk_embedding w', smul_mk, mk_eq_iff]
exact Or.inr hσ

lemma InfinitePlace.mem_orbit_iff [IsGalois k K] {w w' : InfinitePlace K} :
w' ∈ MulAction.orbit (K ≃ₐ[k] K) w ↔ (algebraMap k K) = w'.map (algebraMap k K) := by
refine ⟨?_, InfinitePlace.exists_smul_eq_of_map_eq w w'⟩
rintro ⟨σ, rfl : σ • w = w'⟩
rw [← mk_embedding w, map_mk, smul_mk, map_mk]
congr 1; ext1; simp

lemma InfinitePlace.map_surjective (h : Algebra.IsAlgebraic k K) :
Function.Surjective (map · (algebraMap k K)) := fun w ↦
have ⟨ψ, hψ⟩ := ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_eq h w.embedding
⟨mk ψ, by simp [map_mk, hψ]⟩

def InfinitePlace.orbitRelEquiv [IsGalois k K] :
Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel (K ≃ₐ[k] K) (InfinitePlace K)) ≃ InfinitePlace k := by
refine Equiv.ofBijective (Quotient.lift (map · (algebraMap k K))
<| fun _ _ e ↦ ( e).symm) ⟨?_, ?_⟩
· rintro ⟨w⟩ ⟨w'⟩ e
exact Quotient.sound (mem_orbit_iff.mpr e.symm)
· intro w
obtain ⟨w', hw⟩ := map_surjective (Normal.isAlgebraic' (K := K)) w
exact ⟨⟦w'⟧, hw⟩

lemma InfinitePlace.orbitRelEquiv_apply_mk'' [IsGalois k K] (x : InfinitePlace K) :
orbitRelEquiv ('' x) = map x (algebraMap k K) := rfl

lemma InfinitePlace.isRamified_smul {σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K} {w : InfinitePlace K} :
IsRamified k (σ • w) ↔ IsRamified k w := by
rw [IsRamified, IsRamified, MulAction.stabilizer_smul_eq_stabilizer_map_conj, not_iff_not,
Subgroup.eq_bot_iff_card, Subgroup.eq_bot_iff_card, iff_iff_eq]
congr 1
exact Fintype.card_congr ((MulAut.conj σ).subgroupMap _).symm.toEquiv

variable (K)

def InfinitePlace.IsRamifiedIn [IsGalois k K] (w : InfinitePlace k) : Prop :=
((map_surjective (Normal.isAlgebraic' (K := K))) w).choose.IsRamified k

variable {K}

lemma InfinitePlace.isRamifiedIn_map [IsGalois k K] {w : InfinitePlace K} :
( (algebraMap k K)).IsRamifiedIn K ↔ w.IsRamified k := by
let w' := (map_surjective (Normal.isAlgebraic' (K := K)) ( (algebraMap k K))).choose
have hw : w'.map (algebraMap k K) = (algebraMap k K) :=
(map_surjective (Normal.isAlgebraic' (K := K)) ( (algebraMap k K))).choose_spec
obtain ⟨σ, hσ⟩ := exists_smul_eq_of_map_eq _ _ hw.symm
show w'.IsRamified k ↔ w.IsRamified k
rw [← hσ, InfinitePlace.isRamified_smul]

nonrec lemma InfinitePlace.IsRamifiedIn.even_card_aut
[IsGalois k K] {w : InfinitePlace k} (hw : w.IsRamifiedIn K) :
Even (Fintype.card <| K ≃ₐ[k] K) :=

nonrec lemma InfinitePlace.IsRamifiedIn.even_finrank
[IsGalois k K] {w : InfinitePlace k} (hw : w.IsRamifiedIn K) :
Even (finrank k K) :=

open Finset BigOperators in
lemma InfinitePlace.card_isRamified [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K] :
card (univ.filter <| IsRamified k (K := K)) =
card (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k)) * (finrank k K / 2) := by
rw [← IsGalois.card_aut_eq_finrank,
Finset.card_eq_sum_card_fiberwise (f := (map · (algebraMap k K)))
(t := (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k))), ← smul_eq_mul, ← sum_const]
refine sum_congr rfl (fun w hw ↦ ?_)
obtain ⟨w, rfl⟩ := map_surjective (Normal.isAlgebraic' (K := K)) w
simp only [mem_univ, forall_true_left, mem_filter, true_and] at hw
trans card (MulAction.orbit (K ≃ₐ[k] K) w).toFinset
· congr; ext w'
simp only [mem_univ, forall_true_left, filter_congr_decidable, mem_filter, true_and,
Set.mem_toFinset, mem_orbit_iff, @eq_comm _ (map w' _), and_iff_right_iff_imp]
intro e; rwa [← isRamifiedIn_map, ← e]
· rw [← MulAction.card_orbit_mul_card_stabilizer_eq_card_group _ w,
InfinitePlace.card_stabilizer, if_pos, Nat.mul_div_cancel _ zero_lt_two, Set.toFinset_card]
rwa [← isRamifiedIn_map]
· simp [isRamifiedIn_map]

open Finset BigOperators in
lemma InfinitePlace.card_isRamified_compl [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K] :
card (univ.filter <| IsRamified k (K := K))ᶜ =
card (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k))ᶜ * finrank k K := by
rw [← IsGalois.card_aut_eq_finrank,
Finset.card_eq_sum_card_fiberwise (f := (map · (algebraMap k K)))
(t := (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k))ᶜ), ← smul_eq_mul, ← sum_const]
refine sum_congr rfl (fun w hw ↦ ?_)
obtain ⟨w, rfl⟩ := map_surjective (Normal.isAlgebraic' (K := K)) w
simp only [mem_univ, forall_true_left, compl_filter, not_not, mem_filter, true_and] at hw
trans card (MulAction.orbit (K ≃ₐ[k] K) w).toFinset
· congr; ext w'
simp only [compl_filter, filter_congr_decidable, mem_filter, mem_univ, true_and,
@eq_comm _ (map w' _), Set.mem_toFinset, mem_orbit_iff, and_iff_right_iff_imp]
intro e; rwa [← isRamifiedIn_map, ← e]
· rw [← MulAction.card_orbit_mul_card_stabilizer_eq_card_group _ w,
InfinitePlace.card_stabilizer, if_neg, mul_one, Set.toFinset_card]
rwa [← isRamifiedIn_map]
· simp [isRamifiedIn_map]

open Finset in
lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K] :
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace K) =
card (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k)) * (finrank k K / 2) +
card (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k))ᶜ * finrank k K := by
rw [← card_isRamified, ← card_isRamified_compl, card_add_card_compl]

open Finset in
lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq_card_isRamifiedIn [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K] :
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace K) =
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace k) * finrank k K -
card (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k)) * (finrank k K / 2) := by
apply eq_tsub_of_add_eq
rw [card_eq (k := k), add_comm, ← add_assoc, ← mul_add, ← mul_two,
← card_add_card_compl (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k)), add_mul]
congr 1
by_cases H : card (univ.filter <| IsRamifiedIn K (k := k)) = 0
· rw [H, zero_mul, zero_mul]
· simp only [mem_univ, forall_true_left, card_eq_zero,
filter_eq_empty_iff, not_forall, not_not] at H
rw [Nat.div_mul_cancel H.choose_spec.even_finrank.two_dvd]

lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_forall_not_isRamified [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K]
(h : ∀ w : InfinitePlace K, ¬ IsRamified k w) :
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace K) = Fintype.card (InfinitePlace k) * finrank k K := by
rw [card_eq_card_isRamifiedIn (k := k) (K := K), Finset.card_eq_zero.mpr, zero_mul, tsub_zero]
simp only [Finset.mem_univ, forall_true_left, Finset.filter_eq_empty_iff]
exact fun x hx ↦ h _ hx

lemma InfinitePlace.card_eq_of_odd_fintype [NumberField k] [IsGalois k K]
(h : Odd (finrank k K)) :
Fintype.card (InfinitePlace K) = Fintype.card (InfinitePlace k) * finrank k K :=
card_eq_of_forall_not_isRamified (fun _ hw ↦ h hw.even_finrank)

end NumberField

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