- Process Management
- Memory Management
- Network System
- File & IO System
- Interrupt core ⊙ ARM 64 ⊙ x86
- Core
- Time
- Tracing
- Clean Architecture 🔜
- Domain Driven Design 🔜
- Designing Distributed Systems
- Distributed Systems for Practitioners
- Grokking the System Design
- Grokking Advanced System Design
- Grokking the System Design DoorDash
- Grokking the Object Oriented Design
- Distributed System Principle and Algorithm (GeekTime)
- Microservice and Architecure Design (GeekTime)
- Web-application Software Architecture 🔜
- Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture 🔜
Operating System
Computer Architecture
System Programming
Distributed System
- Design Patterns 🔜
- Clean Code
- Refactor V2
- Refactoring to Patterns 🔜
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code 🔜
- C++ Core Guildlines
- C++ Primer
- Inside the C++ Object Model
- Effective STL
- Effective C++
- More Effective C++
- Effective Modern C++
- C++ Templates the Complete Guid 🔜
- Modern C++ Design 🔜
- Professional C++ 2021 🔜
- Software Architecture with C++ 🔜
- C++ 17
- GCC: new allocator malloc