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1. Before Getting Started


2. Introduction to Distributed Systems

Getting Started

  • What is a distributed system?

    According to Coulouris et al., "A distributed system is a system whose components are located on different networked computers, which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another."

    The components of this system can be thought of as software programs that run on physical hardware, such as computers. These components take many forms; e.g., they can be web servers, routers, web browsers, etc. To keep a generic view, we assume that each program runs on a separate machine. We refer to each of these machines as a node.

    • Parts of a distributed system

      There are two categories of the central parts that help distributed systems function:

      • The various parts that compose a distributed system: These are located remotely and are separated by a network
      • The network that separates the various parts of a distributed system: It acts as a communication mechanism that lets them exchange messages.
  • Why we need a distributed system There are three main benefits of distributed systems, as shown in the illustration below.

    • Performance

      According to Mohan et al., "Performance is the degree to which a software system or component meets its objectives for timeliness."

      • Problem with a single computer The physical constraints of its hardware impose certain limits on the performance of a single computer. Moreover, it is extremely expensive to improve a single computer’s performance after a certain point.

      • Solution

        We can achieve the same performance with two or more low-spec computers as with a single, high-end computer. So, distributed systems allow us to achieve better performance at a lower cost.

        Note that better performance can translate to different things depending on the context, such as lower latency per request, higher throughput, etc.

    • Scalability

      According to Bondi et al., "Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged to accommodate that growth."

      • Problem with a single computer

        Data storage and processing are responsible for most of the value that software systems impart in the real world. As a system’s customer base grows, the system needs to handle more traffic and store larger amounts of data. However, a system that comprises a single computer can only scale up to a certain point, as explained earlier.

      • Solution

        If we build a distributed system, we can split and store the data in multiple computers, and distribute the processing work.

        Vertical scaling refers to the approach of scaling a system by adding resources (memory, CPU, disk, etc.) to a single node. Meanwhile, horizontal scaling refers to the approach of scaling by adding more nodes to the system.

        As a result of this, we can scale our systems to sizes that we could not imagine with a single computer system.

    • Availability

      In the context of software systems, availability is the probability of a system to work as required, when required, during a mission.

      • Problem with a single computer

        Nowadays, most online services need to operate all the time (also known as "24/7 service"), which is a huge challenge. When a service states that it has five-nine availability, it usually operates 99.999% of the time. This implies that it can be down for only 5 minutes at most per year to satisfy this guarantee.

        If we consider how unreliable hardware can be, we can easily understand how big an undertaking this is. Of course, it would be infeasible to provide this kind of guarantee with a single computer.

      • Solution

        Redundancy is one of the widely used mechanisms to achieve higher availability. It refers to storing data into multiple, redundant computers. So, when one computer fails, we can efficiently switch to another one. This way, we’ll prevent our customers from experiencing this failure.

        Given that data are stored now in multiple computers, we end up with a distributed system!

        If we leverage a distributed system, we get all of the above benefits. However, as we will see later on, there is tension between them and several other properties. So, in most cases, we have to make a trade-off. To do this, we must understand the basic constraints and limitations of distributed systems. The first part of this course will help us with this.

Fallacies of Distributed Computing

  • The difference in developing software for distributed systems

    Distributed systems are subject to many more constraints than software systems that run on a single computer. As a result, the development of software for distributed systems is also very different. However, those who are new to distributed systems make assumptions based on their experience with software development for systems that run on a single computer. Of course, this creates a lot of problems down the road in the systems they build.

    To eliminate this confusion and help people build better systems, L Peter Deutsch and others at Sun Microsystems created a collection of these false assumptions. These are the fallacies of distributed computing

  • Fallacies

    • The network is reliable

      The abstractions developers learn from various technologies and protocols often enforce this common fallacy. As we will see in a later chapter, networking protocols like TCP can make us believe that the network is reliable and never fails. However, this is just an illusion with significant repercussions. Also, we build network connections on top of hardware that will also fail at some point. Hence, we should design our systems accordingly.

    • Latency is zero

      Libraries that attempt to model remote procedure calls as local calls, such as gRPC or Thrift, enforce this assumption. We should always remember that there’s a large difference (from milliseconds to nanoseconds) in latency between a call to a remote system and that to local memory access. This gets even worse when we consider calls between data centers on different continents. Thus, this is another thing to keep in mind when deciding how to geo-distribute our system.

    • Bandwidth is infinite

      This fallacy is weaker nowadays. This is because the bandwidth we can achieve has significantly improved in the last few decades. For instance, we can now build high-bandwidth connections in our own data centers. However, this does not mean we can use all of it if our traffic needs to cross the Internet. This is important to consider when we make decisions about our distributed system’s topology, and when requests travel through the Internet.

    • The network is secure

      This fallacy shows that the wider network used by two nodes to communicate is not necessarily under their control. Thus, we should consider it insecure.

      The course dedicates a portion to security, where it explains the various techniques we can use to securely utilize an insecure network. This network also comprises many different parts that different organizations may manage with different hardware. Moreover, failures in some parts of this network may require us to change its topology to keep it functional.

      The following fallacies highlight this:

      • Topology doesn’t change
      • There is one administrator
      • The network is homogeneous
    • Transport cost is zero The transportation of data between two points incurs financial costs. We should factor this in when we build a distributed system.

  • The global clock fallacy

    There’s one fallacy that’s not a part of the above set, but still often causes confusion amongst people new to distributed systems. If we follow the same style as above, we can phrase this fallacy as: > “Distributed systems have a global clock, which we can use to identify when events happen.”

    This assumption is quite deceiving since it’s somewhat intuitive and holds true even in non-distributed systems. For instance, an application that runs on a single computer can use the computer’s local clock to decide when events happen, and in what order. However, this is not true in a distributed system, where every node in the system has its own local clock that runs at a unique rate.

    While there are ways to keep the clocks in sync, some are very expensive and don’t completely eliminate these differences. Physical laws also bind this limitation. An example of h is the TrueTime API built by Google, which exposes the clock uncertainty explicitly as a first-class citizen.

    However, as we’ll see in the upcoming lessons that discuss cause and effects, there are other ways to reason about time using logical clocks.

Difficulties Designing Distributed Systems

  • Why distributed systems are hard to design

    In general, distributed systems are hard to design, build, and reason about. This increases the risk of error.

    This will become more evident later in this course when we explore some algorithms that solve fundamental problems in distributed systems.

    It’s worth questioning this: why are distributed systems so hard to design? The answer to this question will help us eliminate our blind spots, and provide guidance on some aspects we should pay attention to.

    • Properties that make distributed systems challenging
      • Network asynchrony

        Network asynchrony is a property of communication networks that cannot provide strong guarantees around delivering events, e.g., a maximum amount of time a message requires for delivery. This can create a lot of counter-intuitive behaviors that are not present in non-distributed systems. This contrasts to memory operations that provide much stricter guarantees. For instance, messages might take extremely long to deliver in a distributed system. They may even deliver out of order—or not at all.

      • Partial failures

        Partial failures are the cases where only some components of a distributed system fail. This behavior can contrast with certain kinds of applications a single server deploys. These applications work under the assumption that either everything is working fine, or there has been a server crash. It introduces significant complexity when it requires atomicity across components in a distributed system. Thus, we must ensure that we either apply an operation to all the nodes of a system, or to none of them.

      • Concurrency

        Concurrency is the execution of multiple computations at the same time, and potentially on the same piece of data. These computations interleave with each other. This introduces additional complexity since these computations can interfere with each other and create unexpected behaviors. This is, again, in contrast to simplistic applications with no concurrency, where the program runs in the order the sequence of commands in the source code defined.

Measures of Correctness in Distributed Systems

System Models

Types of Failures

The Tale of Exactly-Once Semantics

Failure in the World of Distributed Systems

Stateless and Stateful Systems

3. Basic Concepts and Theorems


Algorithms for Horizontal Partitioning


Single-Master Replication Algorithm

Multi-Master Replication Algorithm

Quorums in Distributed Systems

Safety Guarantees in Distributed Systems

ACID Transactions

The CAP Theorem

Consistency Models

CAP Theorem's Consistency Model

Isolation Levels and Anomalies

Prevention of Anomalies in Isolation Levels

Consistency and Isolation

Hierarchy of Models

Why All the Formalities?

4. Distributed Transactions

Introduction to Distributed Transactions

5. Achieving Isolation

Achieving Serializability

Pessimistic Concurrency Control (PCC)

Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC)

Achieving Snapshot Isolation

Achieving Full Serializable Snapshot Isolation

6. Achieving Atomicity

Hard to Guarantee Atomicity

2-Phase Commit (2PC)

3-Phase Commit (3PC)

Quorum-Based Commit Protocol

7. Concluding Distributed Transactions

How It All Fits Together

Long-Lived Transactions and Sagas

8. Consensus

Defining the Consensus Problem

FLP Impossibility

The Paxos Algorithm

Intricacies of Paxos

Paxos in Real Life

Replicated State Machine via Consensus

Distributed Transactions via Consensus

An introduction to Raft

Communication among Raft Nodes

Raft's Implementation

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

9. Time

What is Different in a Distributed System?

A Practical Perspective

A Theoretical Perspective

Logical Clocks

10. Order

Total and Partial Ordering

The Concept of Causality

Lamport Clocks

Vector Clocks

Version Vectors

Dotted Version Vectors

Distributed Snapshot Problem

Solving the Distributed Snapshot Problem

Physical and Logical Time: Closing Thoughts

11. Networking


The Physical Layer

The Link Layer - Services

The Link-Layer Protocols

The Network Layer

The Transport Layer

The Application Layer

Taking a Step Back

12. Security





A Cryptography Primer

Symmetric/Asymmetric Encryption and Digital Signatures

13. Security Protocols

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Web of Trust (PGP)

OAuth Protocol

14. From Theory to Practice


15. Case Study 1: Distributed File Systems

Hadoop Distributed File System and Google File System

Creating and Reading Files

Writing and Deleting Files

GFS Consistency Model

16. Case Study 2: Distributed Coordination Service

Coordination Service


Guarantees Provided by Zookeeper

Zookeeper's ZAB Protocol

Examples of Powerful Primitives by Zookeeper’s API

17. Case Study 3: Distributed Data Stores


BigTable/HBase Architecture

Appends and Read Operations in HBase

Guarantees Provided by HBase

Cassandra's Data Model

Cassandra's Cluster Internode Communication

Cassandra's Consistency Levels

Linearizability Violations in Cassandra

Linearizability Guarantees by Cassandra

Cassandra Performing Queries Efficiently

Spanner's Data Model

Spanner's Architecture

Spanner using TrueTime

Spanner Operations


18. Case Study 4: Distributed Messaging System

Introduction to Kafka

Kafka Levers

Kafka's Messaging Guarantees

Transactions, Storage Layout, and other Guarantees

19. Case Study 5: Distributed Cluster Management


Components of Master and Worker Nodes

20. Case Study 6: Distributed Ledger

Introduction to Corda

Corda's Data Model

Corda's Architecture

Backwards Compatibility provided by Corda

21. Case Study 7: Distributed Data Processing Systems


Introduction to MapReduce

MapReduce's Master-Worker Architecture

Introduction to Apache Spark

Stages of Digital Acrylic Graph (DAG) in Apache Spark

Perks of Apache Spark

Apache Flink

Time and Watermarks in Flink

Failure Recovery in Flink

22. Practices & Patterns


23. Communication Patterns

Creating and Parsing Data

Transfer of Data

Datastores for Asynchronous Communication

Communication Models

24. Coordination Patterns

Coordination Patterns

25. Data Synchronization

Data Synchronisation

Event Sourcing

Change Data Capture (CDC)

26. Shared-nothing Architectures

Sharing Problems and their Solution

Benefits and Drawbacks

27. Distributed Locking

Leases in Distributed Systems

Preventing Safety Risks in Leases

28. Compatibility Patterns

Backwards Compatibility

Maintaining Backwards Compatibility

29. Dealing with Failure

Failure Handling Techniques

Applying Failure Handling Techniques


Containing Impact of Failure


Reacting to Backpressure

30. Distributed Tracing

Recording Program's Execution

31. Concluding this Course

Recap of the Course

Some More Things to Discover