- HsinChu, Taiwan
- 8h ahead - https://jazzwang.github.io/cv/
- in/jazzwang
snippet Public
some personal code snippet to learn new programming skill
cv Public
Forked from xriley/pillar-themeResume/CV based on Pillar Theme from 3rdwavemedia.com
chrome-utm-stripper Public
Forked from jparise/chrome-utm-stripperBrowser extension that strips Google Analytics (UTM) parameters, and various other click tracking tokens, from URL query strings
github-action-lab Public
Testing Github Actions and build DEB/RPM packages and win64 executables
scoop-bucket Public
A bucket for http://scoop.sh
autopagerize Public
Forked from tophf/autopagerizeInfiniscroll on web pages using a large database of rules. A fully reworked fork of the original extension.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 21, 2024 -
docker-pool Public
Source Dockerfile and Vagrantfile to build Docker Images
pytest-selenium-ci Public
Lab for running Selenium with PyTest using Github Actions and Gitlab CI
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 30, 2023 -
dotnet-codespace Public
gitpod workspace for learning C#/.net and AWS Lambda
C# UpdatedOct 13, 2023 -
confluence-insight Public
Collect statistics from Confluence Wiki Space using `Selenium`
init-spark-sql Public
cookiecutter template for Spark SQL in Scala
init-spark-stream Public
cookiecutter template for Spark Streaming in Scala
scala-spark.g8 Public
A Giter8 template for Apache Spark program in Scala
nyc-tlc Public
sample ETL program to convert NYC TLC CSV into Parquet and JSON
synthea Public
Forked from synthetichealth/syntheaSynthetic Patient Population Simulator
prometheus-labs Public
Example Docker Cluster for "Full Stack Monitoring and Notification with Prometheus and Grafana"