This ia a Giter8 template for Apache Spark program in Scala.
- sbt - The interactive build tool
- Giter8 (Optional, but recommended)
- It's faster to use
instead ofsbt new
- macOS with Homebrew
~$ brew install giter8
- It's faster to use
- You can use
sbt new jazzwang/scala-spark.g8
to create a new project
~$ sbt new jazzwang/scala-spark.g8
- You can also use
g8 jazzwang/scala-spark.g8
to create a new project
~$ g8 jazzwang/scala-spark.g8 -o new-spark-project
- You can use
sbt run
to run the main Scala program
~/new-spark-project$ sbt run
- You can also use
sbt test
to run the test cases
~/new-spark-project$ sbt test
Written in 2020 by "Jazz Wang"
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See