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Jerome Quere edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 4 revisions

What is a task ?

Tasks are one of the core concept of the application. A task is a way to backup some data. It can be by creating a tarball, using the mysqldump program or any other method that fits your specific needs.

How to create a task ?

All the tasks are declared in the configuration file.
Each task MUST have at least:

  • A name: The name of the task must be unique and must be a valid bash token name [a-zA-Z][a-ZA-Z0-9_]*
  • A type: The type of the task
  • A storage: The name of the storage you want to store the result of this backup to (see Storages)
Minimalist task

Notice that the name of the task is used in the variable name.
Don't forget to add the task name in the IB_TASKS variable See Configuration.

How to prune older backups

For each tasks you can specify a retention policy in a valid date(2) format.


Exemple of valid retention:

  • 15days (default)
  • 1month
  • 1hour
  • 3year

Older backup will be prune AFTER a successfull backup is done.

Built-in task types