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Jérôme Quéré edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 1 revision

This config file declares a data task that crate a tarball of /data and store it into /backup.

1) Edit the configuration file (/etc/indi-backup.conf)


IB_TASKS="data"    # Declare all available tasks
IB_STORAGES="disk" # Declare all available storages

# Declare the "data" backup task
IB_TASK_data_TYPE="tarball" # The task is of type "tarball" 
IB_TASK_data_FOLDER="/home" # List of folder that will be included in the tarball
IB_TASK_data_STORAGE="disk" # The name of the storage you want to use for this task 

# Declare the "disk" storage method
IB_STORAGE_disk_TYPE="fs"           # The storage is of type "fs"
IB_STORAGE_disk_BASEPATH="/backup"  # The file will be stored under /backup directory.

2) Run indi-backup

$> indi-backup data