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Sky Dimension Data

Immortius edited this page Feb 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Sky Dimension data is used to configure what dimensions will be transformed into sky dimensions, and how they will behave.

Sky Dimension data goes in the data/<mod_id>/skydimensions resource path, where mod_id is the owning mod (for a modpack, this is within a zipped resource pack and placed under overrides\resourcepacks).

Sky dimension data has the following structure:

  • dimensionId - the id of the dimension that data file is configuring.
  • genDimensionId - Optional. The id that will be given to the generation dimension for this dimension. When not provided the generation dimension id will match the target dimension id with _gen appended.
  • enabled - true | false - whether the sky dimension configuration is enabled. If false, the dimension will not be transformed into a sky dimension and no generation dimension will be created.
  • allowChunkSpawner - true | false - whether the chunk spawner block can be used in this dimension.
  • allowUnstableChunkSpawner - true | false - whether the unstable chunk spawner block can be used in this dimension.
  • generationType - Normal | Sealed | Nether - how the world will generate empty chunks.
    • normal: the chunks will be completely empty.
    • sealed: the chunks will be replaced with a bedrock heightmap with no other features.
    • nether: the chunks will have a bedrock ceiling in line with the nether's usual ceiling and a floor of lava.
  • sealBlock - the block id of the the block to fill in sealed chunks with (and to replace when spawning a chunk). Defaults to bedrock.
  • initialChunks - How many chunks will initially spawn in the dimension.
  • synchToDimensions - A list of dimension ids that, when a chunk is spawned in them, equivalent chunks will be spawned in this dimension. This is subject to dimensional scaling (e.g. if the nether is synched to the overworld, an 8x8 square of chunks in the overworld all link to the same chunk in the nether).
  • biomeThemes - A mapping of biome theme names to biome ids for this dimension. Each themed chunk spawner is tied to one of these themes - the ones provided in ChunkByChunk are plains, snow, desert, swamp, badlands, forest, savanna, rocky, jungle and mushroom. These mappings are used to generate theme-specific generation dimensions for this dimension.


  "dimensionId": "minecraft:overworld",
  "genDimensionId" : "chunkbychunk:skychunkgeneration",
  "generationType": "normal",
  "allowChunkSpawner" : true,
  "allowUnstableChunkSpawner" : true,
  "initialChunks" : 1,
  "biomeThemes" : {
    "plains" : ["minecraft:plains", "minecraft:meadow", "minecraft:sunflower_plains"],
    "snow" : ["minecraft:snowy_plains", "minecraft:snowy_beach", "minecraft:snowy_slopes", "minecraft:grove", "minecraft:snowy_taiga", "minecraft:ice_spikes", "minecraft:frozen_river", "minecraft:frozen_peaks"],
    "desert" : ["minecraft:desert"],
    "swamp" : ["minecraft:swamp"],
    "badlands" : ["minecraft:badlands", "minecraft:eroded_badlands", "minecraft:wooded_badlands"],
    "forest" : ["minecraft:forest", "minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:flower_forest", "minecraft:birch_forest", "minecraft:old_growth_birch_forest", "minecraft:old_growth_pine_taiga", "minecraft:old_growth_spruce_taiga", "minecraft:taiga"],
    "savanna" : ["minecraft:savanna", "minecraft:savanna_plateau"],
    "rocky" : ["minecraft:windswept_gravelly_hills", "minecraft:windswept_hills", "minecraft:windswept_forest", "minecraft:windswept_savanna", "minecraft:jagged_peaks", "minecraft:stony_peaks", "minecraft:stony_shore"],
    "jungle" : ["minecraft:sparse_jungle", "minecraft:jungle", "minecraft:bamboo_jungle"],
    "mushroom" : [ "minecraft:mushroom_fields"]

For the nether and overworld specifically there are a few configuration options that will override sky dimension data:

  • Whether the overworld is sealed or not.
  • Whether the nether is synched to the overworld.
  • The number of initial chunks in the overworld.
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