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Scanner Data

Immortius edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 1 revision

Scanner Data is used to configure what blocks the World Scanner will detect when different items are inserted into it.

By default (without any scanner data files) the World Scanner will:

  • Scan for slime chunks (chunks in which slimes will spawn) when a Slime Ball or Slime Block item is inserted.
  • Scan for Water blocks when a bucket filled with water is inserted.
  • Scan for Lava blocks when a bucket filled with lava is inserted.
  • Scan for the equivalent block when a block item is inserted.

If Scanner Data exists for an item, it overrides the defaults above.

Scanner Data goes in the data/<mod_id>/scanner_data resource path, where mod_id is the owning mod (for a modpack, this is withinn a zipped resource pack and placed under overrides\resourcepacks).

Scanner data has two properties:

  • inputItems - an array of item ids that the scanner data applies to
  • targetBlocks - an array of block ids that the inputItems will detect


  "inputItems" : ["minecraft:raw_gold", "minecraft:gold_nugget", "minecraft:gold_ingot"],
  "targetBlocks" : ["minecraft:gold_ore", "minecraft:deepslate_gold_ore", "minecraft:nether_gold_ore", "minecraft:raw_gold_block"]

This scanner data will cause raw gold, gold nuggets and gold ingots to detect gold ore, deepslate gold ore, nether gold ore and raw gold blocks.

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