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Releases: hzqst/MetaHookSv


10 Dec 02:28
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ansio now goes where it should be #520


09 Dec 12:38
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Fixed an issue that S_StartSentence failed to play subtitles for HEV …


08 Dec 03:36
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[BulletPhysics] Fixed an issue that ragdoll turned into static model in Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike : ConditionZero and Day of Defeat. (#492) (#515)


[BulletPhysics] 修复了在 Counter-Strike、Counter-Strike : ConditionZero 以及 Day of Defeat 中,布娃娃会突然变为静态模型的问题。(#492) (#515)


07 Dec 11:46
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[Renderer] Fixed an issue that flashlight was not working in Afraid of Monsters and Half-Life MMod (#510)

[CaptionMod] Added a new cvar cap_subtitle_extraholdtime. (#512)

[Renderer] Fixed an issue that tmp_palette could not be located in Sven Co-op 5.26 official release (buildnum 10257)


[Renderer] 修复了在AOM:DC 和 MMOD中,圆锥形手电失效的问题 (相关问题: #510

[CaptionMod] 新增控制台参数 cap_subtitle_extraholdtime 用于控制字幕的额外持续时间。(相关问题: #512

[Renderer] 修复了在Sven Co-op 5.26 正式版 (buildnum 10257) 上出现的 "tmp_palette could not be located" 错误。


14 Oct 12:22
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[VGUI2Extension] Fixed worldmap's layout in Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene when playing with widescreen resolution.

[Renderer] Fixed an issue that the depth mask setting was incorrect when rendering model with rendermode=kRenderTransTexture or rendermode=kRenderTransSolid. #506


[VGUI2Extension] 修正在使用宽屏分辨率时,Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene中的“世界地图”界面布局出现错误的问题。

[Renderer] 修复了模型渲染模式为kRenderTransTexturekRenderTransSolid时,深度测试出现错误的问题。 #506


14 Oct 05:04
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[BulletPhysics] Fixed an issue that game raised error: Could not found: V_RenderView in latest 25th engine (engine buildnumber: 10120) #504

[BulletPhysics] Fixed an issue that game crashed in Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene pre-25th build due to incorrect struct extra_player_info_t (engine buildnumber: 8684~10120)

[BulletPhysics] Fixed an issue that game crashed inside BulletPhysics.dll!CViewport::ActivateClientUI in Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene

[CaptionMod] Fixed an issue that game raised error: Could not found: SpecMode_InternalString in Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene 25th update. (engine buildnumber: 10120) #505


[BulletPhysics] 修复了在HL25周年最新版本的引擎中报错: Could not found: V_RenderView 的问题 (引擎版本:10120) #504

[BulletPhysics] 修复了由错误的extra_player_info_t结构体引发的在 Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene 中崩溃的问题 (引擎版本:8684~10120)

[BulletPhysics] 修复了Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene中,游戏会在 BulletPhysics.dll!CViewport::ActivateClientUI 函数里崩溃的问题。

[CaptionMod] 修复了在Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene 25周年更新版本中报错: Could not found: SpecMode_InternalString 的问题。(引擎版本:10120) #505


12 Oct 08:28
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Added scripts/debug-HalfLifeMMod.bat and scripts/install-HalfLifeMMod.bat for debugging & running Half Life : MMod (Steam only).

[Renderer] Fixed an issue that Renderer.dll raises a crash "Could not found: GameStudioRenderer_StudioCalcAttachments_vftable_index" in HL:MMod #487

[BulletPhysics] Fixed an issue that BulletPhysics.dll raises a crash "Could not found: GameStudioRenderer_StudioCalcAttachments_vftable_index" in HL:MMod #487

[Renderer] Fixed an issue where the rendering data relied upon by certain models was unexpectedly released after level changes and would not be reloaded during gameplay, causing these models to become invisible in the game.


新增 scripts/debug-HalfLifeMMod.batscripts/install-HalfLifeMMod.bat ,用于调试和运行 Half Life : MMod(仅限Steam版)。

[Renderer] 修复了在HL:MMod中启用 Renderer.dll 时会报错 "Could not found: GameStudioRenderer_StudioCalcAttachments_vftable_index" 的问题 #487

[BulletPhysics] 修复了在HL:MMod中启用 BulletPhysics.dll 时会报错 "Could not found: GameStudioRenderer_StudioCalcAttachments_vftable_index" 的问题 #487

[Renderer] 修复了一个问题,该问题曾导致更换关卡后某些模型依赖的渲染数据被意外释放,且不会在游戏过程中再加载回来,导致这些模型在游戏中不可见。


11 Oct 16:45
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[Renderer] Fixed an issue that in certain cases, when a particularly large number of models have been precached by the client, Engine's cache reclamation might get involved, freeing the earliest allocated memory. The Renderer.dll, in such case, once attempted to use these reclaimed caches to locate rendering data, which led to models failing to render properly. Related issue: #468

[Renderer] 修复了一个问题,该问题曾导致在某些情况下,当客户端预缓存的模型数量特别多的时候,会触发引擎的缓存回收机制,回收掉最早分配的内存。而渲染器曾在这种情况下试图利用这些被释放掉的缓存来定位渲染数据,这曾导致某些或全部模型都无法被正常渲染。相关问题 #468


11 Oct 15:30
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[Renderer] Fixed a bug that remapped textures were broken after level changes. #501

[Renderer] Fixed a bug that no meshes were rendered when WAD texture was missing, whereas a purple-black checkerboard pattern should have been used to replace the missing texture. #496

[Renderer] Fixed a bug where the shadow of the hair from a fully obstructed player model could be seen through the face of a player model closer to the camera. #456

[Renderer] Fixed an issue that in certain cases, water entities may be incorrectly culled during the frustum culling phase, which previously caused some water entities to suddenly become invisible. #498


[Renderer] 修复了一个错误,该错误曾导致mdl的颜色重映射贴图(DM_Base.bmp和Remap贴图)在换图后损坏 #501

[Renderer] 修复了一个错误,该错误曾导致wad贴图缺失时,没有任何图形被渲染,实际上应该使用紫黑格子替代缺失的贴图。#496

[Renderer] 修复了一个错误,该错误曾导致头发阴影可以透过另一个完全被遮挡的人物模型的脸被看见 #456

[Renderer] 修复了某些情况下,水实体会在视锥体剔除阶段被错误剔除的问题,该错误曾导致某些水实体会突然变得不可见。 #498


10 Oct 13:16
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[Renderer] 1. Added .bsp model support (Related issue: #490)
[Renderer] 2. Fixed an issue that R_SetupGL get filled with incorrect address which may lead to potential crash or error on loading.
[Renderer] 3. Completely remove bindless rendering mode, because it gets fucked up with AMD and Intel graphic drivers.

[Renderer] 1. 新增.bsp模型支持 (相关问题: #490)
[Renderer] 2. 修复了一个无法100%稳定定位到R_SetupGL正确地址的问题,该问题可能导致潜在的游戏崩溃或加载时报错“Could not found: vertical_fov_SvEngine”
[Renderer] 3. 彻底移除bindless渲染模式(gl_bindless 1),因为AMD和Intel显卡驱动对bindless的支持太垃圾了,而且没有显著的性能提升。