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ggeoffrey committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 87abb5e commit 044fa6d
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Showing 3 changed files with 80 additions and 15 deletions.
53 changes: 52 additions & 1 deletion src/contrib/data.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,11 @@

(defn take-upto [pred]
(defn take-upto
"Returns a lazy sequence of successive items from coll up to and including
the first item for which `(pred item)` returns true. Returns a transducer
when no collection is provided."
(fn [rf]
([] (rf))
Expand All @@ -224,6 +228,53 @@
(into [] (take-upto odd?) [2 4 6 8 9 10 12 14]) := [2 4 6 8 9])

(defn pause-after
"Return a lazy sequence of successive items from coll up to and including the
first item for which `(pred item)` returns false, then stop returning item
until `::resume` is seen. When `::resume` is seen, resume returning successive
items up to and including the first item for which `(pred item)` returns false.
This can be compared to a resumable `take-upto`."
(fn [rf]
(let [!sample? (volatile! nil)
!last (volatile! ::nil)]
(fn rec
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result value]
(let [sample? @!sample?
last @!last]
(if (= ::resume value)
(do (vreset! !sample? true)
(if (or sample? (= ::nil last))
(rec result last)))
(do (vreset! !last value)
(if sample?
(if (pred value)
(rf result value)
(do (vreset! !sample? false)
(rf result value)))
([pred coll] (sequence (pause-after pred) coll)))

(pause-after #{::pending} []) := ()
(pause-after #{::pending} [::resume]) := ()
(pause-after #{::pending} [1]) := ()
(pause-after #{::pending} [1 ::resume]) := '(1)
(pause-after #{::pending} [::pending]) := '()
(pause-after #{::pending} [::pending ::resume]) := '(::pending)
(pause-after #{::pending} [::pending ::resume ::resume]) := '(::pending)
(pause-after #{::pending} [::pending ::resume ::pending]) := '(::pending ::pending)
(pause-after #{::pending} [::pending 1 ::resume]) := '(1)
(pause-after #{::pending}
[::pending ::pending ::resume ::pending 1]) := '(::pending ::pending 1)
(pause-after #{::pending} [1 ::resume 2]) := '(1)
(pause-after #{::pending} [1 ::pending 2 ::resume 3]) := '(2)
(pause-after #{::pending} [1 ::pending ::resume 2]) := '(::pending 2)

(defn round-floor [n base] (* base (clojure.math/floor (/ n base))))

Expand Down
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -542,12 +542,24 @@ Quoting it directly is idiomatic as well."

(hyperfiddle.electric/def http-request "Bound to the HTTP request of the page in which the current Electric program is running." nil)

(cc/defn -snapshot [flow] (->> flow (m/eduction ( (complement #{r/pending})))))
(cc/defn -snapshot
([flow] (->> flow (m/eduction ( (complement #{r/pending}))))) ; freezes after first non-pending
([flow sampler] (-snapshot flow sampler r/pending))
([flow sampler init]
(m/reductions {} init
(m/eduction ( #{r/pending})
(m/eduction (comp (map boolean) (dedupe) (filter identity)
(map (constantly

(defmacro snapshot
"Snapshots the first non-Pending value of reactive value `x` and freezes it,
inhibiting all further reactive updates."
[x] `(check-electric snapshot (new (-snapshot (hyperfiddle.electric/fn* [] ~x)))))
([x] `(check-electric snapshot (new (-snapshot (hyperfiddle.electric/fn* [] ~x)))))
([x sampler] `(check-electric snapshot (new (-snapshot (hyperfiddle.electric/fn* [] (identity ~x)) (hyperfiddle.electric/fn* [] (identity ~sampler))))))
([x sampler init] `(check-electric snapshot (new (-snapshot (hyperfiddle.electric/fn* [] (identity ~x)) (hyperfiddle.electric/fn* [] (identity ~sampler)) (snapshot ~init))))))

(cc/defn ->Object [] #?(:clj (Object.) :cljs (js/Object.))) ; private

Expand Down
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric_css.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,13 +92,6 @@
(! rule)
#(delete-rule styled-element rule)))))))

(e/def scope "")

(defn scoped [scope selector]
(if-not (empty? scope)
(str "." scope " " selector)

(defn rule* [styled-element selector declarations]
(when (seq declarations)
`(doto (new (make-rule< ~styled-element ~selector))
Expand All @@ -107,11 +100,20 @@
(e/def selector "")

(defn concat-selectors [selectorA selectorB]
(str selectorA
(let [selectorB (str/trim selectorB)]
(if (str/starts-with? selectorB "&")
(str/replace-first selectorB "&" "")
(str " " selectorB)))))
(if (empty? selectorA)
(str selectorA
(let [selectorB (str/trim selectorB)]
(if (str/starts-with? selectorB "&")
(str/replace-first selectorB "&" "")
(str " " selectorB))))))

(e/def scope "")

(defn scoped [scope selector]
(if-not (empty? scope)
(concat-selectors (str "." scope) selector)

(defmacro rule [selector & declarations]
(let [[selector declarations] (if (map? selector) ["&" (cons selector declarations)] [selector declarations])]
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