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ECSS - Keyframes support
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(css/keyframes "animation-name"
  (css/keyframe :from {:color :red})
  (css/keyframe :to {:color :blue}))
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ggeoffrey committed Apr 23, 2024
1 parent 3bdbb7e commit 87abb5e
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 28 deletions.
124 changes: 96 additions & 28 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric_css.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[clojure.string :as str])
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [hyperfiddle.electric-css])))

(defn find-rule-index "Find the rule index in the node sheet's CSSRuleList" [node target-rule]
(let [rules (.-cssRules (.-sheet node))
len (.-length rules)]
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i len)
(if (= target-rule (aget rules i))
(recur (inc i)))
(defprotocol StyledElement
"Define an object containing CSS rules"
(sheet [this])
(css-rules [this])
(find-rule [this rule])
(add-rule [this rule] [this rule index])
(delete-rule [this rule]))

(defn rule-index "Find the rule index in the node sheet's CSSRuleList" [styled-element target-rule]
(let [rules (css-rules styled-element)
len (.-length rules)]
(loop [i 0]
(if (< i len)
(if (= target-rule (aget rules i))
(recur (inc i)))

(defn make-rule "Create a rule in node's stylesheet, return the created rule." [node selector]
(let [sheet (.-sheet node)
index (.-length (.-cssRules sheet))]
(.insertRule sheet (str selector " {}") index)
(aget (.-cssRules sheet) index))))
(extend-protocol StyledElement
(sheet [^js this] (.-sheet this))
(css-rules [^js this] (css-rules (sheet this)))
(find-rule [this rule] (rule-index this rule))
([this rule] (add-rule (sheet this) rule))
([this rule index] (add-rule (sheet this) rule index)))
(sheet [this] this)
(css-rules [^js this] (.-cssRules this))
(find-rule [this rule] (rule-index this rule))
([this rule] (add-rule this rule (count (css-rules this)))) ; add at the end
([^js this rule index] (.insertRule this rule index)))
(delete-rule [^js this rule]
(let [idx (find-rule this rule)]
(when (> idx -1)
(.deleteRule this idx))))
(sheet [this] this)
(css-rules [^js this] (.-cssRules this))
(find-rule [this rule] (rule-index this rule))
([this rule] (add-rule this rule (count (css-rules this)))) ; add at the end
([^js this rule index] (.insertRule this rule index)))
(delete-rule [^js this rule]
(let [idx (find-rule this rule)]
(when (> idx -1)
(.deleteRule this idx))))
js/CSSKeyframesRule ; not a subclass of CSSGroupingRule
(sheet [this] this)
(css-rules [^js this] (.-cssRules this))
(find-rule [^js this rule] (.findRule this (.-keyText rule))) ; identity?
([this rule] (add-rule this rule nil)) ; no support for index-based insert
([^js this rule _] (.appendRule this rule)))
(delete-rule [^js this rule] (.deleteRule this (.-keyText rule)))))

(defprotocol StyleRule
"Interface over a CSS rule"
(set-property [this key value]))

(defn delete-rule "Remove a given rule from node's stylesheet" [node rule]
(let [idx (find-rule-index node rule)]
(when (> idx -1)
(.deleteRule (.-sheet node) idx))))
(extend-protocol StyleRule
(set-property [^js this key value] (set-property (.-style this) key value))
js/CSSKeyframeRule ; not a subclass of CSSStyleRule
(set-property [^js this key value] (set-property (.-style this) key value))
(set-property [^js this key value] (.setProperty this (dom/to-str key) (dom/to-str value)))))

(defn make-rule "Create a rule in node's stylesheet, return the created rule." [styled-element selector]
(let [sheet (sheet styled-element)
index (.-length (css-rules sheet))]
(add-rule sheet (str (dom/to-str selector) " {}") index)
(aget (css-rules sheet) index))))

(defn make-rule< "Create and emit a rule for `selector` on mount, remove the rule on unmount." [node selector]
(defn make-rule< "Create and emit a rule for `selector` on mount, remove the rule on unmount." [styled-element selector]
(m/relieve (m/observe (fn [!]
(let [rule (make-rule node selector)]
(let [rule (make-rule styled-element selector)]
(! rule)
#(delete-rule node rule)))))))

(defn set-property [rule key value] (.setProperty rule (dom/to-str key) (dom/to-str value)))
#(delete-rule styled-element rule)))))))

(e/def scope "")

Expand All @@ -45,9 +99,9 @@
(str "." scope " " selector)

(defn rule* [node selector declarations]
(defn rule* [styled-element selector declarations]
(when (seq declarations)
`(doto (.-style (new (make-rule< ~node (scoped scope ~selector))))
`(doto (new (make-rule< ~styled-element ~selector))
~@(map (fn [[key value]] `(set-property ~key ~value)) declarations))))

(e/def selector "")
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(defmacro rule [selector & declarations]
(let [[selector declarations] (if (map? selector) ["&" (cons selector declarations)] [selector declarations])]
`(binding [selector (concat-selectors selector ~selector)]
`(binding [selector (scoped scope (concat-selectors selector ~selector))]
~@(map #(rule* `dom/node `selector %) (filter map? declarations))
~@(remove map? declarations))))

(rule {:color :red})
(rule "foo" {:color :red :height 2} {:width 1})
(rule "foo" {:color :red}
(rule "&.bar" {:color :blue}))
(rule "&.bar" {:color :blue}))

(defmacro keyframes "Create an @keyframes <animation-name> rule group. Note @keyframes are always
global, even if defined in a scoped style. Can only contain `keyframe` rules."
[animation-name & keyframes]
`(binding [dom/node (new (make-rule< dom/node ~(str "@keyframes " animation-name)))]

(defmacro keyframe
"Take a `stop` string (e.g. \"from\", \"to\", \"0%\", \"50%\", etc...) and a map of css declarations to apply at the given `stop`.
Will add the animation stop to the current `keyframes`. Can only be used in a `keyframes` block.
Note that adding or removing a `keyframe` at runtime resets running animations, but changing a keyframe's content doesn't. "
[stop declarations]
(rule* `dom/node stop declarations))

(def stylesheet< "Mount a singleton stylesheet in the documents's <head> to gather all CSS rules"
(m/signal ; We only need one top-level stylesheet into which we inject rules and manage their lifecycle.
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;; - perf should be equivalent since we mutates the `<style>`'s stylesheet CSSOM directly.
(m/observe (fn [!]
(let [style (.createElement js/document "style")]
(.add (.-classList style) (str "hyperfiddle_electric-css-"))
(.add (.-classList style) (str "hyperfiddle_electric-css"))
(.appendChild style (.createComment js/document "This node may contain dynamic styles. Inspect them with $(\"style.hyperfiddle_electric-css\").sheet.cssRules ."))
(.appendChild (.-head js/document) style)
(! style)
#(.removeChild (.-parentElement style) style)))))))
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