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Human-centric environment representations from egocentric video


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EgoEnv: Human-centric environment representations from egocentric video

This is the code accompanying our NeurIPS (oral) work:
EgoEnv: Human-centric environment representations from egocentric video
Tushar Nagarajan, Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Ruta Desai, James Hillis, Kristen Grauman
[arxiv] [project page]


(1) Create a conda environment and install packages. This repo has been tested with python 3.8, torch 1.9 and cuda 10.2.

conda create -n egoenv python=3.8

(2) Install Pytorch

pip install torch==1.9.0+cu102 torchvision==0.10.0+cu102 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f

(3) Install Habitat 2.0 (sim + lab)

# Habitat sim
conda install habitat-sim=0.2.2 headless -c conda-forge -c aihabitat

# Habitat lab
git clone --branch stable
cd habitat-lab
git checkout e074ef86f0190e195e2929d4fa631c1aef30c0e1
pip install -e .
cd ..

(4) Install other required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download data and checkpoints

Download annotatations, sample training data and model checkpoints.

bash data/

Generate environment features

Environment features can be generated using pre-trained model checkpoints. These models have been trained on simulated walkthroughs from Habitat environments.

Generate environment features for a video at 1FPS and save to disk.

python \
    --config state_prediction/config/downstream.yaml \
    --video /path/to/video.mp4 \
    --save env_feats.pth \
    MODEL.WEIGHTS checkpoints/cardinal_object_state/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=2279-val_loss=2.29E-01.ckpt

This generates a (T, 128) tensor for features sampled at 1FPS. See parameters in state_prediction/config/downstream.yaml. The following sections have instructions for generating simulated training data and training models from scratch.

Generate simulated walkthroughs

(1) Download HM3D scene and pointnav data. Follow the official instructions to download HM3D scenes. Pointnav data ( can be downloaded from here. After extracting, the resulting file structure should look like this:

├── datasets/pointnav/hm3d/v1
│   └── train
│   ├── train_10_percent
│   ├── train_50_percent
│   └── val
└── scene_datasets
    └── hm3d
        ├── example 
        ├── hm3d_basis.scene_dataset_config.json 
        ├── minival 
        ├── train 
        └── val 

(2) Generate episode configurations for navigation agents. Episodes correspond to initial agent positions and the sequence of goal states that need to be visited. Output: data/walkthrough_data/hm3d/v1/walkthroughs.json.gz

python -m walkthrough_generation.generate_episodes

(3) Run navigation agents to save walkthrough trajectory. Trajectories consist of the camera-pose at each time-step for each trajectory. Output: data/walkthrough_data/hm3d/v1/state/info/

sbatch walkthrough_generation/ 

(4) Create the dataset of training and validation episodes uniformly sampled from all available scenes. Output: data/walkthrough_data/hm3d/v1/episode_list.pth

python -m walkthrough_generation.parse_agent_state --mode episodes

(5) Generate metadata for each episode. This includes RGB videos, frame features (ResNet50), object positions in all cardinal directions etc. Output: data/walkthrough_data/hm3d/v1/state/[rgb|r50_feats|detected_objects]/

sbatch walkthrough_generation/ 

(6) Consolidate metadata for pose embedding learning and local state prediction. Output: data/walkthrough_data/hm3d/v1/state/pose/ and data/walkthrough_data/hm3d/v1/state/cardinal_object_state/

python -m walkthrough_generation.parse_agent_state --mode pose
python -m walkthrough_generation.parse_agent_state --mode cardinal_object_state

This process will result in .pth files corresponding to the labels needed for the pre-training and fine-tuning stage in our framework. These include:

  • rgb videos: walkthrough videos rendered at 5FPS
  • r50_feats: ResNet-50 frame features for each time-step, used as input to the transformer encoder-decoder models.
  • pose (512, 3): Agent camera pose (x, z, θ) at each timestep, used for pose-embedding learning.
  • objects (512, 4, 23): Binary tensor corresponding to the presense (or absense) of each object class in the four cardinal directions, at each timestep.
  • distances (512, 4, 23): Categorical labels for the discretized distance of each visible object in the cardinal directions (or -1 if the object is not present).

Metadata for 50 sample trajectories are included in the data download, but the full dataset needs to be generated for training models from scratch.

Local state prediction training

Training requires a single node (8 NVidia V100 GPUs). Once the walkthrough metadata is generated for all episodes, training occurs in two stages.

(1) Pre-train the pose embedding network. Output: checkpoints/pose_embed/.../epoch=####-val_loss=####.ckpt

python -m state_prediction.train \
    --config state_prediction/config/pose_embed.yaml \
    CHECKPOINT_DIR checkpoints/pose_embed \

(2) Train local state prediction models using previously trained pose embeddings. Output: checkpoints/cardinal_object_state/.../epoch=####-val_loss=####.ckpt.

python -m state_prediction.train \
    --config state_prediction/config/cardinal_objects.yaml \
    MODEL.POSE_MODEL_WEIGHTS /path/to/pose_embed/checkpoint.ckpt \
    CHECKPOINT_DIR checkpoints/cardinal_object_state

Downstream video understanding tasks

Trained checkpoints are used downstream to generate environment features. Datasets for RoomPred and NLQ are in data/annotations. See for more information. Pre-computed features for Ego4D NLQ videos can be downloaded here.


This project is released under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license, as found in the LICENSE file.


If you find this repository useful in your own research, please consider citing:

  title={EgoEnv: Human-centric environment representations from egocentric video},
  author={Nagarajan, Tushar and Ramakrishnan, Santhosh Kumar and Desai, Ruta and Hillis, James and Grauman, Kristen},


Human-centric environment representations from egocentric video



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