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Erik Loyer edited this page Jun 30, 2018 · 8 revisions

The Score object manages the content and state of the current story, and is instantiated whenever a new script is loaded. It contains the major objects that define the story: Characters, Sequences, and Locations. It also defines the duration of the basic metric unit of the story: the pulse.

Public Properties

Property Type Description
backColor Color The current background color of the story.
beatsPerMinute float The tempo of the current story.
characters Character[] An array of all of the characters (visible or not) in the story.
charactersById Hashtable All of the story's characters, indexed by id.
currentDate DateTime The current diagetic date of the story.
currentLocation Location The current location in which the story is taking place.
currentSequence Sequence The currently playing sequence.
currentTemperature float The temperature of the current location, in the current temperature units.
currentTemperatureUnits TemperatureUnits The current units of measurement for temperature.
currentWeather WeatherConditions The weather conditions in the current location.
description string A brief description of the story, if available.
foreColor Color The current foreground color of the story.
locations Location[] An array of all of the locations in the story.
locationsById Hashtable All of the story's locations, indexed by id.
midColor Color The current medium ground color of the story.
primaryCredits string The primary creators of the story, if available.
pulsesPerBeat float The number of subdivisions in each beat of the story.
secondaryCredits string The secondary creators of the story, if available.
sequenceIndex int The index of the currently playing sequence.
sequenceQueue List<Sequence> A list of the next sequences in line to be activated.
sequences Sequence[] An array of all of the sequences in the story.
sequencesById Hashtable All of the story's sequences, indexed by id.
swing float The current swing value of the beat, from 0.0 to 1.0.
title string The title of the story, if available.
triggerTime float Time at which the last NextStep() command was issued.
version int The story's version number, if available.
parentConductor Conductor The Conductor which manages this Score.
pulse float The duration of a single pulse, in milliseconds.


new Score()

Creates a new Score object with default settings.

new Score(string text)

Creates a new Score object, attempting to parse the given string first as Stepwise XML, and then as a line-delimited plain text script.

new Score(XMLElement xml)

Creates a new Score object, parsing the given XML as Stepwise XML.

Public Methods

GetItemForId(string type, string id)

Given an id and a type, returns the corresponding object.


Returns a list of all visible characters in the current story.