Raspberry Pi Garage Door REST server
Used to control an automatic garage door opener, features include:
- Activate door open/close/stop
- Email notification when door remains open for a set period
- Sensing door state changes
See the Blog Post
See the ToDo list
##Architecture & Design
- Python3 (unit test framework not compatible with python2)
- Bottle to manage REST service
- CherryPy for HTTP server
- RPIO Raspberry Pi GPIO to control/sense door state
- Pyhon finite state machine fysom to manage door states and events
- sqlite database to store state
- Smart browser interface Garage Control
- Google OAuth reverse proxy (written in GO) for authentication and authorisation google_auth_proxy
user ----> router [port forward] ----> oauth proxy ----> py_garage_server ----> garage.db
\-----> GPIO -----> Relay/Sensors
If not requiring external access or for testing can go directly from user to py_garage_server by disabling auth in config (see below) without the need for google_auth_proxy
To build the electronics - see README and diagrams in the electronics folder
##Browser app
Download garagecontrol-client.zip
Put file in application folder and unzip to www:
unzip garagecontrol-client.zip -d www
Should create following file structure:
www/ico/[several images]
www/[more .dart and .js files]
Once setup, the browser app can be accessed from URL:
http[s]://<IP or domain>:<port>/gc/
Available URLs which respond to POST requests
/gc/garagedoor/state => get the current state
/gc/garagedoor/open => open the door
/gc/garagedoor/close => close the door
/gc/garagedoor/stop => stop the door
/gc/garagedoor/authlocation => check location is authorised for open command
Calling a command will trigger the door switch or have no effect if the transition is not allowed (e.g. calling stop in opened state)
The open
and authlocation
commands require 2 parameters: lat
and lng
All responses are by JSON e.g.:
{ 'auth': 'OK', 'state': 'opening' }
Can be installed with following commands
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip-3.2 install bottle RPi.GPIO geopy CherryPy mock
Application settings should be placed in garage_config.json. Make a copy of the template file and edit with required configuration:
cp _garage_config.json garage_config.json
Most settings are editable at runtime e.g. changing authorised list can be made without restarting the server.
For GPIO port numbering see here
- door_switch_enabled Set to false during testing - disables invoking relay GPIO
- notify_enabled Set to true to enable email notification
- state_monitor_enabled Set to true to enable periodic check/notification of door open status
- port HTTP Port to listen on
- authorised List of gmail addresses authorised (see google_auth_proxy - address is sent in the X-Forwarded-For header)
- smtp_server / smtp_port SMTP server / port
- smtp_sender email of sender, usually your address
- smtp_recipient email of person/people to notify
- smtp_pwd_file location of file containing password to email server
- lat / lng Latitude/Longitude of your garage used during location authorisation. Use this to find out
- relay_channel GPIO port used to control the relay
- closed_channel / opened_channel GPIO port used to detect sensor on door closed / opened
- debounce_timeout_ms De-bounce timeout
- distance_limit_miles Distance allowed from lat/lnb coords given above allowed to use Open command
- state_monitor_limit_mins Limit in minutes before sending notification of open state
- state_monitor_interval_mins Period to check door state
- logfile Location to write log file
The service must be run as root to bind to the GPIO ports. The included run.sh can be used to start the server.
./run.sh &
tail -f nohup.out
Alternatively, install and register as a system service. The advantage is if your RPi is rebooted, the service wil automatically be started when the system returns. See the init.d folder for instructions.