I'm no expert at electronics - these designs came from several iterations based on how they performed and also from various web forums (e.g. see here ).
It has been used with a Chamberlain garage door opener.
##Circuit Diagram
On the left is the relay circuit - The transistor (BC547C) is used since relay requires 5V to operate the optocoupler and the switchable GPIO ports only supply 3.3V. The relay operates a circuit (not shown) which is connected to the same points as the wall switch provided with the garage door opener.
On the right is the sensor circuit. There are actually 2 of these, 1 to sense door opened and another to sense door closed. You can choose where these go - I put sensors on the rail and 1 magnet on the slider.
The first atttempt at this followed instructions from this video, however, the 3.3v GPIO wasn't sufficient for the optocoupler in the relay I had which simply meant it did nothing. As mentioned above, I ended up using the Pi's 5V for both Vcc and JD-Vcc in conjunction with a transistor linked to the 3.3V GPIO port which worked perfectly.
Even though R-Pi has software-enabled pull-down resistors I found it wasn't always reliable so I included physical 10k pull-down resistors in both circuits.
SainSmart 2-Channel 5V Relay Module
Very cheap magnetic reed switch from ebay (e.g. alarm window sensor)
The 'opened' sensor - white block top left (closed sensor is further down the rail). Door opener with shoe box on top containing Pi.
Inside the shoe box - breadboard, relay and Pi.
- how Pi ports relate to config file