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Cristina Suciu edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 4 revisions

The DUXBetaSystemStatusListWidget is a specialized subclass of DUXBetaListPanelWidget which is provided to display a standard system status list showing aircraft state and allowing some settings to be adjusted.

Since the Beta 4 release, it consists of 13 widgets:

This widget is a good example of how to create a self contained list using a SmartModel. The widget overrides the base ListPanelWidget and simply replaces the init methods to instantiate the custom SmartModel DUXBetaSystemStatusListSmarttModel and install it using:


let _ = self.setupSmartModel(DUXBetaSystemStatusListSmarttModel())


[self setupSartModel:[DUXBetaSystemStatusListSmarttModel new];

An overridde of func defaultConfigure() allows for creation and use of a default configuration object to set colors, and title bar name which will be used with the list.

A full description of how to customize panel objects is found on the Panel Configuration page.

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