⚠️ This is an experimental feature
Static Runtime is an optimized CPU inference runtime for PyTorch models. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for the TorchScript JIT interpreter in either C++ or Python.
Static Runtime is mainly useful if the following conditions are met:
- The model has very little control flow.
- PyTorch overhead (tensor creation, etc) accounts for a non-trivial fraction of the model's runtime. In particular, if tensor allocation consumes a significant amount of time, Static Runtime can help. Memory for intermediate tensors is coalesced into a single slab, so most dynamic allocations are avoided during inference.
- Inference performance is extremely important.
This is a list of current assumptions for use with this feature.
- Inference only execution, CPU only
- Static input dtypes
- Static input shapes (the runtime supports dynamic shapes, but excessive dynamic shapes may degrade performance)
Static runtime supports two execution modes.
Mode 1: single-threaded with no parallelism except for intra-op parallelism. For this mode, you can do either:
// m is the TorchScript module
auto runtime = StaticRuntime(m, opts);
auto output = runtime.run(args, kwargs);
auto mod = PrepareForStaticRuntime(m);
auto runtime = StaticRuntime(mod, opts);
auto output = runtime.run(args, kwargs);
Mode 2: similar to data parallelism, run the same model for different inputs
on different threads at the same time. In this case, run
to prepare the graph for Static Runtime. You
should have one InferenceModule instance per model, and one Static Runtime instance
per running thread. To avoiding creating StaticRuntime on the fly, use a
synchronized stack (i.e. boost::lockfree::stack
) to cache all the Static
Runtime instances in your code.
// initialization
auto mod = PrepareForStaticRuntime(m);
// 128 is good for most cases. Pick a number that works for you
boost::lockfree::fixed_sized<true>> pool(128);
// inference
std::shared_ptr<StaticRuntime> runtime = nullptr;
if (!runtime) {
runtime = std::make_shared<StaticRuntime>(mod, opts);
auto output = runtime->run(args, kwargs);
In both modes, StaticRuntime
may not be used after its associated StaticModule
is destructed!
Static runtime's memory planner does two things:
- Coalesces internal allocations for tensor storage
- Does static analysis to figure out how to efficiently re-use memory.
For (2), there are two algorithms used. Specify which algorithm with
the memory_planner_algorithm
field in StaticModuleOptions
. The
algorithms are briefly described below:
Static runtime will record the space required for each intermediate managed tensor it sees on the first inference iteration. An intermediate tensor is managed if two conditions are satisfied:
The op that produces it has an out variant. Out variants are wrappers around ops that conceptually transform the op's signature from
Tensor some_op(const Tensor& some_arg)
intovoid some_op(Tensor& output, const Tensor& some_arg)
. Out variants are registered with static runtime via theREGISTER_OPERATOR_FUNCTOR
macro; see "Registering Ops" for more info. -
The tensor does not alias a graph output. Output tensors are handled separately by the memory planner, see "Managed Output Tensors" for details.
With this algorithm, static analysis is used to group the tensors in StorageGroup
Tensors in the same storage group share memory, and two tensors can be in the same storage group
if their lifetimes do not overlap.
On the subsequent iterations, static runtime allocates the tensor buffer at the start of the run.
The amount of memory allocated is sum([max(tensor.size()) for tensor in storage_groups])
If a tensor needs to be bigger than the allocated space on subsequent runs, a dynamic allocation will occur. This is why dynamic shapes will degrade performance. With the standard resizing strategy, static runtime will record the new largest tensor size in each storage group at the end of the iteration and allocate a buffer that is possibly bigger on the next iteration.
This algorithm is based on arXiv:2001.03288, section 5.2 "Greedy by Size for Offset Calculation".
The paper describes the algorithm in detail, but the key considerations are:
- This algorithm will tend to be more efficient with respect to maximum memory usage
- This algorithm will not resize the tensor buffer since recomputing offsets is a quadratic operation. Therefore, to avoid performance degradation, the model should be warmed up with the largest possible inputs.
can optionally manage output tensors via the manage_output_tensors
option in StaticModuleOptions
When this flag is turned on, we coalesce allocations for output tensors together. Note that the buffer containing
output tensors is separated from the one containing intermediate tensors. The former needs to live past the end
of the inference run, but the latter needs deallocated at the end of the run.
Under the hood, we store a refcounted pointer to the output arena in each returned Tensor
. The arena is destroyed
only when all output tensors are destroyed.
auto output = runtime(args);
auto& elems = output.toTupleRef().elements();
auto tensor_1 = elems[0].toTensor();
auto tensor_2 = elems[1].toTensor();
tensor_1 = at::empty({0}); // Output buffer not deallocated yet!
tensor_2 = at::empty({0}); // This call deallocates the output buffer.
Static runtime has three op execution modes:
- Out variants: ops that return tensors which we may be able to manage. See "Memory Planning" for more
details. Out variants are registered via the
macro inops.h
aten_op_name, // This macro generates a struct, this field names it
[](torch::jit::Node* n) -> SROperator {
// This mechanism lets us support a subset of schemas
if (n->matches(some_schema)) {
return some_overload;
} else if (n->matches(another_schema)) {
return another_overload;
return nullptr;
A SROperator
is a type alias for std::function<void(ProcessedNode*)>
. See "Implementation Details" for more
details on ProcessedNode
Native functions: just like out variants, except their outputs cannot be managed. This is because the op's return type is not a tensor or it is a view op (returns a tensor alias instead of a new tensor). Registration is done with
. This macro is used in the same way asREGISTER_OPERATOR_FUNCTOR
. -
JIT fallback: static runtime has no implementation for this op, so the implementation that the JIT interpreter uses is selected instead.
When loading a model, ops are selected for each torch::jit::Node
in the graph as follows:
- If an out variant is registered, pass the node to the function that prodcues the
. If the result is notnulltpr
, use that op. - If a native function is registered, pass the node to the function that prodcues the
. If the result is notnulltpr
, use that op. - Use the JIT implementation. Static runtime will throw an exception if it does not exist.
The following diagram shows the core data structure. An arrow from A
to B
means that
stores a reference to B
. If the reference is unowned,
may not out live B
or anything that B
stores a reference to (directly or indirectly).
If the reference is owned, the lifetimes of A
and B
are the same.
IValue array◄────────────────┐─────────────────────────────────────────┐
▲ │ Owns │ Owns
│ │ ┌───────────────────────────────►ProcessedNode───────►BlockRunner
│Owns │ │ │ │
│ Owns │ │ Owns │ │
StaticModule◄───────────StaticRuntime───────────►BlockRunner────────►MemoryPlanner │ ▼
│ │ │ │ │ ...
Owns│ │ │ │ │
▼ │ │ │ │
BlockInfo◄├───────────────────────────────────────────┘──────────────────┘ │
│ │
Owns│ │
▼ │
ProcessedFunction ◄─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Each class is described in detail below.
s are constructed from torch::jit::Module
s and can be used to construct StaticRuntime
instances. Each StaticModule
caches exactly one StaticRuntime
instance - it is lazily initialized when
you access it via runtime()
can be used directly to make predictions. Under the hood, this method just
forwards to the cached runtime's StaticRuntime::operator()
. One upshot of this behavior is that
is not thread-safe.
The way to use static runtime in a multi-threaded context is to give each thread its own StaticRuntime
instance. New runtime instances can be created directly (StaticRuntime(static_module)
) or clone()
'd from
an existing runtimes.
takes a set of options that control the behavior of the runtime instances that it spawns;
see StaticModuleOptions
for more details.
Internally, StaticRuntime
owns an array of IValue
s that is referenced from all BlockRunner
s and
s. All values that are generated at runtime are stored in this array.
A BlockRunner
represents a single sub-block in the graph. Every graph has at least one BlockRunner
corresponding to the top-level block, and StaticRuntime
starts its inference run by invoking
(*top_level_block)(args, kwargs)
. Each BlockRunner
has its own MemoryPlanner
and set of ProcessedNode
Special nodes that have sub-blocks (like prim::If
) might own BlockRunner
s. The op implementations are responsible
for invoking BlockRunner
s corresponding to sub-blocks.
See the "Memory Planning" section. MemoryPlanner
is an abstract base class. Each sub-class implements a different
memory planning algorithm.
In addition to the memory planning we do for tensors, MemoryPlanner
encapsulates a few other optimizations.
- Managed output tensors (see "Managed Output Tensors")
- Borrowed
s; ops that just unpack their inputs (e.g.dict_unpack
) might produce weak-references to avoid refcount bumps, theMemoryPlanner
needs to destroy these borrows appropriately.
is our abstraction for a single op. Each ProcessedNode
stores an unowned reference to StaticRuntime
array. It knows how to map input/output indices to indices in this array (so processed_node->output(i)
a reference to ivalue_array[some_set_of_indices[i]]
Each ProcessedNode
stores a ProcessedFunction
, which represents the actual op to execute. ProcessedFunction
s are initialized
upon StaticModule
construction according to the out variant/native/JIT fallback lookup rules described in "Registering Ops".
Note that all ProcessedFunction
s are shared amongst all runtime instances, so all ProcessedFunction
s must be thread-safe.
holds various "extra" fields on behalf of ProcessedNode
. Typically, this field is unused. But a few ops need extra machinery to work:
operations have twoBlockRunner
s for the execution of true and false sub-blocks depending upon the condition check.prim::Loop
operations have aBlockRunner
for the execution of the looping sub-block.prim::fork
operations havetorch::jit::TaskLauncher
) responsible for forked graph execution.
API allows execution of asynchronous operations on TaskLauncher
passed as arguments.
performs inline execution of parent graph on caller thread and asynchronous operations like prim::fork
are executed
on the launcher passed in. In the case that no launcher is provided, the execution happens on at::launch
inter-op thread pool.
takes the callable function/method/Module (say fn
) and arguments to that callable args
and kwargs
. Since the execution of forked function fn
happens asynchronously and fork returns immediately after creating the async task, the fn
may not have been executed by the time the line of code after the fork
call is reached. Thus, aten::wait
is used to wait for the async fn
task to be completed. prim::fork
nodes contain the sub-graph for the forked parts of the network. Each parent graph creates a separate instance of StaticModule
for the
forked sub-graph and StaticRuntime
instances are created on the fly during runtime as the fork nodes are executed. The forked subgraph execution
happens asynchronously on the launcher provided during StaticRuntime::runAsync()
or by at::launch
executor by default. aten::wait
waits on the future returned by the corresponding prim::fork
Sample Model with independent operations can be parallelized by inserting fork/wait nodes in the graph.
def CNNBlock(x):
out_1 = conv1(x)
out_1 = conv2(out_1)
out_1 = max_pool1(out_1)
out_2 = conv3(x)
out_2 = max_pool2(out_2)
out_merged = conv4(out_1 + out_2)
return out_merged
The two branches of (conv,conv,pool) operations can be parallelized by inserting fork nodes such that the execution of both the branches can happen in parallel:
def branch1(x):
out = conv1(x)
out = conv2(x)
return max_pool1(out)
def branch2(x):
out = conv3(x)
return max_pool2(out)
def CNNBlock(x):
fut_1 = torch.jit.fork(branch1, x)
fut_2 = torch.jit.fork(branch2, x)
out_merged = conv4(torch.jit.wait(fut_1) + torch.jit.wait(fut_2))
return out_merged
Execution without fork/wait operations:
<CALLER THREAD>: conv1 ─> conv2 ─> max_pool1 ─> conv3 ─> max_pool2 ─> conv4
Execution with fork/wait operations:
<CALLER THREAD> : fork1 ──> fork2 ──────────> wait(fut_1) ─> wait(fut_2) ─> conv4
| |
| |
<INTER-OP THREAD>: | conv3 ──────────────────> max_pool2 -> fut_2
<INTER-OP THREAD>: conv1 ─> conv2 ─> max_pool1 ──>fut_1
More examples for fork/wait operations and inter-op parallelism in PyTorch can be found at Dynamic Parallelism in TorchScript