We make it easy to retrieve and analyze normalized user data from a wide array of devices and applications. Check out our docs and SDKs or contact us.
PHP 7.2 and up
Install Composer and run
composer require cure-dao/cure-dao-sdk-php
Then run composer install
Create a .env file in the root directory of your project.
Create your API Client Application at https://curedao.org/api-clients.
Copy the client_id
and client_secret
you receive into the .env file.
Add the following lines to your .env file:
CUREDAO_CLIENT_ID=Get me from https://builder.curedao.org/#/app/clients
CUREDAO_CLIENT_SECRET=Get me from https://builder.curedao.org/#/app/clients
The request below returns the analysis results, the HTML used in the studies, and an array of Highcharts configurations. The chart configs could be transformed to work with other charting libraries as well.
use CureDAO\Client\Requests\AnalysisRequest;
use CureDAO\Client\Models\MeasurementSet;
use CureDAO\Client\Variables\PhysicalActivityVariables\DailyStepCountVariable;
use CureDAO\Client\Variables\VitalSignsVariables\HeartRateVariabilityVariable;
$predictorMeasurementSet = (new MeasurementSet())
// setVariable accepts an existing variable in lib/Variables or an array with variable_name, unit_name, and variable_category_name
->setVariable(new DailyStepCountVariable())
->addMeasurements([['start_at' => '2022-05-7', 'value' => 8472], etc...]);
$outcomeMeasurementSet = (new MeasurementSet())
->setVariable(new HeartRateVariabilityVariable())
->addMeasurements([['start_at' => '2022-05-8','value' => 3402], etc...]);
$yourUserId = "a-unique-identifier-for-your-user";
$analysis = new AnalysisRequest($yourUserId, $predictorMeasurementSet, $outcomeMeasurementSet);
$results = $analysis->analyze();
stdClass Object
[analysis] => stdClass Object
[title] => Higher Daily Step Count Predicts Significantly Higher Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[id] => 119250508
[actions_count] =>
[aggregate_correlation_id] => 65934819
[aggregated_at] =>
[analysis_ended_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:54.000000Z
[analysis_requested_at] =>
[analysis_started_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:50.000000Z
[average_daily_high_cause] => 9131
[average_daily_low_cause] => 3349.25
[average_effect] => 4922.5489795918
[average_effect_following_high_cause] => 5713.5476190476
[average_effect_following_low_cause] => 4329.3
[average_forward_pearson_correlation_over_onset_delays] => -0.25123405088819
[average_reverse_pearson_correlation_over_onset_delays] => -0.28188848394244
[boring] =>
[causality_vote] =>
[cause_baseline_average_per_day] => 478.57142857143
[cause_baseline_average_per_duration_of_action] => 3350
[cause_changes] => 6
[cause_filling_value] =>
[cause_number_of_processed_daily_measurements] => 7
[cause_number_of_raw_measurements] => 7
[cause_treatment_average_per_day] => 1304.2857142857
[cause_treatment_average_per_duration_of_action] => 9130
[cause_unit_id] => 23
[cause_user_variable_id] => 251372
[cause_variable_category_id] => 3
[cause_variable_id] => 1451
[client_id] =>
[confidence_interval] => 4065.1890999396
[confidence_level] => LOW
[correlation] =>
[correlation_causality_votes_count] =>
[correlation_usefulness_votes_count] =>
[correlations_over_delays] => stdClass Object
[-345600] => -0.23433220418127
[-172800] => 0.034760598063043
[-86400] => -0.64609384570908
[0] => 1
[86400] => -0.5968831073605
[172800] => 0.094415005584126
[correlations_over_durations] => stdClass Object
[86400] => 1
[172800] => 0.6379499154506
[345600] => 0.57787061118854
[691200] => 0.67464277155072
[1382400] => 0.67464277155072
[2764800] => 0.67464277155072
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:53.000000Z
[critical_t_value] => 1.895
[data_source] =>
[data_source_name] => user
[deletion_reason] =>
[duration_of_action] => 604800
[earliest_measurement_start_at] =>
[effect_baseline_average] => 4330
[effect_baseline_relative_standard_deviation] => 49.9
[effect_baseline_standard_deviation] => 2160.466346434
[effect_changes] => 6
[effect_filling_value] =>
[effect_follow_up_average] => 5713.5476190476
[effect_follow_up_percent_change_from_baseline] => 32
[effect_number_of_processed_daily_measurements] => 7
[effect_number_of_raw_measurements] => 7
[effect_user_variable_id] => 251373
[effect_variable_category_id] => 8
[effect_variable_id] => 6068048
[experiment_end_at] => 2022-05-21 00:00:00
[experiment_start_at] => 2022-05-07 00:00:00
[favoriters_count] =>
[forward_pearson_correlation_coefficient] => 0.67464277155072
[forward_spearman_correlation_coefficient] => 0.60714285714286
[grouped_cause_value_closest_to_value_predicting_high_outcome] => 40790
[grouped_cause_value_closest_to_value_predicting_low_outcome] => 40790
[interesting_variable_category_pair] =>
[is_public] =>
[latest_measurement_start_at] =>
[likers_count] =>
[media_count] =>
[name] => Relationship Between Daily Step Count and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[newest_data_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[number_of_days] => 6
[number_of_down_votes] =>
[number_of_pairs] => 7
[number_of_up_votes] =>
[obvious] =>
[onset_delay] => 0
[onset_delay_with_strongest_pearson_correlation] => 0
[optimal_pearson_product] => 1.1149049560059
[outcome_is_goal] =>
[p_value] => 0.22053649897756
[pearson_correlation_with_no_onset_delay] => 1
[plausibly_causal] =>
[predictive_pearson_correlation_coefficient] => 0.95653125549315
[predictor_is_controllable] =>
[predicts_high_effect_change] => 7
[predicts_low_effect_change] => -18
[published_at] =>
[qm_score] => 0.0007
[reason_for_analysis] => A study is being created
[record_size_in_kb] =>
[relationship] => POSITIVE
[report_title] => Higher Daily Step Count Predicts Significantly Higher Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[reverse_pearson_correlation_coefficient] =>
[slug] =>
[sort_order] =>
[statistical_significance] => 0.001
[strength_level] => STRONG
[strongest_pearson_correlation_coefficient] => 1
[subtitle] => Heart Rate Variability is generally 32% higher after 9130 count of Daily Step Count over the previous 7 days.
[t_value] => 1.0888099341446
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:55.000000Z
[usefulness_vote] =>
[user_error_message] =>
[user_id] => 93294
[user_variables_where_best_user_correlation_count] =>
[value_predicting_high_outcome] => 6611.3333333333
[value_predicting_low_outcome] => 1122
[vote] =>
[votes_count] =>
[wp_post_id] =>
[z_score] => 0.64
[html] => An html study page like this: <a href="https://studies.curedao.org/studies/cause-5627301-effect-1398-population-study">https://studies.curedao.org/studies/cause-5627301-effect-1398-population-study</a>
[outcome_user_variable] => stdClass Object
[id] => 251373
[title] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[name] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[description] =>
[analysis_ended_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:53.000000Z
[analysis_requested_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[analysis_settings_modified_at] =>
[analysis_started_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:52.000000Z
[average_seconds_between_measurements] => 86400
[best_cause_variable_id] => 1451
[best_correlations_where_cause_user_variable_count] =>
[best_correlations_where_effect_user_variable_count] =>
[best_effect_variable_id] =>
[best_user_correlation_id] => 119250508
[boring] =>
[cause_only] =>
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[combination_operation] => SUM
[controllable] =>
[correlations_count] =>
[correlations_where_cause_user_variable_count] =>
[correlations_where_effect_user_variable_count] =>
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:48.000000Z
[data_sources_count] => stdClass Object
[oauth_test_client] => 7
[default_unit_id] => 204
[duration_of_action] => 86400
[earliest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[earliest_source_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07 00:00:00
[earliest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[error_message] =>
[favoriters_count] =>
[favorites_count] =>
[filling_type] => zero
[filling_value] => 0
[informational_url] =>
[is_goal] =>
[is_public] =>
[join_with] =>
[kurtosis] => 1.3248376497722
[last_correlated_at] =>
[last_original_unit_id] => 204
[last_original_value] => 1122
[last_unit_id] => 204
[last_value] => 1122
[latest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[latest_source_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13 00:00:00
[latest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[maximum_allowed_value] => 864000000
[maximum_recorded_daily_value] =>
[maximum_recorded_value] => 9909
[mean] => 5827.1
[measurements_at_last_analysis] => 7
[measurements_count] =>
[measurements] => stdClass Object
[2022-05-07 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095314
[value] => 8472
[original_value] => 8472
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-07 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 8470 milliseconds Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 6068048
[unit_id] => 204
[original_unit_id] => 204
[variable_category_id] => 8
[user_variable_id] => 251373
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-08 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095315
[value] => 3402
[original_value] => 3402
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-08 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-08T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 3400 milliseconds Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 6068048
[unit_id] => 204
[original_unit_id] => 204
[variable_category_id] => 8
[user_variable_id] => 251373
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-09 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095316
[value] => 3930
[original_value] => 3930
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-09 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 3930 milliseconds Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 6068048
[unit_id] => 204
[original_unit_id] => 204
[variable_category_id] => 8
[user_variable_id] => 251373
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-10 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095317
[value] => 9909
[original_value] => 9909
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-10 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-10T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 9910 milliseconds Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 6068048
[unit_id] => 204
[original_unit_id] => 204
[variable_category_id] => 8
[user_variable_id] => 251373
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-11 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095318
[value] => 4943
[original_value] => 4943
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-11 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-11T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 4940 milliseconds Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 6068048
[unit_id] => 204
[original_unit_id] => 204
[variable_category_id] => 8
[user_variable_id] => 251373
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-12 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095319
[value] => 9012
[original_value] => 9012
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-12 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-12T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 9010 milliseconds Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 6068048
[unit_id] => 204
[original_unit_id] => 204
[variable_category_id] => 8
[user_variable_id] => 251373
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-13 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095320
[value] => 1122
[original_value] => 1122
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-13 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 1120 milliseconds Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 6068048
[unit_id] => 204
[original_unit_id] => 204
[variable_category_id] => 8
[user_variable_id] => 251373
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[media_count] =>
[median] => 4943
[median_seconds_between_measurements] => 86400
[minimum_allowed_seconds_between_measurements] => 1
[minimum_allowed_value] => 0
[minimum_recorded_daily_value] =>
[minimum_recorded_value] => 1122
[most_common_connector_id] =>
[most_common_original_unit_id] =>
[most_common_source_name] => oauth_test_client
[most_common_value] => 8472
[newest_data_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:49.000000Z
[number_common_tagged_by] => 0
[number_of_changes] => 6
[number_of_common_children] =>
[number_of_common_foods] =>
[number_of_common_ingredients] =>
[number_of_common_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_common_parents] =>
[number_of_common_tags] =>
[number_of_correlations] => 0
[number_of_measurements] => 7
[number_of_measurements_with_tags_at_last_correlation] =>
[number_of_outcome_case_studies] =>
[number_of_processed_daily_measurements] => 7
[number_of_raw_measurements_with_tags_joins_children] => 7
[number_of_soft_deleted_measurements] => 0
[number_of_tracking_reminder_notifications] => 0
[number_of_tracking_reminders] => 0
[number_of_unique_daily_values] => 7
[number_of_unique_values] => 7
[number_of_user_children] =>
[number_of_user_correlations_as_cause] => 0
[number_of_user_correlations_as_effect] => 0
[number_of_user_foods] =>
[number_of_user_ingredients] =>
[number_of_user_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_user_parents] =>
[number_of_user_tags] => 0
[number_user_tagged_by] => 0
[onset_delay] => 0
[optimal_value_message] => Higher Daily Step Count predicts significantly higher Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was 32% higher following above average over the previous 7 days.
[outcome] =>
[outcome_of_interest] => 1
[outcomes_count] =>
[parent_id] =>
[predictor] =>
[predictor_of_interest] =>
[predictors_count] =>
[reason_for_analysis] => setEffectMeasurementsAndAnalyze
[record_size_in_kb] =>
[report_title] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[second_to_last_value] => 9012
[skewness] => -0.032423795632679
[slug] =>
[sources] =>
[standard_deviation] => 3321.6634602044
[subtitle] => 7 measurements | Recorded 32 days ago | Higher Daily Step Count predicts significantly higher Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was 32% higher following above average over the previous 7 days.
[third_to_last_value] => 4943
[tracking_reminder_notifications_count] =>
[tracking_reminders_count] =>
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:55.000000Z
[user_error_message] =>
[user_id] => 93294
[user_maximum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[user_minimum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[user_minimum_allowed_non_zero_value] =>
[user_tags_where_tag_user_variable_count] =>
[user_tags_where_tagged_user_variable_count] =>
[user_variable_clients_count] =>
[user_variable_outcome_categories_count] =>
[user_variable_predictor_categories_count] =>
[valence] =>
[variable_category_id] => 8
[variable_id] => 6068048
[variable_user_sources_count] =>
[variance] => 11033448.142857
[wikipedia_title] =>
[wp_post_id] =>
[outcome_variable] => stdClass Object
[title] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[id] => 6068048
[name] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[abbreviatedUnitName] =>
[actions_count] =>
[additional_meta_data] =>
[aggregate_correlations_count] =>
[aggregate_correlations_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[aggregate_correlations_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[analysis_ended_at] =>
[analysis_requested_at] =>
[analysis_settings_modified_at] =>
[analysis_started_at] =>
[applications_where_outcome_variable_count] =>
[applications_where_predictor_variable_count] =>
[average_seconds_between_measurements] =>
[best_aggregate_correlation_id] =>
[best_cause_variable_id] => 1451
[best_effect_variable_id] =>
[boring] =>
[brand_name] =>
[canonical_variable_id] =>
[cause_only] =>
[charts] =>
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[combination_operation] => SUM
[common_alias] =>
[common_maximum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[common_minimum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[common_minimum_allowed_non_zero_value] =>
[common_tagged_by_count] =>
[common_tags_count] =>
[common_tags_where_tag_variable_count] =>
[common_tags_where_tagged_variable_count] =>
[condition_causes_where_cause_count] =>
[condition_causes_where_condition_count] =>
[condition_treatments_count] =>
[condition_treatments_where_condition_count] =>
[condition_treatments_where_treatment_count] =>
[controllable] =>
[correlation_causality_votes_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[correlation_causality_votes_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[correlation_usefulness_votes_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[correlation_usefulness_votes_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[correlations_count] =>
[correlations_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[correlations_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T07:26:35.000000Z
[creator_user_id] => 93284
[ct_treatment_side_effects_where_side_effect_variable_count] =>
[ct_treatment_side_effects_where_treatment_variable_count] =>
[data_sources_count] => stdClass Object
[oauth_test_client] => 1
[default_unit_id] => 204
[default_value] =>
[deletion_reason] =>
[description] =>
[display_name] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[duration_of_action] => 86400
[earliest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[earliest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[favoriters_count] =>
[favorites_count] =>
[filling_type] => zero
[filling_value] => 0
[image_url] => https://static.quantimo.do/img/variable_categories/heart_monitor-96.png
[individual_cause_studies_count] =>
[individual_effect_studies_count] =>
[informational_url] =>
[ion_icon] =>
[is_goal] =>
[is_public] =>
[kurtosis] =>
[latest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[latest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[manual_tracking] =>
[maximum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[maximum_allowed_value] => 864000000
[maximum_recorded_value] => 9909
[mean] =>
[measurements_count] =>
[media_count] =>
[median] =>
[median_seconds_between_measurements] =>
[meta_data] =>
[minimum_allowed_seconds_between_measurements] => 1
[minimum_allowed_value] => 0
[minimum_recorded_value] => 1122
[most_common_connector_id] =>
[most_common_original_unit_id] =>
[most_common_source_name] =>
[most_common_value] =>
[newest_data_at] => 2022-06-13T07:26:46.000000Z
[number_common_tagged_by] =>
[number_of_aggregate_correlations_as_cause] =>
[number_of_aggregate_correlations_as_effect] =>
[number_of_applications_where_outcome_variable] =>
[number_of_applications_where_predictor_variable] =>
[number_of_common_children] =>
[number_of_common_foods] =>
[number_of_common_ingredients] =>
[number_of_common_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_common_parents] =>
[number_of_common_tags] =>
[number_of_common_tags_where_tag_variable] =>
[number_of_common_tags_where_tagged_variable] =>
[number_of_measurements] => 7
[number_of_outcome_case_studies] =>
[number_of_outcome_population_studies] =>
[number_of_predictor_case_studies] =>
[number_of_predictor_population_studies] =>
[number_of_raw_measurements] =>
[number_of_raw_measurements_with_tags_joins_children] => 7
[number_of_soft_deleted_measurements] =>
[number_of_studies_where_cause_variable] =>
[number_of_studies_where_effect_variable] =>
[number_of_tracking_reminder_notifications] =>
[number_of_tracking_reminders] =>
[number_of_unique_values] => 7
[number_of_user_children] =>
[number_of_user_foods] =>
[number_of_user_ingredients] =>
[number_of_user_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_user_parents] =>
[number_of_user_tags_where_tag_variable] =>
[number_of_user_tags_where_tagged_variable] =>
[number_of_user_variables] => 1
[number_of_users_where_primary_outcome_variable] =>
[number_of_variables_where_best_cause_variable] =>
[number_of_variables_where_best_effect_variable] =>
[number_of_votes_where_cause_variable] =>
[number_of_votes_where_effect_variable] =>
[onset_delay] => 0
[optimal_value_message] => Higher Daily Step Count predicts significantly higher Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Based on data from 1 participants, Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was highest after 40800 count.
[outcome] =>
[outcomes_count] =>
[parent_id] =>
[population_cause_studies_count] =>
[population_effect_studies_count] =>
[predictor] =>
[predictors_count] =>
[price] =>
[product_url] =>
[public_outcomes_count] =>
[public_predictors_count] =>
[reason_for_analysis] =>
[record_size_in_kb] =>
[report_title] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[second_most_common_value] =>
[side_effect_variables_count] =>
[side_effects_count] =>
[skewness] =>
[slug] =>
[sort_order] => 0
[source_url] =>
[standard_deviation] =>
[studies_count] =>
[studies_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[studies_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[subtitle] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV) overview with data visualizations and likely outcomes based on the anonymously aggregated data donated by 108 participants
[synonyms] => Array
[0] => Heart Rate Variability
[1] => HRV
[2] => Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
[tags_count] =>
[third_most_common_value] =>
[third_party_correlations_count] =>
[tracking_reminder_notifications_count] =>
[tracking_reminders_count] =>
[treatment_side_effects_where_treatment_count] =>
[unit_id] => 204
[up_voted_public_outcomes_count] =>
[up_voted_public_predictors_count] =>
[upc_12] =>
[upc_14] =>
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T07:26:53.000000Z
[user_error_message] =>
[user_tagged_by_count] =>
[user_tags_count] =>
[user_tags_where_tag_variable_count] =>
[user_tags_where_tagged_variable_count] =>
[user_variable_clients_count] =>
[user_variable_outcome_categories_count] =>
[user_variable_predictor_categories_count] =>
[user_variables_count] =>
[user_variables_excluding_test_users_count] =>
[users_count] =>
[users_where_primary_outcome_variable_count] =>
[valence] =>
[variable_category_id] => 8
[variable_id] => 6068048
[variable_outcome_categories_count] =>
[variable_predictor_categories_count] =>
[variable_user_sources_count] =>
[variables_count] =>
[variables_where_best_cause_variable_count] =>
[variables_where_best_effect_variable_count] =>
[variance] =>
[votes_count] =>
[votes_where_cause_count] =>
[votes_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[votes_where_effect_count] =>
[votes_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[wikipedia_title] =>
[wikipedia_url] =>
[wp_post_id] =>
[predictor_user_variable] => stdClass Object
[id] => 251372
[title] => Daily Step Count
[name] => Daily Step Count
[description] =>
[analysis_ended_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:52.000000Z
[analysis_requested_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:48.000000Z
[analysis_settings_modified_at] =>
[analysis_started_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:51.000000Z
[average_seconds_between_measurements] => 86400
[best_cause_variable_id] =>
[best_correlations_where_cause_user_variable_count] =>
[best_correlations_where_effect_user_variable_count] =>
[best_effect_variable_id] => 6068048
[best_user_correlation_id] => 119250508
[boring] =>
[cause_only] =>
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[combination_operation] => SUM
[controllable] =>
[correlations_count] =>
[correlations_where_cause_user_variable_count] =>
[correlations_where_effect_user_variable_count] =>
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:46.000000Z
[data_sources_count] => stdClass Object
[oauth_test_client] => 7
[default_unit_id] => 23
[duration_of_action] => 604800
[earliest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[earliest_source_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07 00:00:00
[earliest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[error_message] =>
[favoriters_count] =>
[favorites_count] =>
[filling_type] => none
[filling_value] =>
[informational_url] =>
[is_goal] =>
[is_public] =>
[join_with] =>
[kurtosis] => 1.3248376497722
[last_correlated_at] =>
[last_original_unit_id] => 23
[last_original_value] => 1122
[last_unit_id] => 23
[last_value] => 1122
[latest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[latest_source_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13 00:00:00
[latest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[maximum_allowed_value] =>
[maximum_recorded_daily_value] =>
[maximum_recorded_value] => 9909
[mean] => 5827.1
[measurements_at_last_analysis] => 7
[measurements_count] =>
[measurements] => stdClass Object
[2022-05-07 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095307
[value] => 8472
[original_value] => 8472
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-07 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-07T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 8470 count Daily Step Count
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 1451
[unit_id] => 23
[original_unit_id] => 23
[variable_category_id] => 3
[user_variable_id] => 251372
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-08 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095308
[value] => 3402
[original_value] => 3402
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-08 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-08T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 3400 count Daily Step Count
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 1451
[unit_id] => 23
[original_unit_id] => 23
[variable_category_id] => 3
[user_variable_id] => 251372
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-09 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095309
[value] => 3930
[original_value] => 3930
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-09 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-09T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 3930 count Daily Step Count
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 1451
[unit_id] => 23
[original_unit_id] => 23
[variable_category_id] => 3
[user_variable_id] => 251372
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-10 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095310
[value] => 9909
[original_value] => 9909
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-10 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-10T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 9910 count Daily Step Count
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 1451
[unit_id] => 23
[original_unit_id] => 23
[variable_category_id] => 3
[user_variable_id] => 251372
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-11 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095311
[value] => 4943
[original_value] => 4943
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-11 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-11T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 4940 count Daily Step Count
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 1451
[unit_id] => 23
[original_unit_id] => 23
[variable_category_id] => 3
[user_variable_id] => 251372
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-12 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095312
[value] => 9012
[original_value] => 9012
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:47.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-12 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-12T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 9010 count Daily Step Count
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 1451
[unit_id] => 23
[original_unit_id] => 23
[variable_category_id] => 3
[user_variable_id] => 251372
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[2022-05-13 00:00:00] => stdClass Object
[title] => Measurement
[id] => 1093095313
[value] => 1122
[original_value] => 1122
[duration] =>
[note] => stdClass Object
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:48.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:48.000000Z
[error] =>
[start_at] => 2022-05-13 00:00:00
[original_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[subtitle] => 1120 count Daily Step Count
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[connector_id] =>
[variable_id] => 1451
[unit_id] => 23
[original_unit_id] => 23
[variable_category_id] => 3
[user_variable_id] => 251372
[connection_id] =>
[connector_import_id] =>
[media_count] =>
[median] => 4943
[median_seconds_between_measurements] => 86400
[minimum_allowed_seconds_between_measurements] => 86400
[minimum_allowed_value] => 1
[minimum_recorded_daily_value] =>
[minimum_recorded_value] => 1122
[most_common_connector_id] =>
[most_common_original_unit_id] =>
[most_common_source_name] => oauth_test_client
[most_common_value] => 8472
[newest_data_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:48.000000Z
[number_common_tagged_by] => 0
[number_of_changes] => 6
[number_of_common_children] =>
[number_of_common_foods] =>
[number_of_common_ingredients] =>
[number_of_common_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_common_parents] =>
[number_of_common_tags] =>
[number_of_correlations] => 0
[number_of_measurements] => 7
[number_of_measurements_with_tags_at_last_correlation] =>
[number_of_outcome_case_studies] =>
[number_of_processed_daily_measurements] => 7
[number_of_raw_measurements_with_tags_joins_children] => 7
[number_of_soft_deleted_measurements] => 0
[number_of_tracking_reminder_notifications] => 0
[number_of_tracking_reminders] => 0
[number_of_unique_daily_values] => 7
[number_of_unique_values] => 7
[number_of_user_children] =>
[number_of_user_correlations_as_cause] => 0
[number_of_user_correlations_as_effect] => 0
[number_of_user_foods] =>
[number_of_user_ingredients] =>
[number_of_user_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_user_parents] =>
[number_of_user_tags] => 0
[number_user_tagged_by] => 0
[onset_delay] => 0
[optimal_value_message] => Higher Daily Step Count predicts significantly higher Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was 32% higher following above average over the previous 7 days.
[outcome] => 1
[outcome_of_interest] => 1
[outcomes_count] =>
[parent_id] =>
[predictor] =>
[predictor_of_interest] =>
[predictors_count] =>
[reason_for_analysis] => setCauseMeasurementsAndAnalyze
[record_size_in_kb] =>
[report_title] => Daily Step Count
[second_to_last_value] => 9012
[skewness] => -0.032423795632679
[slug] =>
[sources] =>
[standard_deviation] => 3321.6634602044
[subtitle] => 7 measurements | Recorded 32 days ago | Higher Daily Step Count predicts significantly higher Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was 32% higher following above average over the previous 7 days.
[third_to_last_value] => 4943
[tracking_reminder_notifications_count] =>
[tracking_reminders_count] =>
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:55.000000Z
[user_error_message] =>
[user_id] => 93294
[user_maximum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[user_minimum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[user_minimum_allowed_non_zero_value] =>
[user_tags_where_tag_user_variable_count] =>
[user_tags_where_tagged_user_variable_count] =>
[user_variable_clients_count] =>
[user_variable_outcome_categories_count] =>
[user_variable_predictor_categories_count] =>
[valence] =>
[variable_category_id] => 3
[variable_id] => 1451
[variable_user_sources_count] =>
[variance] => 11033448.142857
[wikipedia_title] =>
[wp_post_id] =>
[predictor_variable] => stdClass Object
[title] => Daily Step Count
[id] => 1451
[name] => Daily Step Count
[abbreviatedUnitName] =>
[actions_count] =>
[additional_meta_data] =>
[aggregate_correlations_count] =>
[aggregate_correlations_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[aggregate_correlations_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[analysis_ended_at] => 2020-10-11T17:02:49.000000Z
[analysis_requested_at] =>
[analysis_settings_modified_at] => 2020-09-15T21:17:25.000000Z
[analysis_started_at] => 2020-10-11T17:02:46.000000Z
[applications_where_outcome_variable_count] =>
[applications_where_predictor_variable_count] =>
[average_seconds_between_measurements] => 238986
[best_aggregate_correlation_id] => 65685197
[best_cause_variable_id] => 6057041
[best_effect_variable_id] => 1398
[boring] =>
[brand_name] =>
[canonical_variable_id] =>
[cause_only] =>
[charts] => stdClass Object
[id] =>
[monthlyColumnChart] => stdClass Object
[id] => average-steps-by-month
[title] =>
[jpgUrl] =>
[pngUrl] => https://static.quantimo.do/variables/1451/average-steps-by-month-monthly-column-chart.png
[svgUrl] =>
[chartId] => average-steps-by-month
[imageUrl] => https://static.quantimo.do/variables/1451/average-steps-by-month-monthly-column-chart.png
[subtitle] =>
[chartTitle] => Average Steps by Month
[explanation] => Typical Steps value for each month.
[variableName] => Steps
[validImageOnS3] => 1
[highchartConfig] => stdClass Object
[id] => average-steps-by-month
[lang] => stdClass Object
[loading] =>
[chart] => stdClass Object
[type] => column
[renderTo] => average-steps-by-month-chart-container
[animation] => stdClass Object
[duration] => 0
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Average Steps by Month
[style] => Array
[enabled] => 1
[xAxis] => stdClass Object
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Month
[style] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => January
[1] => February
[2] => March
[3] => April
[4] => May
[5] => June
[6] => July
[7] => August
[8] => September
[9] => October
[10] => November
[11] => December
[yAxis] => stdClass Object
[max] => 4677.7
[min] => 3892.3
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Daily Average (count)
[style] => Array
[enabled] => 1
[colors] => Array
[0] => #000000
[1] => #3467d6
[2] => #dd4b39
[3] => #0f9d58
[4] => #f09402
[5] => #d34836
[legend] => stdClass Object
[enabled] =>
[series] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[data] => Array
[0] => 3900
[1] => 4080
[2] => 4560
[3] => 4470
[4] => 4670
[5] => 4540
[6] => 4190
[7] => 3960
[8] => 4010
[9] => 3940
[10] => 3990
[11] => 3900
[name] => Daily Average Steps By Month
[credits] => stdClass Object
[enabled] =>
[loading] => stdClass Object
[style] => Array
[hideDuration] => 10
[showDuration] => 10
[tooltip] => stdClass Object
[formatter] => stdClass Object
[_expression] => function() {
return this.y +'count <br/>on average<br/>in '+this.x;
[subtitle] => stdClass Object
[text] => Typical Steps value for each month.
[style] => Array
[exporting] => stdClass Object
[enabled] => 1
[plotOptions] => stdClass Object
[column] => stdClass Object
[borderWidth] => 0
[colorByPoint] => 1
[pointPadding] => 0.2
[enableMouseTracking] => 1
[useHighStocks] =>
[imageGeneratedAt] =>
[weekdayColumnChart] => stdClass Object
[id] => average-steps-by-day-of-week
[title] =>
[jpgUrl] =>
[pngUrl] => https://static.quantimo.do/variables/1451/average-steps-by-day-of-week-weekday-column-chart.png
[svgUrl] =>
[chartId] => average-steps-by-day-of-week
[imageUrl] => https://static.quantimo.do/variables/1451/average-steps-by-day-of-week-weekday-column-chart.png
[subtitle] =>
[chartTitle] => Average Steps by Day of Week
[explanation] => Typical Steps value on each day of the week.
[variableName] => Steps
[validImageOnS3] => 1
[highchartConfig] => stdClass Object
[id] => average-steps-by-day-of-week
[lang] => stdClass Object
[loading] =>
[chart] => stdClass Object
[type] => column
[renderTo] => average-steps-by-day-of-week-chart-container
[animation] => stdClass Object
[duration] => 0
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Average Steps by Day of Week
[style] => Array
[enabled] => 1
[xAxis] => stdClass Object
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Day
[style] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => Sun
[1] => Mon
[2] => Tue
[3] => Wed
[4] => Thu
[5] => Fri
[6] => Sat
[yAxis] => stdClass Object
[max] => 4343.9
[min] => 3946.1
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Average (count)
[style] => Array
[enabled] => 1
[colors] => Array
[0] => #000000
[1] => #3467d6
[2] => #dd4b39
[3] => #0f9d58
[4] => #f09402
[5] => #d34836
[legend] => stdClass Object
[enabled] =>
[series] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[data] => Array
[0] => 3950
[1] => 4170
[2] => 4200
[3] => 4190
[4] => 4270
[5] => 4340
[6] => 4210
[name] => Average Steps By Day of Week
[credits] => stdClass Object
[enabled] =>
[loading] => stdClass Object
[style] => Array
[hideDuration] => 10
[showDuration] => 10
[tooltip] => stdClass Object
[formatter] => stdClass Object
[_expression] => function() {
return this.y +'count <br/>on average<br/>on '+this.x;
[subtitle] => stdClass Object
[text] => Typical Steps value seen on each day of the week.
[style] => Array
[exporting] => stdClass Object
[enabled] => 1
[plotOptions] => stdClass Object
[column] => stdClass Object
[borderWidth] => 0
[colorByPoint] => 1
[pointPadding] => 0.2
[enableMouseTracking] => 1
[useHighStocks] =>
[imageGeneratedAt] =>
[distributionColumnChart] => stdClass Object
[id] => daily-steps-distribution
[title] =>
[jpgUrl] =>
[pngUrl] => https://static.quantimo.do/variables/1451/daily-steps-distribution-distribution-column-chart.png
[svgUrl] =>
[chartId] => daily-steps-distribution
[imageUrl] => https://static.quantimo.do/variables/1451/daily-steps-distribution-distribution-column-chart.png
[subtitle] =>
[chartTitle] => Daily Steps Distribution
[explanation] => Each column represents the number of days this value occurred.
[variableName] => Steps
[validImageOnS3] => 1
[highchartConfig] => stdClass Object
[id] => daily-steps-distribution
[lang] => stdClass Object
[loading] =>
[chart] => stdClass Object
[type] => column
[renderTo] => daily-steps-distribution-chart-container
[animation] => stdClass Object
[duration] => 0
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Daily Steps Distribution
[style] => Array
[enabled] => 1
[xAxis] => stdClass Object
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Daily Values (count)
[style] => Array
[categories] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 3
[2] => 4
[3] => 10
[4] => 50
[5] => 200
[6] => 300
[7] => 400
[8] => 500
[9] => 600
[10] => 800
[11] => 900
[12] => 1000
[13] => 2000
[14] => 3000
[15] => 4000
[16] => 5000
[17] => 6000
[18] => 7000
[19] => 8000
[20] => 9000
[21] => 10000
[yAxis] => stdClass Object
[max] => 790.82
[min] => -6.82
[title] => stdClass Object
[text] => Number of Days
[style] => Array
[enabled] => 1
[colors] => Array
[0] => #000000
[1] => #3467d6
[2] => #dd4b39
[3] => #0f9d58
[4] => #f09402
[5] => #d34836
[legend] => stdClass Object
[enabled] =>
[series] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[data] => Array
[0] => 783
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 1
[4] => 1
[5] => 1
[6] => 1
[7] => 1
[8] => 1
[9] => 3
[10] => 3
[11] => 5
[12] => 63
[13] => 310
[14] => 450
[15] => 381
[16] => 349
[17] => 583
[18] => 564
[19] => 269
[20] => 88
[21] => 68
[name] => Steps Distribution
[credits] => stdClass Object
[enabled] =>
[loading] => stdClass Object
[style] => Array
[hideDuration] => 10
[showDuration] => 10
[tooltip] => stdClass Object
[formatter] => stdClass Object
[_expression] => function() {
return this.y +' days where the <br/> average daily value is '+this.x+'count';
[subtitle] => stdClass Object
[text] => Each column represents the number of days this value occurred.
[style] => Array
[exporting] => stdClass Object
[enabled] => 1
[plotOptions] => stdClass Object
[column] => stdClass Object
[borderWidth] => 0
[colorByPoint] => 1
[pointPadding] => 0.2
[enableMouseTracking] => 1
[useHighStocks] =>
[imageGeneratedAt] =>
[client_id] => unknown
[combination_operation] => SUM
[common_alias] => Steps
[common_maximum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[common_minimum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[common_minimum_allowed_non_zero_value] =>
[common_tagged_by_count] =>
[common_tags_count] =>
[common_tags_where_tag_variable_count] =>
[common_tags_where_tagged_variable_count] =>
[condition_causes_where_cause_count] =>
[condition_causes_where_condition_count] =>
[condition_treatments_count] =>
[condition_treatments_where_condition_count] =>
[condition_treatments_where_treatment_count] =>
[controllable] =>
[correlation_causality_votes_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[correlation_causality_votes_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[correlation_usefulness_votes_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[correlation_usefulness_votes_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[correlations_count] =>
[correlations_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[correlations_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[created_at] => 2000-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
[creator_user_id] => 7
[ct_treatment_side_effects_where_side_effect_variable_count] =>
[ct_treatment_side_effects_where_treatment_variable_count] =>
[data_sources_count] => stdClass Object
[JAWBONE Up] => 8
[Vv7HymHq6PkTrZfM] => 15
[Fitbit] => 123
[QuantiModo] => 123
[app] => 8
[oauth_test_client] => 1
[medimodo] => 3
[unknown] => 2
[MoodiModo] => 7
[Withings] => 12
[UnknownClient] => 8
[bOGtinzJyQrbXEfv] => 4
[local] => 1
[system] => 1
[forever-today] => 1
[default_unit_id] => 23
[default_value] =>
[deletion_reason] =>
[description] =>
[display_name] => Daily Step Count
[duration_of_action] => 604800
[earliest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
[earliest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
[favoriters_count] =>
[favorites_count] =>
[filling_type] => none
[filling_value] =>
[image_url] => https://static.quantimo.do/img/fitness/png/treadmill.png
[individual_cause_studies_count] =>
[individual_effect_studies_count] =>
[informational_url] =>
[ion_icon] => ion-ios-body-outline
[is_goal] =>
[is_public] => 1
[kurtosis] => 16.639977980211
[latest_non_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[latest_tagged_measurement_start_at] => 2022-05-13T00:00:00.000000Z
[manual_tracking] =>
[maximum_allowed_daily_value] =>
[maximum_allowed_value] =>
[maximum_recorded_value] => 32759
[mean] => 6466.3629645193
[measurements_count] =>
[media_count] =>
[median] => 6036.923245614
[median_seconds_between_measurements] => 86400
[meta_data] =>
[minimum_allowed_seconds_between_measurements] => 86400
[minimum_allowed_value] => 1
[minimum_recorded_value] => 11
[most_common_connector_id] => 72
[most_common_original_unit_id] => 23
[most_common_source_name] => Withings
[most_common_value] => 48516
[newest_data_at] => 2020-10-03T12:49:43.000000Z
[number_common_tagged_by] => 0
[number_of_aggregate_correlations_as_cause] => 200
[number_of_aggregate_correlations_as_effect] => 131
[number_of_applications_where_outcome_variable] => 0
[number_of_applications_where_predictor_variable] => 1
[number_of_common_children] =>
[number_of_common_foods] =>
[number_of_common_ingredients] =>
[number_of_common_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_common_parents] =>
[number_of_common_tags] => 0
[number_of_common_tags_where_tag_variable] => 0
[number_of_common_tags_where_tagged_variable] => 0
[number_of_measurements] => 88028
[number_of_outcome_case_studies] =>
[number_of_outcome_population_studies] =>
[number_of_predictor_case_studies] =>
[number_of_predictor_population_studies] =>
[number_of_raw_measurements] =>
[number_of_raw_measurements_with_tags_joins_children] => 10365
[number_of_soft_deleted_measurements] =>
[number_of_studies_where_cause_variable] => 221
[number_of_studies_where_effect_variable] => 35
[number_of_tracking_reminder_notifications] => 368
[number_of_tracking_reminders] => 28
[number_of_unique_values] => 7600
[number_of_user_children] =>
[number_of_user_foods] =>
[number_of_user_ingredients] =>
[number_of_user_joined_variables] =>
[number_of_user_parents] =>
[number_of_user_tags_where_tag_variable] => 0
[number_of_user_tags_where_tagged_variable] => 0
[number_of_user_variables] => 280
[number_of_users_where_primary_outcome_variable] => 0
[number_of_variables_where_best_cause_variable] => 23
[number_of_variables_where_best_effect_variable] => 4
[number_of_votes_where_cause_variable] => 16
[number_of_votes_where_effect_variable] => 5
[onset_delay] => 0
[optimal_value_message] => Higher Daily Step Count predicts insignificantly higher Overall Mood. Based on data from 86 participants, Overall Mood was highest after 6330 count.
[outcome] => 1
[outcomes_count] =>
[parent_id] =>
[population_cause_studies_count] =>
[population_effect_studies_count] =>
[predictor] =>
[predictors_count] =>
[price] => 12.99
[product_url] => https://www.amazon.com/Omron-BP742N-Pressure-Monitor-Standard/dp/B00KPQB2NS?SubscriptionId=AKIAJSWU3RSJTDQWCXDQ&tag=quantimodo05-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B00KPQB2NS
[public_outcomes_count] =>
[public_predictors_count] =>
[reason_for_analysis] => STALE: analysis_ended_at before newest_data_at
[record_size_in_kb] => 6
[report_title] => Daily Step Count
[second_most_common_value] => 48412
[side_effect_variables_count] =>
[side_effects_count] =>
[skewness] => 1.5032080948564
[slug] => daily-step-count
[sort_order] => 0
[source_url] =>
[standard_deviation] => 3084.0373174008
[studies_count] =>
[studies_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[studies_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[subtitle] => 331 studies
[synonyms] => Array
[0] => Steps
[1] => Daily Step
[2] => Daily Step Count
[3] => Step
[tags_count] =>
[third_most_common_value] => 45615
[third_party_correlations_count] =>
[tracking_reminder_notifications_count] =>
[tracking_reminders_count] =>
[treatment_side_effects_where_treatment_count] =>
[unit_id] => 23
[up_voted_public_outcomes_count] =>
[up_voted_public_predictors_count] =>
[upc_12] =>
[upc_14] => 734010049130
[updated_at] => 2022-05-27T17:17:02.000000Z
[user_error_message] =>
[user_tagged_by_count] =>
[user_tags_count] =>
[user_tags_where_tag_variable_count] =>
[user_tags_where_tagged_variable_count] =>
[user_variable_clients_count] =>
[user_variable_outcome_categories_count] =>
[user_variable_predictor_categories_count] =>
[user_variables_count] =>
[user_variables_excluding_test_users_count] =>
[users_count] =>
[users_where_primary_outcome_variable_count] =>
[valence] =>
[variable_category_id] => 3
[variable_id] => 1451
[variable_outcome_categories_count] =>
[variable_predictor_categories_count] =>
[variable_user_sources_count] =>
[variables_count] =>
[variables_where_best_cause_variable_count] =>
[variables_where_best_effect_variable_count] =>
[variance] => 12961277.144652
[votes_count] =>
[votes_where_cause_count] =>
[votes_where_cause_variable_count] =>
[votes_where_effect_count] =>
[votes_where_effect_variable_count] =>
[wikipedia_title] =>
[wikipedia_url] =>
[wp_post_id] => 122044
[user] => stdClass Object
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[client_user_id] => test-user-for-sdk-analyze-test1655149665
[combine_notifications] =>
[country] =>
[cover_photo] =>
[created_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:46.000000Z
[currency] =>
[display_name] => test-user-for-sdk-analyze-test1655149665@oauth_test_client.com
[earliest_reminder_time] =>
[email] => test-user-for-sdk-analyze-test1655149665@oauth_test_client.com
[first_name] =>
[gender] =>
[gravatar] =>
[has_android_app] =>
[has_chrome_extension] =>
[has_ios_app] =>
[id] => 93294
[primary_outcome_variable_id] =>
[provider_id] => test-user-for-sdk-analyze-test1655149665
[push_notifications_enabled] =>
[reg_provider] => oauth_test_client
[roles] => Array
[send_predictor_emails] =>
[send_reminder_notification_emails] =>
[sent_emails_count] =>
[share_all_data] =>
[slug] =>
[state] =>
[tag_line] =>
[time_zone_offset] =>
[timezone] =>
[track_location] =>
[tracking_reminder_notifications_count] =>
[tracking_reminders_count] =>
[unsubscribed] => 1
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13T19:47:46.000000Z
[user_error_message] =>
[user_login] => oauth_test_client-test-user-for-sdk-analyze-test1655149665
[user_url] =>
[verified] =>
[zip_code] =>
[access_token] => stdClass Object
[access_token] => token-you-can-use-in-your-front-end-for-other-endpoints
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[created_at] => 2022-06-13 19:47:56
[expires] => 2022-08-12 19:47:56
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13 19:47:56
[user_id] => 93294
[refresh_token] => stdClass Object
[client_id] => oauth_test_client
[created_at] => 2022-06-13 19:47:56
[expires] => 2022-08-12 19:47:56
[updated_at] => 2022-06-13 19:47:56
[user_id] => 93294
To run the unit tests:
composer install
All URIs are relative to https://v7.curedao.org/api
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnalyticsApi | getCorrelationExplanations | GET /v3/correlations/explanations | Get correlation explanations |
AnalyticsApi | getCorrelations | GET /v3/correlations | Get correlations |
AppSettingsApi | getAppSettings | GET /v3/appSettings | Get client app settings |
AuthenticationApi | getAccessToken | GET /v3/oauth2/token | Get a user access token |
AuthenticationApi | getOauthAuthorizationCode | GET /v3/oauth2/authorize | Request Authorization Code |
AuthenticationApi | postGoogleIdToken | POST /v3/googleIdToken | Post GoogleIdToken |
ConnectorsApi | connectConnector | GET /v3/connectors/{connectorName}/connect | Obtain a token from 3rd party data source |
ConnectorsApi | disconnectConnector | GET /v3/connectors/{connectorName}/disconnect | Delete stored connection info |
ConnectorsApi | getConnectors | GET /v3/connectors/list | List of Connectors |
ConnectorsApi | getIntegrationJs | GET /v3/integration.js | Get embeddable connect javascript |
ConnectorsApi | getMobileConnectPage | GET /v3/connect/mobile | Mobile connect page |
ConnectorsApi | updateConnector | GET /v3/connectors/{connectorName}/update | Sync with data source |
FeedApi | getFeed | GET /v3/feed | Tracking reminder notifications, messages, and study results |
FeedApi | postFeed | POST /v3/feed | Post user interactions with feed |
MeasurementsApi | deleteMeasurement | DELETE /v3/measurements/delete | Delete a measurement |
MeasurementsApi | getMeasurements | GET /v3/measurements | Get measurements for this user |
MeasurementsApi | getPairs | GET /v3/pairs | Get pairs of measurements for correlational analysis |
MeasurementsApi | measurementExportRequest | POST /v2/measurements/exportRequest | Post Request for Measurements CSV |
MeasurementsApi | postMeasurements | POST /v3/measurements/post | Post a new set or update existing measurements to the database |
MeasurementsApi | updateMeasurement | POST /v3/measurements/update | Update a measurement |
NotificationsApi | getNotificationPreferences | GET /v3/notificationPreferences | Get NotificationPreferences |
NotificationsApi | getNotifications | GET /v3/notifications | Get Notifications |
NotificationsApi | postDeviceToken | POST /v3/deviceTokens | Post DeviceTokens |
NotificationsApi | postNotifications | POST /v3/notifications | Post Notifications |
RemindersApi | deleteTrackingReminder | DELETE /v3/trackingReminders/delete | Delete Tracking Reminder |
RemindersApi | getTrackingReminderNotifications | GET /v3/trackingReminderNotifications | Get specific tracking reminder notifications |
RemindersApi | getTrackingReminders | GET /v3/trackingReminders | Get repeating tracking reminder settings |
RemindersApi | postTrackingReminderNotifications | POST /v3/trackingReminderNotifications | Snooze, skip, or track a tracking reminder notification |
RemindersApi | postTrackingReminders | POST /v3/trackingReminders | Store a Tracking Reminder |
SharesApi | deleteShare | POST /v3/shares/delete | Delete share |
SharesApi | getShares | GET /v3/shares | Get Authorized Apps, Studies, and Individuals |
SharesApi | inviteShare | POST /v3/shares/invite | Delete share |
StudiesApi | createStudy | POST /v3/study/create | Create a Study |
StudiesApi | deleteVote | DELETE /v3/votes/delete | Delete vote |
StudiesApi | getOpenStudies | GET /v3/studies/open | These are open studies that anyone can join |
StudiesApi | getStudies | GET /v3/studies | Get Personal or Population Studies |
StudiesApi | getStudiesCreated | GET /v3/studies/created | Get studies you have created |
StudiesApi | getStudiesJoined | GET /v3/studies/joined | Studies You Have Joined |
StudiesApi | getStudy | GET /v4/study | Get Study |
StudiesApi | joinStudy | POST /v3/study/join | Join a Study |
StudiesApi | postVote | POST /v3/votes | Post or update vote |
StudiesApi | publishStudy | POST /v3/study/publish | Publish Your Study |
UnitsApi | getUnitCategories | GET /v3/unitCategories | Get unit categories |
UnitsApi | getUnits | GET /v3/units | Get units |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /v3/user/delete | Delete user |
UserApi | getUser | GET /v3/user | Get user info |
UserApi | getUserBlogs | GET /v3/userBlogs | Get UserBlogs |
UserApi | postUserBlogs | POST /v3/userBlogs | Post UserBlogs |
UserApi | postUserSettings | POST /v3/userSettings | Post UserSettings |
VariablesApi | deleteUserTag | DELETE /v3/userTags/delete | Delete user tag or ingredient |
VariablesApi | deleteUserVariable | DELETE /v3/userVariables/delete | Delete All Measurements For Variable |
VariablesApi | getVariableCategories | GET /v3/variableCategories | Variable categories |
VariablesApi | getVariables | GET /v3/variables | Get variables along with related user-specific analysis settings and statistics |
VariablesApi | postUserTags | POST /v3/userTags | Post or update user tags or ingredients |
VariablesApi | postUserVariables | POST /v3/variables | Update User Settings for a Variable |
VariablesApi | resetUserVariableSettings | POST /v3/userVariables/reset | Reset user settings for a variable to defaults |
- ActivitiesResponse
- Activity
- AppSettings
- AppSettingsResponse
- AuthorizedClients
- Button
- Card
- Chart
- CommonResponse
- ConnectInstructions
- ConversionStep
- Correlation
- DataSource
- DeviceToken
- Explanation
- ExplanationStartTracking
- FeedResponse
- GetConnectorsResponse
- GetCorrelationsDataResponse
- GetCorrelationsResponse
- GetSharesResponse
- GetStudiesResponse
- GetTrackingReminderNotificationsResponse
- Group
- GroupsMember
- GroupsMembersResponse
- GroupsResponse
- Image
- InputField
- JsonErrorResponse
- Measurement
- MeasurementDelete
- MeasurementItem
- MeasurementSet
- MeasurementUpdate
- Notification
- NotificationsResponse
- Pair
- ParticipantInstruction
- PostMeasurementsDataResponse
- PostMeasurementsResponse
- PostStudyCreateResponse
- PostStudyPublishResponse
- PostTrackingRemindersDataResponse
- PostTrackingRemindersResponse
- PostUserSettingsDataResponse
- PostUserSettingsResponse
- ShareInvitationBody
- Study
- StudyCharts
- StudyCreationBody
- StudyHtml
- StudyImages
- StudyJoinResponse
- StudyLinks
- StudySharing
- StudyText
- StudyVotes
- TrackingReminder
- TrackingReminderDelete
- TrackingReminderNotification
- TrackingReminderNotificationAction
- TrackingReminderNotificationPost
- TrackingReminderNotificationTrackAllAction
- Unit
- UnitCategory
- User
- UserBlog
- UserBlogsResponse
- UserTag
- UserVariableDelete
- Variable
- VariableCategory
- VariableCharts
- Vote
- VoteDelete
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: access_token
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: clientId
- Location: URL query string
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL: https://v7.curedao.org/api/v2/oauth/authorize
- Scopes:
- basic: Allows you to read user info (display name, email, etc)
- readmeasurements: Allows one to read a user's measurements
- writemeasurements: Allows you to write user measurements