action_array |
\CureDAO\Client\Models\TrackingReminderNotificationAction[] |
[optional] |
available_units |
\CureDAO\Client\Models\Unit[] |
[optional] |
best_study_link |
string |
Link to study comparing variable with strongest relationship for user or population |
[optional] |
best_study_card |
\CureDAO\Client\Models\Card |
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for user or population |
[optional] |
best_user_study_link |
string |
Link to study comparing variable with strongest relationship for user |
[optional] |
best_user_study_card |
\CureDAO\Client\Models\Card |
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for user |
[optional] |
best_population_study_link |
string |
Link to study comparing variable with strongest relationship for population |
[optional] |
best_population_study_card |
\CureDAO\Client\Models\Card |
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for population |
[optional] |
optimal_value_message |
string |
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for user or population |
[optional] |
common_optimal_value_message |
string |
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for population |
[optional] |
user_optimal_value_message |
string |
Description of relationship with variable with strongest relationship for user |
[optional] |
card |
\CureDAO\Client\Models\Card |
Card containing instructions, image, text, link and relevant import buttons |
[optional] |
client_id |
string |
Your CureDAO client id can be obtained by creating an app at |
[optional] |
combination_operation |
string |
The way multiple measurements are aggregated over time |
[optional] |
created_at |
string |
Ex: 2016-05-18 02:24:08 UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss |
[optional] |
display_name |
string |
Ex: Trader Joe's Bedtime Tea |
[optional] |
unit_abbreviated_name |
string |
Ex: /5 |
unit_category_id |
int |
Ex: 5 |
[optional] |
unit_category_name |
string |
Ex: Rating |
[optional] |
unit_id |
int |
Ex: 10 |
[optional] |
unit_name |
string |
Ex: 1 to 5 Rating |
[optional] |
default_value |
float |
Default value to use for the measurement when tracking. Unit: User-specified or common. |
[optional] |
enabled |
bool |
If a tracking reminder is enabled, tracking reminder notifications will be generated for this variable. |
[optional] |
email |
bool |
True if the reminders should be delivered via email |
[optional] |
error_message |
string |
Ex: reminderStartTimeLocal is less than $user->earliestReminderTime or greater than $user->latestReminderTime |
[optional] |
filling_value |
int |
Ex: 0. Unit: User-specified or common. |
[optional] |
first_daily_reminder_time |
string |
Ex: 02:45:20 in UTC timezone |
[optional] |
frequency_text_description |
string |
Ex: Daily |
[optional] |
frequency_text_description_with_time |
string |
Ex: Daily at 09:45 PM |
[optional] |
id |
int |
id |
[optional] |
input_type |
string |
Ex: saddestFaceIsFive |
[optional] |
instructions |
string |
Ex: I am an instruction! |
[optional] |
ion_icon |
string |
Ex: ion-sad-outline |
[optional] |
last_tracked |
string |
UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss timestamp for the last time a measurement was received for this user and variable |
[optional] |
last_value |
double |
Ex: 2 |
[optional] |
latest_tracking_reminder_notification_reminder_time |
string |
UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss timestamp for the reminder time of the latest tracking reminder notification that has been pre-emptively generated in the database |
[optional] |
local_daily_reminder_notification_times |
string[] |
[optional] |
local_daily_reminder_notification_times_for_all_reminders |
string[] |
[optional] |
manual_tracking |
bool |
Ex: 1 |
[optional] |
maximum_allowed_value |
double |
Ex: 5. Unit: User-specified or common. |
[optional] |
minimum_allowed_value |
double |
Ex: 1. Unit: User-specified or common. |
[optional] |
next_reminder_time_epoch_seconds |
int |
Ex: 1501555520 |
[optional] |
notification_bar |
bool |
True if the reminders should appear in the notification bar |
[optional] |
number_of_raw_measurements |
int |
Ex: 445 |
[optional] |
number_of_unique_values |
int |
Ex: 1 |
[optional] |
outcome |
bool |
Indicates whether or not the variable is usually an outcome of interest such as a symptom or emotion |
[optional] |
png_path |
string |
Ex: img/variable_categories/symptoms.png |
[optional] |
png_url |
string |
Ex: |
[optional] |
product_url |
string |
Link to associated product for purchase |
[optional] |
pop_up |
bool |
True if the reminders should appear as a popup notification |
[optional] |
question |
string |
Ex: How is your overall mood? |
[optional] |
long_question |
string |
Ex: How is your overall mood on a scale of 1 to 5?? |
[optional] |
reminder_end_time |
string |
Latest time of day at which reminders should appear in UTC HH:MM:SS format |
[optional] |
reminder_frequency |
int |
Number of seconds between one reminder and the next |
reminder_sound |
string |
String identifier for the sound to accompany the reminder |
[optional] |
reminder_start_epoch_seconds |
int |
Ex: 1469760320 |
[optional] |
reminder_start_time |
string |
Earliest time of day at which reminders should appear in UTC HH:MM:SS format |
[optional] |
reminder_start_time_local |
string |
Ex: 21:45:20 |
[optional] |
reminder_start_time_local_human_formatted |
string |
Ex: 09:45 PM |
[optional] |
repeating |
bool |
Ex: true |
[optional] |
second_daily_reminder_time |
string |
Ex: 01:00:00 |
[optional] |
second_to_last_value |
double |
Ex: 1. Unit: User-specified or common. |
[optional] |
sms |
bool |
True if the reminders should be delivered via SMS |
[optional] |
start_tracking_date |
string |
Earliest date on which the user should be reminded to track in YYYY-MM-DD format |
[optional] |
stop_tracking_date |
string |
Latest date on which the user should be reminded to track in YYYY-MM-DD format |
[optional] |
svg_url |
string |
Ex: |
[optional] |
third_daily_reminder_time |
string |
Ex: 20:00:00 |
[optional] |
third_to_last_value |
double |
Ex: 3 |
[optional] |
tracking_reminder_id |
int |
Ex: 11841 |
[optional] |
tracking_reminder_image_url |
string |
Ex: Not Found |
[optional] |
upc |
string |
UPC or other barcode scan result |
[optional] |
updated_at |
string |
When the record in the database was last updated. Use UTC ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss datetime format. Time zone should be UTC and not local. |
[optional] |
user_id |
int |
ID of User |
[optional] |
user_variable_unit_abbreviated_name |
string |
Ex: /5 |
[optional] |
user_variable_unit_category_id |
int |
Ex: 5 |
[optional] |
user_variable_unit_category_name |
string |
Ex: Rating |
[optional] |
user_variable_unit_id |
int |
Ex: 10 |
[optional] |
user_variable_unit_name |
string |
Ex: 1 to 5 Rating |
[optional] |
user_variable_variable_category_id |
int |
Ex: 10 |
[optional] |
user_variable_variable_category_name |
string |
Ex: Symptoms |
[optional] |
valence |
string |
Valence indicates what type of buttons should be used when recording measurements for this variable. positive - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 5/5 rating where higher is better like Overall Mood. negative - Face buttons with happiest face equating to a 1/5 rating where lower is better like Headache Severity. numeric - Just 1 to 5 numeric buttons for neutral variables. |
[optional] |
value_and_frequency_text_description |
string |
Ex: Rate daily |
[optional] |
value_and_frequency_text_description_with_time |
string |
Ex: Rate daily at 09:45 PM |
[optional] |
variable_category_id |
int |
Ex: 10 |
[optional] |
variable_category_image_url |
string |
Ex: |
[optional] |
variable_category_name |
string |
Ex: Emotions, Treatments, Symptoms... |
variable_description |
string |
Valence indicates what type of buttons should be used when recording measurements for this variable. positive - Face buttons with the happiest face equating to a 5/5 rating where higher is better like Overall Mood. negative - Face buttons with happiest face equating to a 1/5 rating where lower is better like Headache Severity. numeric - Just 1 to 5 numeric buttons for neutral variables. |
[optional] |
variable_id |
int |
Id for the variable to be tracked |
[optional] |
variable_name |
string |
Name of the variable to be used when sending measurements |