This exam has six questions. For each question, please open the corresponding folder and read the instruction in the README file. You have 65 minutes to complete the exam. Don't spend too much time on any problems. Good luck!
- This is a closed book/note exam. However, you may bring with you a single sheet of self-prepared notes.
- Make sure your full name and JHED are written on both sides of the sheet.
- You may only use one side of the sheet for notes. The other side may be used for scratch work.
- You need to use your laptop and work on this exam in VSCode. All other electronics must be stowed away. (Make sure your phone is turned off or silenced.)
- Close all other programs on your laptop. In particular, turn off all notification/communication apps. (You may remain connected to Wi-Fi)
- You may be asked to present your J-card for identification.
- You may be asked to hand in your self-prepared notes before leaving.
- You may be asked to remain in the room until the class period ends.
- You may not use any communication devices (phone, etc.) while in the classroom.
I agree to complete this exam without unauthorized assistance from any person, materials, or device.
You must sign the pledge by providing your full name (as it appears on SIS) and your JHED below. Additionally, provide your GitHub username and repository.
Push your code to your designated repository and submit it on Gradescope. The submission process is similar to homework projects.
Please refer to the Rubric.pdf