- TAs: A submission that does not contain files about this exam (e.g., the student submitted solution to a different homework), or one that only includes the starter code, do not meet any of the specifications of this rubric (under any of the "required," "satisfactory," or "complete" categories). In such a case, please check this item to flag the submission and immediately inform the instructor.
Spec: True/false answers are correct except for at most two statements.
Spec: MCQ answers are correct except for at most two questions.
Spec: For task-3 (implementation), the code encompasses a reasonable attempt at implementation.
TAs: This specification is met even if the code contains syntax or minor logical errors. -
Spec: For task-5 (short answer), Part I, the points made in the answer are adequate.
TAs: This specification is met even if the answer contains minor issues/inaccuracies. However, it is not met if it contains contradictory points, or it is (unnecessarily) too long to the point it becomes a burden to read and find if it contains the expected answer. -
Spec: For task-6 (implementation), the code encompasses a reasonable attempt at implementation.
TAs: This specification is met even if the code contains syntax or minor logical errors.
Spec: True/false answers are correct except for at most one statement.
Spec: MCQ answers are correct except for at most one question.
Spec: For task-3 (implementation), the code encompasses a solid attempt at implementation.
TAs: This specification is met even if the code contains minor syntax errors or fails to account for a minor edge case. However, it is not met if it has obvious logical errors. -
Spec: For task-4 (implementation), the code exhibits a good understanding of closure and currying.
TAs: This specification is met even if the code contains syntax or minor logical errors. -
Spec: For task-5 (short answer), Part II, the points made in the answer are adequate.
TAs: This specification is met even if the answer contains minor issues/inaccuracies. However, it is not met if it contains contradictory points, or it is (unnecessarily) too long to the point it becomes a burden to read and find if it contains the expected answer. -
Spec: For task-6 (implementation), the code encompasses a solid attempt at implementation.
TAs: This specification is met even if the code contains minor syntax errors or fails to account for a minor edge case. However, it is not met if it has obvious logical errors.
Spec: All True/false and MCQ questions are answered correctly except at most one.
Spec: For task-4 (implementation), the code exhibits a solid understanding of closure and currying.
TAs: This specification is met even if the code contains minor syntax errors or fails to account for a minor edge case. However, it is not met if it has obvious logical errors. -
Spec: The submission exhibits good practices for writing readable code (e.g., consistent indentation, descriptive naming, etc.) and good programming style (e.g., code is organized in a modular fashion, etc.)