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Android(5): Set service foreground with notification

clarkehe edited this page Jun 24, 2016 · 5 revisions


     * Make this service run in the foreground, supplying the ongoing
     * notification to be shown to the user while in this state.
     * By default services are background, meaning that if the system needs to
     * kill them to reclaim more memory (such as to display a large page in a
     * web browser), they can be killed without too much harm.  You can set this
     * flag if killing your service would be disruptive to the user, such as
     * if your service is persforming background music playback, so the user
     * would notice if their music stopped playing.
     * <p>If you need your application to run on platform versions prior to API
     * level 5, you can use the following model to call the the older setForeground()
     * or this modern method as appropriate:
     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/
     *   foreground_compatibility}
     * @param id The identifier for this notification as per
     * {@link NotificationManager#notify(int, Notification)
     * NotificationManager.notify(int, Notification)}; must not be 0.
     * @param notification The Notification to be displayed.
     * @see #stopForeground(boolean)
    public final void startForeground(int id, Notification notification) {
        try {
                    new ComponentName(this, mClassName), mToken, id,
                    notification, true);
        } catch (RemoteException ex) {

将服务设置成前台后,在通知栏会有一个持续通知,同时服务所在进程的优化级也会提高。优化级高,被回收的可能性相对会小一点。在小MI手机上测试,将服务设置成前台后,服务进程的oom_adj:4 --> 1。oom_adj值越小,优先级越高。



    private final static int ID = 1;

    private void onSetServiceForeground(){
        Log.i(TAG, "setServiceForeground");

        startForeground(ID, new Notification());

            this.startService(new Intent(this, InnerService.class));

     * 借助InnerService,让RecordService变成活动的前台服务,提高进程优先级,但不在通知栏显示.[黑科技,利用系统漏洞。]
    public static class InnerService extends Service {

        public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
            return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

        public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
            return null;

        private void setServiceForeground(){
            Log.i(TAG, "InnerService#setServiceForeground");
            startForeground(ID, new Notification());

        public void onDestroy() {
            Log.i(TAG, "InnerService#onDestroy");


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