Releases: bridge-core/editor
- bridge. now uses the official gametest types
- Rewrote .bbmodel importer to be a bit more flexible
- Fixed walkObject throwing error upon encountering "null" values
- Fixed terrain_texture.json texture file auto-completions
- Fixed armor preset
- Fixed "New File" window not opening correctly (Thanks to @JacoFaberSA)
- Fixed an issue that occurred when previewing models with "wrong" texture dimensions within their JSON file
This minor update ships with important bug fixes and a few major new features.
Register BP as RP dependency
It is now possible to register the BP as a RP dependency over bridge.'s UI.
Optional Merge Argument
You can now configure how custom components get merged into the main entity file over a third argument for the create
function. Thanks to @Joeyrsp for implementing this new feature.
Better Compiler Plugin Installation
Users now get informed that they need to edit the compiler config for compiler plugins to have an effect. Additionally, installed compiler plugins show the plugin name inside of the extension UI.
Default Author Setting
You can now configure a default author to be filled in whenever you create a new project.
Asset Previews (Experimental)
You can now generate previews of your models with one click. Simply open the model preview and click on "Asset Preview" inside of the tab action bar. We are still looking to improve this feature by allowing users to configure the rendering process (quality, watermark, title etc.).
Preset Inputs
Preset authors can now allow file inputs to accept multiple files. Thanks to @jasonjgardner for implementing this new capability. Additionally, option inputs can now fetch their available options from the lightning cache.
Better External File Support
External files are files that do not belong to the current project. They are special because they shouldn't get compiled upon saving and we do not even know the full file path of them. We only have the file name and file content to determine the file type of such a file. With the new file type guessing capability in v2.1 (based on the available data), we were able to improve the experience while editing external files considerably already. With v2.1.3, external files also properly support dynamic auto-completions & dynamic file validations.
.bbmodel Imports
bridge. can now import textures and models from .bbmodel files. We are going to look into support for animations in the future. Thanks to @pascal541 for the implementation!
- Made disabled buttons an app drag region
- It is now possible to import .mcaddon files over the "Import Project" actions
- Exposed ThreePreviewTab to extensions
- New "@bridge/three" module
- Significantly improved performance of "New File" window
- Significantly improved performance of model previews
- Updated TypeScript
- Updated ViteJS
- Improved property validation
- Moved model specific logic to "GeometryPreviewTab"
- Fixed files not opening when block or ore preset is created with 1.16.100+ target version
- Fixed "v1.17.40" min engine version injection
- Fixed error upon saving files
- Fixed experimental gameplay UI displaying wrong data
- Fixed copy, cut & paste within inputs
- Fixed infinite loading window when one preset failed to load
- Fixed tree editor converting
now allows passing an object instead of an array- Fixed error upon using converted v1 project
- Fixed error upon updating non-JSON file
- Fixed reloading of model previews
- Fixed error upon opening preview tab
- Fixed tab action bar overflow
- Fixed simple .brproject imports
- Fixed error upon instantiating block preview
- Fixed geometry loading from multiple source files
- Fixed "Restart Dev Server" option not working correctly
- Fixed lightning cache not updating correctly
- Correctly render models with wrong texture dimensions within JSON file
- Added support for .material files
- Added support for auto-completions within target selector arguments
- Added support for snippets within mcfunction, molang & JavaScript/TypeScript files
- Added syntax highlighting for UI files
- Added syntax highlighting for manifest files
- Added syntax highlighting for the project config
- Redesigned file picker
- Updated data to latest beta
- "Simple File" presets now use the pack color
- Exposed "unlinkFile" in "@bridge/project" module (Thanks to @aexer0e)
- Added support for "particles_blend" particle material
- Fixed folders requiring double click to expand
- Fixed "com.mojang" drop inside of initial setup dialogue
- Fixed command auto-completions after brackets
- Fixed "enable_attachables" validation
- Fixed file picker not focusing correctly
- Fixed entity schema reference error
v2.1.0 - "Anvil"
bridge. v2.1.0 - "Anvil" builds upon the great foundation of bridge. v2 to bring a bunch of new features and refinements to the editor. As always, thanks to everyone who made this release possible and to the people who tested this release by using our nightly build.
Better Entity Presets
bridge.'s presets no longer create a placeholder spawn egg image when you don't select an image. We instead use the client entity to set spawn egg colors directly.
"com.mojang" Syncing Status
We now display the status of syncing projects to Minecraft's "com.mojang" folder inside of bridge.'s compiler window.
Pack Explorer
We have added options for creating files and folders to the pack explorer's context menu. It is also possible to drag & drop files and folders inside of bridge.'s pack explorer now.
New Export Options
bridge. now allows you to export a project in various formats: ".brproject", ".mcaddon", ".mcworld" and ".mctemplate". Additionally, extensions can register additional export options.
New Import Options
It is now possible to add a new project by importing a ".brproject" file inside of the project chooser. You can also import ".mcaddon" files now by dragging them onto the app or by importing them over "FILE > Open File".
Better JSON Syntax Highlighter
bridge. v2 now features a new JSON syntax highlighter similar to the one v1 provided. The new highlighter is available for both the tree editor and text editor.
Better JSON Auto-Completions
Typing quotes within JSON files will now trigger bridge.'s auto-completions.
Manifest Changes
bridge. now populates the "metadata" > "generated_with" object inside of pack manifests.
Extensions can now provide snippets that appear within the normal auto-completions. Whenever the user selects a snippet, bridge. will insert a whole block of JSON into the file.
Better .mcfunction
bridge. now shows command documentation while navigating through a list of completion items. Additionally, we have brought back support for auto-completing scoreboard and tag names.
MoLang AST Scripts
Users can now write short JavaScript/TypeScript snippets to modify MoLang scripts across the whole codebase.
Adding Packs to Existing Projects
bridge. now supports adding new packs to existing projects.
Embedded Command Completions
Starting with v2.1.0, you can make use of command auto-completions within JSON files.
Combined Config File
The default compiler config for newly created projects is now part of the project config to make it easier to access. We still support loading additional compiler configs from the ".bridge/compiler/" folder and old projects will keep working as intended.
Better Context Menu
We have added a new context menu for bridge.'s text editor. It now respects the current theme and supports displaying icons next to an action.
Experimental Gameplay Toggles
You now have precise control over which experimental gameplay your project intends to use. Changing the experimental gameplay toggles within bridge. has effects on the files you can create and the auto-completions you get within files.
Education Edition Support
You can now use bridge. to create content for Minecraft: Education Edition with the new "Education Edition" experimental gameplay toggle.
Toggle Individual Files
You can now toggle the creation of per project files on or off inside of the new "Individual Files" section of the project creation window.
Broad Browser Support
bridge. can now run on most browsers, including on mobile phones. You still get the best experience on Edge (Chromium) and Chrome (below Chrome 93) though as other browsers don't support "com.mojang" syncing, direct file system access and some other features due to technical limitations.
Tab System Changes
Tabs now behave more similar to VS Code: By default, tabs no longer persist inside of your tab system meaning that they will close when you open a different file. Non-persistent tabs are now marked with italic font. Upon editing such a tab, it will persist inside of the tab system. We have made this change because it was previously very easy to flood the tab system with files the user doesn't intend to work on.
As the italic font is now used to indicated tab whether a tab is persistent, unsaved tabs are now marked with a small circular badge above the file icon instead.
Due to popular demand, bridge. v2 now also helps you tell the difference between two tabs with the same name by displaying a folder name below the file name. You can see the full file path by hovering over the file name.
Last but not least, tabs no longer display their full name if it would be too long (except for the currently selected tab). You can configure this behavior inside of bridge.'s settings.
Rich Project Display
Easily see which project you are currently working on with the new panel above the pack explorer that displays your project's name and pack icon.
File Type Guessing
Files that have no association to a bridge. project now support advanced file highlighting, auto-completions and everything else you would expect from files within your project thanks to "file type guessing". This works by making educated guesses on the file type based on the file extension and file content, e.g. files with a ".json" extension and a "minecraft:entity" property are assumed to be entity files.
Tree Editor Updates
- Added back placeholder number auto-completions
- Improved automatic input selection
- Changed "Delete Node" keybinding
- Support for drag & drop of JSON nodes
- Setting to automatically expand JSON tree nodes upon clicking on them
- Support for easily editing empty strings with auto-completions
- Better handling of arrays & objects
Updated Armor Preset
You can now configure which armor pieces the armor preset creates.
Better Unsaved Status
bridge.'s text editor now correctly updates the "unsaved" status inside of the tab bar when navi...
This release should hopefully resolve most of the last remaining issues people had with bridge. v2. We also sneaked a few new features into this minor release.
Editing Project Config
We have added a new action that opens the project config file. This allows you to edit project attributes like the current project target version or project prefix. We still plan to incorporate these options into bridge.'s UI in the future.
Added "minecraft:creative_category" Component
Thanks to @ExDrill for laying the groundwork for this feature. We now support the new "minecraft:creative_category" component for both items and blocks.
View Compiler Output
We now support opening compiled files inside of readonly tabs. This allows you to easily confirm that bridge. compiled your file correctly.
View Documentation
We have brought back the "View Documentation" right-click action to both v2's tree editor & text editor.
New Data Loader
bridge. now updates its data instantaneously. This means that you no longer need to wait a couple of minutes after an app update rolled out to download the new data.
Recipe & Feature Presets
We now support selecting a recipe/feature type before creating a new file.
Traditional Chinese Translations
Thanks to @ivon852, bridge. is now available in Traditional Chinese.
- Updated the mcfunction auto-completion experience
- Disabled word based suggestions within text editor
- Updated Dutch translations (Thanks to @pascal541)
- Update game test types to latest beta
- We now allow the usage of "." inside of file names
- We brought back the notification that links to our "Getting Started" guide
- We no longer delete the reference to your "com.mojang" folder if you do not grant bridge. access to it
- Added "music" sound category
- Updated Wintersky
- Fixed /function auto-completions
- Fixed "Install App" step not being selectable
- Support for "~~~" and "^^^" within command tokenizer
- Fixed input windows not translating input labels
- Fixed usage of preset scripts within extensions
- Fixed "tick.json" JSON schema
- Fixed "minecraft:can_fly" validation
- Fixed particle validation
- Fixed compiler plugins not supporting "export default" correctly
- Fixed preview boxes (Thanks to @pascal541)
- Fixed custom commands with simple schemas not appearing inside of auto-completions
- Fixed multiple errors upon using command auto-completions
- Project target version input now resets correctly
- Fixed RP as BP dependency toggle
- Fixed error upon closing all tabs
- Fixed image size inside of changelog window
- Fixed render controller validation
- Fixed "minecraft:render_offsets" validation
- Fixed error upon previewing entity
- Fixed usage of "meta" key for keyboard shortcuts on Windows
We are releasing this small update to bring some of the most requested missing features from bridge. v1 over to v2. We have also fixed quite a few bugs to make your experience with bridge. v2 even better!
App Installation
We are introducing a prominent "Install App" button to the initial setup screen to help users downloading the application. We have previously received reports that users find it hard to install bridge. v2.
Missing Auto-Completions
We have added support for the "minecraft:block_placer" item component and the "is_weather" entity filter.
Better Dialogue Support
The "/dialogue" command now proposes scene names from dialogues defined inside of your project.
More File Actions
bridge. v2 now allows you to rename and duplicate files right from the pack explorer! The "Delete" option now asks for confirmation before deleting files.
Save As & Save All
You can now save all currently unsaved tabs at once or save a file under a different name. Additionally, we have added dividers to bridge. v2's toolbar menus to bring a bit more visual clarity to them.
Tree Editor
The tree editor now supports copy, cut & paste.
- Fixed plugin API link and renamed it to "Extension API"
- Fixed skin preset file names
- Fixed schema reference error
- Fixed schema script error caused by "entity/prefixedEntityEvent.json" file
- Fixed invalid JSON error log from temporary cache update calls
- Fixed infinite loading upon choosing "Save & Close" to close an unsaved tab
- Fixed preview failing silently when source entity file contained invalid JSON
- Fixed z-position of preview boxes (Thanks to @pascal541)
- Fixed recipe schema error
- Fixed error upon using custom command schema
v2.0.0 - "Beacon"
After over a year of work, we are happy to finally launch bridge. v2! Today, we are also releasing new documentation for bridge. v2 and bridge. v1.8.0, an update that eases the process of migrating existing projects to bridge. v2.
Thanks a lot to all the people who contributed to this milestone release: @Joelant05, @pascal541, @Gekocaretaker, @outercloudstudio, @7dev7urandom, @Chikorita-Lover and @KikiCreations.
We're going to highlight some of the major new features & changes in this post. For a detailed list of changes, you can browse through the changelogs of v2's pre-releases.
- Visit with a supported browser. (We recommend the new Edge based on Chromium)
- Click the install icon that appears inside of the URL bar.
- bridge. v2 is now installed to your system. You can continue with the guided setup process.
For more help on how to get started, please refer to our getting started guide.
New App UI
bridge. v2 comes with a gorgeous redesign of all UI elements. This gives bridge. v2 a fresh new look and increases the usability of our UI.
Pack Explorer
Our new pack explorer combines all pack types into a single, color-coded sidebar area.
Creating Files
Presets are now at the front and center of creating files. Presets allow users to quickly create all files necessary to get a feature working in game. They are perfect for e.g. quickly setting up a new entity, block or item. You can also see that all window sidebars now have an updated look and all content windows now offer the ability to quickly search for things.
Extension Store
Our new extension store also received a visual overhaul and some significant functionality changes to make it easier to keep extensions up to date, disabling/enabling installed extensions and exploring the catalogue.
Broader Bedrock Support
bridge. v2 now supports creating skin packs and world templates in addition to behavior and resource packs. We have also published an extension called "WorldHub" which allows creators to add multiple worlds to a project & pulling/pushing them from/to the com.mojang folder.
Project Structure
bridge. v2 moves projects out of the com.mojang directory by default. Additionally, all packs that belong to a project can be found inside of a single folder. This allows for very easy integration with version control systems like git and makes it easier to work on the project with other editors. A typical v2 project looks like this:
-- My Project/
--- .bridge/
--- BP/
---- ...
---- manifest.json
--- RP/
---- ...
---- manifest.json
--- SP/
---- ...
---- manifest.json
--- config.json
Compiler Architecture
Even though bridge. v2 no longer stores your project inside of the com.mojang folder, you still get the same seamless development experience if you have setup com.mojang syncing by dragging the folder onto bridge. v2. Upon making changes to the project folder, bridge. will re-compile the file and move it to Minecraft for testing. Because this process is fully automatic, you should never manually work on the add-on inside of the com.mojang folder because any changes might get overwritten. Always work with the project folder!
When you make changes to your project outside of bridge., you can refresh the project and bridge. will pick up any changes made with external editors and update the com.mojang output accordingly. This also works with file deletions & renames.
Our compiler generally has two modes: "dev" and "build". The procedure described above always happens inside of "dev" mode. It is optimized for delivering fast & correct updates to all files that need to change whenever a source file inside of the dependency tree changes. The "build" mode compiles a full build that is ready for production inside of the "project/builds/dist/" folder. Some compiler plugins such as AnyLanguage are designed to only work inside of this compiler mode.
bridge. v2 finally allows developers to freely switch between editing JSON files as text or in a dedicated tree editor that prevents newer users from making syntax mistakes. We also added a global find & replace system and live previews of files while your are working on them.
Text Editor
We are using Monaco to provide the same incredible editing experience VS Code provides and we ship auto-completions & validations for all of Minecraft's JSON files.
Tree Editor
Our new tree editor features support for multiple selections, direct/more natural keybindings (e.g. "Del" instead of "Ctrl + Del") and makes use of the same new JSON schemas our text editor uses for its auto-completions. We are looking to add better (more Minecraft-y) syntax highlighting to both our text editor and tree editor in the future.
Live Previews
bridge. v2 ships with the ability to preview files while you edit them. This allows developers to find the perfect seat positions & collision/hit boxes without needing to jump into Minecraft. We support previewing particles, entities (components, models, particles & animations) and blocks (components & models).
Global Find & Replace
This was one of the most requested features for bridge. v1. It proofed to be technically difficult to implement previously because of the cache system that was in place for the old editor. With our new codebase, we were finally able to add a global find & replace system!
We are proud to already feature some fantastic new extensions on bridge. v2's extension store.
- We have compiler plugins for automatically generating the "texture_list.json" file for production builds or automatically generating all lang files based on the "en_US.lang" file
- A lot of themes are already available for bridge. v2
- @aexer0e's fantastic "Compact Prettier" changes the default "format on save" formatter to produce more compact output
- There are fantastic UI extensions such as @jasonjgardner's texture set generator, the MoLang Playground or @aexer0e's Table2 extension for displaying & editing Google Docs Tables inside of bridge.
v2.0.0 - Release Candidate 5
- Support for basic custom commands
- v1 Compatibility:
- Added a "v1CompatMode" which allows bridge. v2 to interpret v1's custom components & commands
- Improved command auto-completions
- Added a new extension module: "@bridge/theme"
- PackSpider is now off by default
- Updated Dutch translations (Thanks to @pascal541)
- Moved bridge-specific schemas to "common" data package
- Fixed middle click scroll wheel upon disposing tab
- Fixed indexing of files with invalid JSON
- Fixed tree editor not showing when "isDevMode" setting hasn't been set
- Fixed schemaScripts error
- Fixed infinite loading when trying to open changelog
- Fixed dialogue folder name
- Fixed translation error from compiler config
- Fixed error upon creating first project
- Fixed RP as BP dependency
- Fixed error upon loading command auto-completions
- Fixed error upon opening client entity without valid geometry