Releases: bridge-core/editor
Thanks to @Joelant05, @outercloudstudio, @MiemieMethod and @pascal541 for working on this release!
- Made importing ".bbmodel" files significantly faster (b267525)
- Made pack indexing significantly faster (da30688)
- Made Dash up to 2x faster (a511e36)
- Made installation of files from extensions faster (baaa77b)
- New "Import File" action within the directory viewer (b70d929)
- Update bridge.'s data to latest Minecraft Preview (4bc6be4)
- New "project.getItemPreview" API for our rich iframe integrations (68b73bd)
- Added a new setting to enable/disable "com.mojang" project loading (8954dcd)
- Always show available compiler plugin names (#636)
- Small redesign of our mobile app (#640)
- Added quick actions for switching tabs (#646)
- Added a new auto save setting (#645)
- Added more "title" fields to schemas (93a7484)
- Changed custom geometry block preset to create full 16x16 block (#536)
- Formatted preset files (4fbc39a)
- Added "allowMultiple" property to function schema (2517ea6)
- Added currently unused schema for molang language (85083bc)
- Updated "zh_CN" locales to v2.3.3 latest version (#613)
- Bumped Vite to latest version (5d7f69b)
- Better fallback font when Roboto fails to load (4695753)
- Updated latest stable Minecraft version (8f57f15)
- Introduced versioning for recipe schemas (#357)
- Updated Dutch translations (5cb3df2)
- Removed double prompt for setting up "com.mojang" output folder (#644)
- Only allow global installations on HomeView (#647)
- Support decimal values in block ticking component range (0a269bb)
- Fixed subcommands not parsing selectors (2517473)
- Fixed validation of negated score data (e7c42f7)
- Fixed "allowMultiple" arguments (2608f0c)
- Fixed json data command argument not being reconstructed (2608f0c)
- Fixed file downloads from tree editor (77d4b37)
- Fixed "tickingarea" command argument radius with wrong type (c9ca434)
- Allow usernames within in selectors (8b98136)
- Fixed clone command destination and end arguments (353b9c6)
- Fixed "[]" with "@" in front not being properly constructed (6474f5a)
- Fixed issue with importing UI components from other UI components (#595)
- Fixed error when sometimes opening directory viewer context menu on touch devices (84d474d)
- Fixed "getProjectAuthors" extension API (ef01614)
- Fixed issue where data sometimes wasn't properly refreshed after an update (#620)
closes - Fixed error upon choosing texture location for ".bbmodel" file (#615)
- Fixed ".bbmodel" file using incorrect identifier for models (933c51c)
- Removed unused imports (464f0bc)
- Await "com.mojang" folder being available before creating dash service (cc13984)
- Remove "generated_with" from manifest if disabled (5023d2f)
- Fixed preset window icon colors (#622)
- Fixed file import folder name (#634)
- Fixed virtual project activation
- Fixed error upon opening "New File" window (#637)
- Load all projects button now also works for "com.mojang" projects (#641)
- Fixed infinite loading after first setting up "com.mojang" folder (3736017)
Improved .lang
file support
- Dynamic auto-completions are now data driven and values are guessed based off of the key (8bcc57b)
- Syntax highlighting for project namespace
- Validation and quick fix options (c9dbe1a, 59cb43e)
New tree editor display mode (d5da200)
- Added the option to enable a more 'bridge. v1 like' tree editor with numbered arrays, hidden brackets and more!
file validation (#591)
- Function files are now validated against our command schemas (Thanks to @outercloudstudio!)
- This includes warnings and errors for target selectors and the general shape of a command to help you catch issues before testing in Minecraft
Project chooser enhancements
- Internal API for loading window state (0ce193a)
- Option to reload the project chooser window (f801bd9)
- Updated data to latest Minecraft preview (bridge-core/editor-packages@4d85cb2)
- Added missing loot command arguments (db5a44f)
- Changed the icons in command auto-completion lists (d07d726)
- The pack explorer is now refreshed when files are added to a project from an extension with
(9f9ff1a) - Optimised project loading to be up to 3x faster (a655429)
- Optimised
project loading and cache them to make subsequent loads faster (dd34150, ebb1db5) - Support RGB color arrays in the
block component (bridge-core/editor-packages@3af0d8d) - In file syntax highlighting, the entire word up until
is now colored from color code symbols (e9a1a1c) - Updated sword and snowball presets (editor-packages#28, Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
- Fixed the usage of
Ctrl + V
in the file rename input (64c73b9) - Fixed incorrect custom command types (bridge-core/editor-packages@29ce9a4)
- Fixed iframe tab being visible after tab is closed (#592)
- Fixed
extension API (#595) - Fixed
extension API (0a7ce32) - Fixed
folder linking (#597) - Fixed an error that could occur when quickly switching projects (868aee2)
- Prevent recompilation of virtual projects (51c6ce1)
- Fixed error when loading extensions (1738f9a)
- Fixed error when the dash cache file is missing (bridge-core/dash-compiler@5d9e771)
- Automatically select file/folder name upon renaming (6bff646)
- Better installation dialog on some browsers (14df322)
- Exposed "resolvePackPath" function to extensions (b44f80d)
- New "View Extensions Folder" action (#565)
- Only show "Open With" action if there's more than one action (3af63ec)
- Hide "Open Folder" on unsupported browsers (13a2880)
- Changed "GameTest" preset to "Script" preset (60bcbc0)
- Fixed reference error within attachables (3f8b507)
- Fixed steve skin preset icon (127085d)
- Fixed preset not being usable when switch input is off (76892a7)
- Fixed error upon deleting file (#580)
- Fixed error upon renaming folder (#573)
- Correctly update presets after toggling experimental gameplay (59c452d)
- Fixed error upon running generator script (bridge-core/dash-compiler@f1ca8e6)
- Fixed wrong file extension being used for executed generator script (#581)
v2.3.0 - "Elytra"
bridge. v2.3.0 - "Elytra" marks another milestone release for our team. For this update, we focused on making nearly every aspect of bridge. significantly faster and more reliable. Together with v2.3.0, we also ship new documentation for our webpage with updated guides and articles on using bridge.
Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible!
You can try out bridge. v2.3.0 here.
Instant Data Loading
Data updates are now applied instantly. Downloading a data update now only takes marginally longer than our normal data loading procedure.
Instant Development Environments
We spent weeks of work making bridge. start a lot faster. This work includes delaying permission prompts until they are necessary and heavy optimizations on every aspect of the work we do before bridge. can be used.
New Setup Experience
bridge. no longer requires setup before using it. We have therefore removed the old "initial setup dialog" and now instead display recommended actions within the pack explorer.
New Welcome Screen
We have simplified the welcome screen to only include the command bar and bridge.'s logo.
Command Bar
The new command bar can be found on bridge.'s new welcome screen and it also replaces the old file picker which opened when pressing "Ctrl + P". You can use the command bar to open any file within your project or to trigger quick actions such as creating a new file.
New Directory Viewer (#477)
For bridge. v2.3.0, we built a new directory viewer which now powers the default pack explorer and which can be easily reused across our user interfaces.
- Displaying directories is now notably faster
- Copy & Paste is now supported (with keybindings)
- Support for keyboard navigation with tab
- Support for inline renaming
- Improved file/folder duplication
- Added option to download any file or folder
- Support for creating global files and folders (#321)
- Support for dragging files and folders into the pack explorer (b2898ab)
- "Open With ..." to choose the way you want to open a file (1868507)
View Folder (08e189a)
You can now use bridge. to open arbitrary folders and edit the files within them. Any folder opened with bridge. will appear within a new sidebar tab and makes use of our new directory viewer.
Open Project Folder (d317f73)
You can now use the new "Open Project Folder" action to open the whole project folder within the "View Folder" sidebar.
File Sharing (7bc6631)
bridge. now supports sharing files with other users.
Tab Loading (1d26797, 1d26797)
bridge. now has a new tab loading indicator that is used to display progress connected to a specific tab. Additionally, the new indicator is now used instead of the loading window upon saving files.
Updated GameTest Support
We now support the "mojang-net" and "mojang-minecraft-server-admin" modules within bridge. In order to use them, set your project as a behavior pack that is intended to be run on the server within the "Create Project" window or directly within the project config.
HTML Previewer (4579a95)
You can now use bridge. to preview HTML files.
Improved TypeScript/JavaScript Experience (#481)
bridge. now loads all JavaScript and TypeScript files from your project to provide you within import auto-completions and rich type imports where applicable.
"com.mojang" Projects (a5ae29d)
bridge. v2.3.0 can once again load projects directly from your "com.mojang" folder.
Toggleable Experimental Gameplay (#404)
It is now possible to toggle experimental gameplay features within bridge.'s project chooser. Thanks to @pascal541 for working on this feature!
New Execute Support (#450)
bridge. now supports auto-completions for the new "/execute" command syntax.
Updated Data
We have updated our JSON schemas to support the latest Minecraft Preview and stable Minecraft release.
Particle Improvements (39cd02a)
- Support for dynamic particle event auto-completions
- Better auto-completions for timeline events
- Support for versioning particle files
- Support for "bezier_chain" particle curve
Rich Deprecation Information (0fe55c9)
bridge. now shows rich deprecation information for renamed and removed components.
Generator Scripts (#132)
You can now use JavaScript and TypeScript files to generate any file within your project. You can learn more about them here.
Extensions become even more powerful on bridge. v2.3.0 - "Elytra":
- Added new "Import Folder" API (3e63d47)
- Exposed SidebarAction and SelectableSidebarAction classes
- Exposed DirectoryViewer component
- It is now possible to link to extensions inside of bridge.'s extension store (595270c)
- Extensions can once again link to a README file (c78e3d8)
- API to import a file with bridge.'s default import handlers (7777113)
- New API for persistently storing data (6a9b5df)
- API to add new actions to the command bar (04710fb)
- API to open files (5f6300a)
- Extensions not matching specified app versions no longer execute
- The extension store now always shows the data of the most recent extension version (in case of a local <> online mismatch; 2e1e70e)
- Exposed "fflate" to extensions (f7e6baa)
- "onFileChanged" API (e340846)
- API to add new "Open With ..." handlers to directory viewer (e879579)
- Tweaks to how bridge. displays preset requirements for disabled presets
- Better developer actions
- Dramatically improved app start-up times
- Started work on further minifying JSON schemas (f45fd9d)
- GameTest scripts are now created within the "scripts/" folder by default (previously was "scripts/gametest/"; 054f8ed)
- New menu design (6acafac)
- New design for tabs and the sidebar (300195c)
- Themes now load faster
- We have reduced the initial JavaScript payload of our website from ~2200KiB down to ~500KiB. We aim to further reduce this number with future updates.
- Optimized project pack & icon loading (cf30f68, e7bee96)
- Watch Mode is now disabled by default on mobile (#480)
- There is now a toolbar item for opening a folder (#380)
- Better handling of virtual files (92e861b)
- Removed "theWildUpdate" experimental gameplay toggle (da9042d)
- Made search inputs lazy by default (4ee39fe)
- Improved recipe file detection
- Support for submenus within context menus
- bridge. now creates a "deno.json" file upon creating your project. It is used to easily run the standalone version of our built-in compiler Dash.
- Added a new "View" toolbar item (3b28a03)
- Sidebar: Support for grouping elements (411ee4b)
- Improved ZipDirectory performance (c90c835)
- bridge. now correctly caches entity tags and scoreboard objectives from JSON files
- Updated Japanese translations (#516; Thanks to @toka7290)
- Updated Dutch translations (255ecfa; Thanks to @pascal541)
- Improved performance of preset window (#515, 7938af0)
- ".bbmodel" imports now support animations (#171; Thanks to @pascal541)
- ...
- Tree Editor: Added support for "not" and "doNotSuggest" schema properties
- Loading file definitions is now significantly faster
- Loading JSON schemas is now significantly faster
- Loading lightning cache files is now significantly faster
- Improved file system migration process and prompt criteria
- Bone name auto-completions within part_visibility (#468)
- Updated game test types to latest 1.19.0 release
- Cache event references from new 1.19.0 components
- Initial Setup: Some browsers will now only show one permission prompt per selected folder (instead of previously two for read & write permissions)
- Added "onProjectChanged(...)" extension API
- Updated geode and ore feature schemas (Thanks to @KekeCreations; bridge-core/editor-packages#25)
- Updated data to latest Minecraft Preview
- Fixed component data not being cached from entity permutations
- Fixed entity permutations using incorrect component auto-completions
- Fixed tree editor not handling escaped characters correctly (#465)
- Fixed sidebar icons within tasks not scrolling correctly
- Fixed WelcomeScreen top margin for logo without alert
- Tree Editor: Auto-completions for the "Edit" input (#453)
- Tree Editor: Now filters out already used property names from auto-completions correctly
- MoLang: Support for omitting leading zeros
- MoLang: Improved "MoLang.resolveStatic(...)"
- MoLang: Optimized loops with 0 repetitions
- Custom components: New "lootTable(...)", "tradeTable(...)", "spawnRule(...)" and "recipe(...)" generator functions
- Added title and default fields for block components
- Added a new toggle for "generated_with" metadata (#455)
- Changed wording on deprecation messages within JSON schemas
- Removed audio manager for now
- Changed "Browser Unsupported" message (#429)
- Updated schemas to latest Minecraft Preview
- Swapped dimension and biome icons (#22; Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
- Changed "copyFileHandle(...)" method to use "write(...)" method internally
- Added missing molang auto-completions in item and block conditions
- Added missing parameters to 1.19.0+ "minecraft:behavior.pickup_items"
- File/folder name now shows before deleting (#461)
- Updated monaco-editor to the latest version
- Fixed "placement_filter" component schema
- Removed invalid fields from "minecraft:breedable" schema
- Fixed block and item event auto-completions not working when another event is invalid
- Fixed "minecraft:ignore_automatic_features" biome component
- Fixed block identifiers not showing within recipe auto-completions (bridge-core/editor-packages#23)
- Fixed custom components not resetting correctly
- Fixed error upon deleting file outside of bridge. (#458)
- Fixed recipe preset not being opened with tree editor correctly (#442)
- Fixed tree feature schema (bridge-core/editor-packages#24; Thanks to @KekeCreations)
- bridge. now supports the various different block collision components from Minecraft v1.16.100 to v1.19.10 and only renders collision box previews for components that match the specified format version
- Fixed contrast of new alert UI in light mode
- Fixed file type guessing not working correctly
- Fixed file error caused by schema scripts and virtual compiler files
- Fixed lightning cache failing to process empty JSON files
- Fixed block component previews
- Fixed edit path input not focusing automatically
- Fixed validation error within FilePathWindow
- Fixed file imports being broken
- Updated data to latest Minecraft Preview
- Dynamic auto-completions for sound events across entities
- Support for remote alerts on bridge.'s welcome screen
- Default project target version is now the latest stable Minecraft release instead of the latest Minecraft Preview version
- Updated app launch handler
- Updated biome tags (Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
- Fixed error upon compiling custom command
- Fixed MoLang locations of client animations
- Fixed generation of invalid "base_game_version" within manifests
- Updated data to latest Minecraft preview
- Local extension installations now properly overwrite global installations (#434)
- Enabled close button for asset preview window (#424)
- Automatically add new "formatVersionCorrection" plugin to old projects (#422)
- Updated texture set file highlighter
- Improved schema validation with "require" field
- Added "format_version" property to default sound definitions file (#435; Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
- Updated simple file names and descriptions (bridge-core/editor-packages#20; Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
- Updated "randomize" event response (bridge-core/editor-packages#18; Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)
- Updated "behavior.knockback_roar" (bridge-core/editor-packages#19; Thanks to @Chikorita-Lover)