Releases: bridge-core/editor
Releases · bridge-core/editor
v2.0.0 - Release Candidate 4
- Added a new setting to change the sidebar size
- Added a new dialogue that informs users about files with invalid JSON
- Added a new API that allows extensions to open files
- Updated bridge.'s data to the latest Minecraft beta
- Significantly improved recipe schemas
- bridge. can now automatically discover deleted & renamed files and remove them from the compiler output
- Added support for "in_lava" entity filter
- Improved "Restart Dev Server" action
- Removed dead code
- Increased tree editor font size to match the font size of bridge.'s text editor
- Unified translation methods
- Support for "scripts"/"animate" & "animations" within attachable files
- Better auto-completions for "scripts"/"animate" & "animations" within client entity files
- Updated compiler error messages
- Improved compiler path rewrite unit tests
- Added 1.17.0 vanilla identifiers
- Fixed sidebar right option with new persistent sidebar
- Fixed error upon creating presets
- Fixed selected sidebar icon color in light mode
- Fixed error inside of custom component plugin
- Fixed ore & armor presets (Thanks to @KikiCreations)
- Fixed Find & Replace tab
- Fixed deleted files not being removed from "Recent Files" list correctly
- Fixed tab not being selected correctly upon restoring a session
- Fixed typos within component names
- Fixed tree editor adding multiple objects upon searching through completion item list
- Fixed middle click to close tabs
- Fixed "preview.renderContainer was not defined" error
- Fixed project selection
- Fixed error upon parsing MoLang with an array expression
- Fixed files not being discovered by bridge. if they have an invalid cache script
- Fixed cache scripts not executing correctly
- Fixed compiler not updating saved files correctly
v2.0.0 - Release Candidate 3
- Pack Explorer:
- The Pack Explorer can once again show persistently next to your tab system
- Added support for custom command presets
- Support for custom commands isn't quite there yet
- Update editor data to latest Minecraft beta
- Added support for persistent sidebars
- Added new "Socials" window
- Project description field now expands vertically
- Tree Editor: Added right-click action to delete node
- Changed internal script execution architecture
- Update block states schema
- Fixed sidebar navigation height
- Fixed error upon setting plugin file types
- Fixed error upon restoring tabs
v2.0.0 - Release Candidate 2
- JSON Schemas:
- Added support for "on_kill" inside of "minecraft:behavior.melee_attack"
- Improved dialogue validation
- Improved entity validation
- Tree Editor:
- Added support for manually converting an object to an array (and back again)
- Better auto-completions for bridge.'s tree editor thanks to support for "propertyNames" subschema
- Third-party JavaScript:
- Support for ESM imports
- Support for "export default" instead of "module.exports = "
- Custom Components:
- Support for receiving animation (controller) short name
- Ability to disable automatically running an animation (controller) through the entity's scripts
- Heavy WIP: Support for auto-completions inside of .mcfunction files
- Settings: Support for hiding sidebar elements
- Added an action to reload extensions
- Support for choosing a folder for game tests
- Changed game test main file location
- Extension tags are now sorted alphabetically
- Fixed "1.17.10" being used as "min_engine_version"s. This lead to Minecraft not recognizing the BP/RP
- Removed hash from compiled TypeScript source files to properly support usage with GameTests
- Fixed tab drag & drop
- Fixed closing of unsaved & inactive tabs
- Fixed tab system active status not updating upon interacting with tree editor
- Fixed both tab systems being active at the same time
- Fixed JSON schema references with absolute paths
- Usage of uppercase letters is once again allowed for .lang files
- Users can now open multiple custom tabs at the same time
- Fixed error upon saving a file after closing a preview tab
- Fixed global custom components not working in new projects
v2.0.0 - Release Candidate 1
- This release contains the first working version of bridge. v2's new tree editor
- Added automatic input shifts
- Added auto-completions
- Improved automatic selection moving
- Added preview registration for tree editor tabs
- Added support for syncing the tree editor's scroll position
- Changed style of tree editor selections
- Updated data to latest beta
- Added support for entity dialogues
- Added a keyboard shortcut for refreshing a project
- Added a button to restart the compiler's dev server
- Added various new extension APIs:
- Tab API
- TabActions API
- ComMojang API
- Updated compiler algorithm to be faster in some cases
- Updated GameTest types to be easily re-useable outside of bridge.
- Added "value" auto-completions for "in_block" entity filter
- Tabs can now lookup whether they are open in split-screen
- Added new file system methods for copying directories and loading a file as a data url
- Fixed mute button
- Fixed .git files appearing inside of Find & Replace
- Fixed compiler freezing upon missing file dependency
- Fixed ore feature schema
- Fixed various occurrences of missing auto-completions
- Fixed PRESET_PATH not being injected into itemTexture.json in entity presets
- Fixed food preset having a too long use duration
- Fixed deleting input characters with open tree editor
- JSON schemas
- Updated to latest beta
- Added subject "item"
- Moved features to correct format version
- Added option to choose texture & model for the blank entity preset
- Added first, basic version of bridge. v2's tree editor
- Focus delegation is not working correctly yet
- Auto-completions are not available yet
- Updated Dutch translations (Thanks to @pascal541)
- Updated valid MoLang locations
- Fixed type loader
- Fixed middle click to dispose notifications
- Brought back middle click to dispose notification
- Project target versions are now showing in reverse order
- Removed old select project folder window
- Fixed data build error
- Fixed project config auto-completions
- Fixed project config creation (structure now follows spec)
- Fixed bridge. not ignoring .git folder
- Fixed error upon activating project
- Fixed entity presets
- InitialSetup: Fixed project creation window showing too soon
- Added support for editing the new project config with bridge.
- Added a new extension API to configure the default file formatter
- Added support for actor properties & permutations
- Added support for actor aliases
- Added
feature schema
- Updated extension manifest schema
- Merged "sound" schema folder with "sounds" folder
- Fixed error upon entering settings
- Fixed sizing of tab content with custom title bar
- Fixed file type matcher returning wrong file types
- Fixed IConfigJSON types
- Fixed project refresh breaking open tabs
- Fixed error upon opening particle preview
- Fixed preview of geometry files connected to blocks
- Fixed manifest schemas not working
- Fixed closing the Discord window
- Fixed error upon creating block preview
- Fixed registration location of animation controllers connected to custom components
- Fixed error upon opening a tab
- Previews:
- Simplified entity component previews
- Support for multiple particle effects per timestamp
- Support for previewing blocks
- Updated preview tab style & functionality
- Previews now open in split-screen by default
- Added support for "World Template" pack type
- Projects can now contain an additional "World Template" pack ("WT")
- World templates get moved to your "minecraftWorlds/" folder for testing automatically
- Added support for Minecraft's new "Volume" files
- New Initial Setup Experience: Users are now guided through setting up bridge. v2
- Choose/Create bridge. folder
- Link com.mojang folder
- Choose editor type (raw text or tree editor)
- Auto-completions for event names referenced inside of components
- Added a new input to select a spawn egg texture for entities
- New project config format:
- Moved "config.json" file to the project root
- Moved bridge.-specific setting into "bridge" object
- Extensions can now "install" files
- Enables installation of custom component plugins on bridge. v2
- Updated to the latest Minecraft beta
- Updated bridge.'s custom title bar
- Activate "edge://flags/#enable-desktop-pwas-window-controls-overlay" or "chrome://flags/#enable-desktop-pwas-window-controls-overlay" and reinstall bridge. v2 to preview it
- Updated JSON schemas to propose "{}" for objects nested inside of arrays
- Removed saving of task's last total steps
- Internal: PreviewTabs are no longer FileTabs
- Fixed error with Go To Definition
- Fixed vanilla events not being suggested inside of entity event object
- Fixed opening of tab previews on inactive tab systems
- Fixed error with recipe preset
- Fixed information window not closing before dispatching "done"
- Fixed extension store not loading if one extension had an unknown tag
- Added support for toggling line comments
- Preset inputs now have validation rules to prevent users from entering invalid characters
- Identifiers may only be lowercase
- Identifiers may only contain alphanumeric characters & underscores
- File paths may not contain invalid characters
- Added support for previewing animations
- Basic support for playing particles (WIP)
- Added support for previewing entity components
- View "minecraft:rideable" seat positions
- View collision boxes
- View hitboxes
- Added option to save opened file to project
- Added particle effect & sound effect identifier auto-completions inside of client entities
- Added "confirm" icon to all confirm buttons
- Added support for opening images
- Changes to make more texts translatable
- Updated lightning cache format
- Updated schema folder structure to be more consistent
- Fixed on-demand compilation not returning arrayBuffer
- Fixed blaze preset
- Fixed race-condition upon loading model
- Fixed dolphin presets
- Fixed tropical fish preset
- Fixed pig preset
- Fixed "particle_effects" & "sound_effects" inside of animation schema
- Fixed "minecraft:placement_filter"
- Fixed locator caching for old models
- Fixed initial compilation of preview files
- Fixed nested object inside of array for "minecraft:custom_hit_test"
- Fixed "Cannot read enablePackSpider of undefined" error
- Fixed default value of pack spider setting
- Fixed errors in custom components crashing compiler
- Fixed infinite loading upon saving files
- Fixed auto-completions for custom components written in TypeScript
- Fixed "updateDynamicSchemas" being called too often
- Fixed dynamic schemas not updating correctly (e.g. upon creating new presets)