Scala Invoke lets you turn any function, method or constructor into functions that have a consistent signature, with compile-time verification that you have an appropriate strategy for deriving each parameter.
See the documentation on the Lift
object to get started.
object `your application's domain` {
case class HttpRequest(path: Path, query: Map[String, String])
final class Path(override val toString: String) extends AnyVal {
def group: String = toString.stripPrefix("/").split("/").head
def action(path: Path, material: String, weight: Double): (String, Double) =
"Do something with " + + " and " + material -> weight * 2
object `extractors for use with scalainvoke` {
import `your application's domain`._
import io.github.barnardb.scalainvoke.{NamedValueExtractor, ValueExtractor}
implicit object StringExtractor extends NamedValueExtractor[HttpRequest, String] {
override def extract(request: HttpRequest, name: String): String = request.query(name)
implicit object DoubleExtractor extends NamedValueExtractor[HttpRequest, Double] {
override def extract(request: HttpRequest, name: String): Double = request.query(name).toDouble
implicit object PathExtractor extends ValueExtractor[HttpRequest, Path] {
override def extract(request: HttpRequest): Path = request.path
override def extract(request: HttpRequest, name: String): Path = request.path
object `lifting` {
import `your application's domain`._
import `extractors for use with scalainvoke`._
import io.github.barnardb.scalainvoke._
// Choose which strategies you want to use
implicit val valueExtractionStrategy = new ImplicitlyDiscoveredValueExtractors[HttpRequest]
implicit val invocationStrategy = new DeferredInvocation
// Lift things
val liftedAction = Lift.function(action _)
object `calling the lifted function` extends App {
import `your application's domain`._
import `lifting`.liftedAction
// Because we are using DeferredExecution, we have a 2-step process to invoke.
// Passing an environment to the lifted action causes the parameters to be extracted and an invoker to be returned.
val environment = HttpRequest(new Path("/metal/bars"), Map("material" -> "gold", "weight" -> "42.1337"))
val invoker: () => (String, Double) = liftedAction(environment)
// At this point we know we have successfully extracted the arguments, but haven't yet invoked the function.
// We can invoke the function when we're ready.
val (message: String, doubledWeight: Double) = invoker()
It should be possible to have multiple parameter extractions fail, and get all of the errors. E.g., one might want a strategy that makes the lifted signature for an invocable that returns
be something likeEnvironment => Either[Seq[String], A]
with direct invocation, orEnvironment => Either[Seq[String], () => A]
with deferred invocation. -
It should be possible to build function invokers where some parameters are manually specified.
More concrete strategies should be provided, both for direct use and to demonstrate how users might create their own.
Put more effort into minimizing byte code mess.