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Scala Invoke

Scala Invoke lets you turn any function, method or constructor into functions that have a consistent signature, with compile-time verification that you have an appropriate strategy for deriving each parameter.

See the documentation on the Lift object to get started.


object `your application's domain` {

  case class HttpRequest(path: Path, query: Map[String, String])

  final class Path(override val toString: String) extends AnyVal {
    def group: String = toString.stripPrefix("/").split("/").head

  def action(path: Path, material: String, weight: Double): (String, Double) =
    "Do something with " + + " and " + material -> weight * 2

object `extractors for use with scalainvoke` {
  import `your application's domain`._
  import io.github.barnardb.scalainvoke.{NamedValueExtractor, ValueExtractor}

  implicit object StringExtractor extends NamedValueExtractor[HttpRequest, String] {
    override def extract(request: HttpRequest, name: String): String = request.query(name)

  implicit object DoubleExtractor extends NamedValueExtractor[HttpRequest, Double] {
    override def extract(request: HttpRequest, name: String): Double = request.query(name).toDouble

  implicit object PathExtractor extends ValueExtractor[HttpRequest, Path] {
    override def extract(request: HttpRequest): Path = request.path
    override def extract(request: HttpRequest, name: String): Path = request.path

object `lifting` {
  import `your application's domain`._
  import `extractors for use with scalainvoke`._
  import io.github.barnardb.scalainvoke._

  // Choose which strategies you want to use
  implicit val valueExtractionStrategy = new ImplicitlyDiscoveredValueExtractors[HttpRequest]
  implicit val invocationStrategy = new DeferredInvocation

  // Lift things
  val liftedAction = Lift.function(action _)

object `calling the lifted function` extends App {
  import `your application's domain`._
  import `lifting`.liftedAction

  // Because we are using DeferredExecution, we have a 2-step process to invoke.

  // Passing an environment to the lifted action causes the parameters to be extracted and an invoker to be returned.
  val environment = HttpRequest(new Path("/metal/bars"), Map("material" -> "gold", "weight" -> "42.1337"))
  val invoker: () => (String, Double) = liftedAction(environment)
  // At this point we know we have successfully extracted the arguments, but haven't yet invoked the function.

  // We can invoke the function when we're ready.
  val (message: String, doubledWeight: Double) = invoker()


Future Work

  • It should be possible to have multiple parameter extractions fail, and get all of the errors. E.g., one might want a strategy that makes the lifted signature for an invocable that returns A be something like Environment => Either[Seq[String], A] with direct invocation, or Environment => Either[Seq[String], () => A] with deferred invocation.

  • It should be possible to build function invokers where some parameters are manually specified.

  • More concrete strategies should be provided, both for direct use and to demonstrate how users might create their own.

  • Put more effort into minimizing byte code mess.