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Merge pull request freesurfer#907 from yhuang43/dev
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add mris_gradient_unwarp input parameters
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ahoopes authored Jan 3, 2022
2 parents ab5216e + 340b0e9 commit 7226af3
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Showing 2 changed files with 268 additions and 44 deletions.
310 changes: 267 additions & 43 deletions mris_gradient_unwarp/mris_gradient_unwarp.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//#include <math.h>
//double round(double x);
//#include <sys/stat.h>
//#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
//#include <unistd.h>

#include "version.h"
#include "diag.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "cmdargs.h"
#include "fio.h"
#include "mri.h"
#include "mriBSpline.h"
#include "GradUnwarp.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,32 +44,75 @@
* VERTEX *v = surf->vertices[n]
* v->x, v->y, v->z
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
#if 0 // test GradUnwarp class

GradUnwarp *gradUnwarp = new GradUnwarp();


double x = atof(argv[2]);
double y = atof(argv[3]);
double z = atof(argv[4]);
static void dump_exit_codes(FILE *fp);

static int parse_commandline(int argc, char **argv);
static void check_options(void);
static void print_usage(void) ;
static void usage_exit(void);
static void print_help(void) ;
static void print_version(void) ;
static void dump_options(FILE *fp);

int debug = 0, checkoptsonly = 0;
const char *Progname = NULL;
std::string gradfile0, origmgz0, unwarpedmgz0;
int dupinvol = 0, inputras = 0, inputcrs = 0;
double ras_x, ras_y, ras_z;
int crs_c = 0, crs_r = 0, crs_s = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int nargs;
struct utsname uts;
char *cmdline, cwd[2000];

nargs = handleVersionOption(argc, argv, "mris_gradient_unwarp");
if (nargs && argc - nargs == 1) exit (0);
argc -= nargs;
cmdline = argv2cmdline(argc,argv);

Progname = argv[0] ;
argc --;
ErrorInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
DiagInit(NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
if (argc == 0) usage_exit();
parse_commandline(argc, argv);
if (checkoptsonly) return(0);

printf("cwd %s\n",cwd);
printf("cmdline %s\n",cmdline);
printf("sysname %s\n",uts.sysname);
printf("hostname %s\n",uts.nodename);
printf("machine %s\n",uts.machine);


if (inputras) // for debugging only
GradUnwarp *gradUnwarp = new GradUnwarp();

float Dx, Dy, Dz;
gradUnwarp->spharm_evaluate(x, y, z, &Dx, &Dy, &Dz);

printf(" x = %.6lf, Dx = %.6lf\n", x, Dx);
printf(" y = %.6lf, Dy = %.6lf\n", y, Dy);
printf(" z = %.6lf, Dz = %.6lf\n", z, Dz);
float Dx, Dy, Dz;
gradUnwarp->spharm_evaluate(ras_x, ras_y, ras_z, &Dx, &Dy, &Dz);

delete gradUnwarp;
printf(" x = %.6lf, Dx = %.6lf\n", ras_x, Dx);
printf(" y = %.6lf, Dy = %.6lf\n", ras_y, Dy);
printf(" z = %.6lf, Dz = %.6lf\n", ras_z, Dz);

return 0;
delete gradUnwarp;

return 0;

// ??? these two variables to be set by user as command line option ???
int InterpCode = SAMPLE_NEAREST;
Expand All @@ -66,23 +121,30 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
int (*nintfunc)( double );
nintfunc = &nint;

const char *gradfile = argv[1];
const char *origmgz = argv[2];
const char *unwarpedmgz = argv[3];

int duporigvol = 0;
if (argc > 4)
duporigvol = atoi(argv[4]);
if (duporigvol)
printf("\n!!! Duplicate original volume as %s ...\n\n", unwarpedmgz);

GradUnwarp *gradUnwarp = new GradUnwarp();

MRI *origvol = MRIread(origmgz);
MRI *origvol = MRIread(origmgz0.c_str());
MATRIX *vox2ras_orig = MRIxfmCRS2XYZ(origvol, 0);

//if (PrintVox2RAS)
//m = MRIgetVoxelToRasXform(mri) ;
int r, c;
for (r=1; r<=4; r++)
for (c=1; c<=4; c++)
printf("%10.5f ",vox2ras_orig->rptr[r][c]);

MRI *unwarpedvol = MRIalloc(origvol->width, origvol->height, origvol->depth, origvol->type);
unwarpedvol->x_r = origvol->x_r;
unwarpedvol->x_a = origvol->x_a;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,7 +190,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
for (s = 0; s < origvol->depth; s++)
if (!duporigvol)
if (!dupinvol)
// clear CRS, RAS, DeltaRAS, DistortedRAS, DistortedCRS
Expand All @@ -137,10 +199,20 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])

CRS->rptr[1][1] = c;
CRS->rptr[2][1] = r;
CRS->rptr[3][1] = s;
CRS->rptr[4][1] = 1;
if (inputcrs)
CRS->rptr[1][1] = crs_c;
CRS->rptr[2][1] = crs_r;
CRS->rptr[3][1] = crs_s;
CRS->rptr[4][1] = 1;
CRS->rptr[1][1] = c;
CRS->rptr[2][1] = r;
CRS->rptr[3][1] = s;
CRS->rptr[4][1] = 1;

// Convert the CRS to RAS
RAS->rptr[4][1] = 1;
Expand All @@ -151,8 +223,13 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
float z = RAS->rptr[3][1];
float Dx, Dy, Dz;
gradUnwarp->spharm_evaluate(x, y, z, &Dx, &Dy, &Dz);
printf(" x=%.6lf y=%.6lf z=%.6lf\n", x, y, z);
printf("Dx=%.6lf Dy=%.6lf Dz=%.6lf\n", Dx, Dy, Dz);

if (inputcrs)
printf(" c=%d r=%d s=%d\n", crs_c, crs_r, crs_s);
printf(" x=%.6lf y=%.6lf z=%.6lf\n", x, y, z);
printf("Dx=%.6lf Dy=%.6lf Dz=%.6lf\n", Dx, Dy, Dz);

DeltaRAS->rptr[1][1] = Dx;
DeltaRAS->rptr[2][1] = Dy;
Expand All @@ -166,7 +243,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
int ics, irs, iss;
double rval = 0;

if (!duporigvol)
if (!dupinvol)
fcs = DistortedCRS->rptr[1][1];
frs = DistortedCRS->rptr[2][1];
Expand All @@ -176,7 +253,11 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
irs = nintfunc(frs);
iss = nintfunc(fss);

printf("fcs = %lf (%d), frs = %lf (%d), fss = %lf (%d)\n", fcs, ics, frs, irs, fss, iss);
if (inputcrs)
printf("fcs = %lf (%d), frs = %lf (%d), fss = %lf (%d)\n", fcs, ics, frs, irs, fss, iss);
return 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +305,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
} // r
} // c

MRIwrite(unwarpedvol, unwarpedmgz);
MRIwrite(unwarpedvol, unwarpedmgz0.c_str());

delete gradUnwarp;

Expand All @@ -244,6 +325,149 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])

return 0;

/* --------------------------------------------- */
static int parse_commandline(int argc, char **argv) {
int nargc , nargsused;
char **pargv, *option ;

if (argc < 1) usage_exit();

nargc = argc;
pargv = argv;
while (nargc > 0) {

option = pargv[0];
if (debug) printf("%d %s\n",nargc,option);
nargc -= 1;
pargv += 1;

nargsused = 0;

if (!strcasecmp(option, "--help")) print_help() ;
else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--version")) print_version() ;
else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--debug")) debug = 1;
else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--checkopts")) checkoptsonly = 1;
else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--nocheckopts")) checkoptsonly = 0;

else if (!strcasecmp(option, "--dupinvol")) dupinvol = 1;
else if (!strcmp(option, "--ras")) {
inputras = 1;
if (nargc < 1) CMDargNErr(option,1);
sscanf(pargv[0], "%lf,%lf,%lf", &ras_x, &ras_y, &ras_z);
nargsused = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(option, "--crs")) {
inputcrs = 1;
if (nargc < 1) CMDargNErr(option,1);
sscanf(pargv[0], "%d,%d,%d", &crs_c, &crs_r, &crs_s);
nargsused = 1;

} else if (!strcmp(option, "--gradcoeff")) {
if (nargc < 1) CMDargNErr(option,1);
gradfile0 = fio_fullpath(pargv[0]);
nargsused = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(option, "--invol")) {
if (nargc < 1) CMDargNErr(option,1);
origmgz0 = fio_fullpath(pargv[0]);
nargsused = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(option, "--outvol")) {
if (nargc < 1) CMDargNErr(option,1);
unwarpedmgz0 = fio_fullpath(pargv[0]);
nargsused = 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Option %s unknown\n",option);
if (CMDsingleDash(option))
fprintf(stderr," Did you really mean -%s ?\n",option);
nargc -= nargsused;
pargv += nargsused;

/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
static void usage_exit(void) {
print_usage() ;
exit(1) ;

/* --------------------------------------------- */
static void print_usage(void) {
printf("USAGE: %s \n",Progname) ;
printf(" --gradcoeff gradient coeff input \n");
printf(" --invol input volume \n");
printf(" --outvol unwarped outout volume \n");
printf(" --ras x,y,z\n");
printf(" --crs c,r,s\n");
printf(" --interpcode interpcode (to be implemented)\n");
printf(" --sinchw = nint(0) (to be implemented)\n");
printf(" --debug turn on debugging\n");
printf(" --checkopts don't run anything, just check options and exit\n");
printf(" --help print out information on how to use this program\n");
printf(" --version print out version and exit\n");
std::cout << getVersion() << std::endl;

/* --------------------------------------------- */
static void print_help(void) {
print_usage() ;
"program description\n"


exit(1) ;

/* --------------------------------------------- */
static void print_version(void) {
std::cout << getVersion() << std::endl;
exit(1) ;

/* --------------------------------------------- */
static void check_options(void) {
/*if (vol1File.size() == 0) {
printf("ERROR: must specify a vol1 file\n");
if (vol2File.size() == 0) {
printf("ERROR: must specify a vol2 file\n");

/* --------------------------------------------- */
static void dump_options(FILE *fp) {
/*fprintf(fp,"vol1 %s\n",vol1File.c_str());
fprintf(fp,"vol2 %s\n",vol2File.c_str());
fprintf(fp,"pix thresh %g\n",pixdiff_thresh);
fprintf(fp,"vox2ras thresh %g\n",vox2ras_thresh);

/* --------------------------------------------- */
static void dump_exit_codes(FILE *fp) {
/* fprintf(fp,"dimensions inconsistent %d\n",DIMENSION_EC);
fprintf(fp,"precision inconsistent %d\n",PRECISION_EC);
fprintf(fp,"resolution inconsistent %d\n",RESOLUTION_EC);
fprintf(fp,"vox2ras inconsistent %d\n",VOX2RAS_EC);
fprintf(fp,"pixel inconsistent %d\n",PIXEL_EC);
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion utils/GradUnwarp.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void GradUnwarp::read_siemens_coeff(const char *gradfilename)
// only extract radius and ignore rest
sscanf(coeffline, "%f\n", &R0);
printf("WARN: returning R0 = %f in units of METERS!\n", R0);
R0 = R0 * 1000; // R0 is now in mm
//R0 = R0 * 1000; // R0 is now in mm

// read next line, which contains gradient system mode "(0 = typ. tunnel magnet system; 1 = typ. open magnet system)"
fgets(coeffline, sizeof(coeffline), fgrad);
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