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Added ComputeBrainVolumeStats2()
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Douglas Greve committed Apr 14, 2020
1 parent 6294027 commit 39f4453
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Showing 2 changed files with 211 additions and 5 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions include/cma.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ double CorticalGMVolCorrection(MRI *aseg, MRI *ribbon, int hemi);
MRI *MRIfixAsegWithRibbon(MRI *aseg, MRI *ribbon, MRI *asegfixed);

std::vector<double> ComputeBrainVolumeStats(const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir);
std::vector<double> ComputeBrainVolumeStats2(const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir, const int KeepCSF);
void CacheBrainVolumeStats(const std::vector<double>& stats, const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir);
std::vector<double> ReadCachedBrainVolumeStats(const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir);

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215 changes: 210 additions & 5 deletions utils/cma.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -999,13 +999,217 @@ MRI *MRIfixAsegWithRibbon(MRI *aseg, MRI *ribbon, MRI *asegfixed)
return (asegfixed);

Computes various brain volume statistics and returns them as a vector of doubles.
\fn std::vector<double> ComputeBrainVolumeStats2(const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir)
\brief Computes various brain volume statistics and returns them as a vector of doubles.
These stats include BrainSegVol, BrainSegVolNotVent, SupraTentVol, SubCortGM, CtxGM,
CtxWM, etc. The hope is that this one function will be able to consistently define
all of these parameters for a single subject. Where possible, this function returns
values based on surface-based analysis. It also computes the same values based on
CtxWM, etc. This function is simpler than the orignial in that it only uses the surface for
the cortical GM volume and just counts voxels otherwise. It also uses the ASegStatsLUT.txt
to define the structures that will be include or not. It also assumes that the cortical
ribbon will have white=pial everywhere in the medial wall (true starting with v7). This function
also uses the aseg.mgz which has been fixed with the ribbon.mgz. Set KeepCSF=1
if you want to include the "CSF" label (24) as part of the venticular system. This is the case
for aseg, but in SAMSEG the extracerebral CSF is also labeled as 24, and it is not clear what
to do about it in terms of these stats. Differences between this function and the original
function are very small (less than 1%).
std::vector<double> ComputeBrainVolumeStats2(const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir, const int KeepCSF)
auto subjfile = [subject, subjdir](const char* fname) { return subjdir + "/" + subject + "/" + fname; };
std::string fname;

// This must have been fixed with the ribbon as with mri_surf2volseg
fname = subjfile("mri/aseg.mgz");
MRI* aseg = MRIread(fname.c_str());
if (!aseg) fs::fatal() << "cannot compute vol stats without " << fname;

double VoxelVol = aseg->xsize * aseg->ysize * aseg->zsize;
printf("ComputeBrainVolumeStats2 VoxelVol=%g, KeepCSF=%d\n",VoxelVol,KeepCSF);

fname = subjfile("surf/lh.white");
MRIS* mris = MRISread(fname.c_str());
if (!mris) fs::fatal() << "cannot compute vol stats without " << fname;
double lhwhitevolTot = MRISvolumeInSurf(mris);

fname = subjfile("surf/rh.white");
mris = MRISread(fname.c_str());
if (!mris) fs::fatal() << "cannot compute vol stats without " << fname;
double rhwhitevolTot = MRISvolumeInSurf(mris);

fname = subjfile("surf/lh.pial");
mris = MRISread(fname.c_str());
if (!mris) fs::fatal() << "cannot compute vol stats without " << fname;
double lhpialvolTot = MRISvolumeInSurf(mris);

fname = subjfile("surf/rh.pial");
mris = MRISread(fname.c_str());
if (!mris) fs::fatal() << "cannot compute vol stats without " << fname;
double rhpialvolTot = MRISvolumeInSurf(mris);

fname = subjfile("mri/brainmask.mgz");
MRI* brainmask = MRIread(fname.c_str());
if (!brainmask) fs::fatal() << "cannot compute vol stats without " << fname;

// to get MNI305 coords for 77 hypos
fname = subjfile("mri/transforms/talairach.xfm");
LTA *talxfm = LTAreadEx(fname.c_str());
if(!talxfm) fs::fatal() << "cannot compute vol stats without " << fname;

char *ctabfile = (char *) calloc(sizeof(char),1000);
COLOR_TABLE *asegctab = CTABreadASCII(ctabfile);
if(asegctab == NULL){
printf("ERROR: reading %s\n",ctabfile);

double BrainSegVol = 0;
double lhCerebralWM = 0;
double rhCerebralWM = 0;
double SubCortGMVol = 0;
double CerebellumVol = 0;
double CerebellumGMVol = 0;
double VentChorVol = 0;
double TFFC = 0;
double MaskVol = 0;
double CCVol = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : BrainSegVol,lhCerebralWM,rhCerebralWM,SubCortGMVol,CerebellumVol,CerebellumGMVol,VentChorVol,TFFC,MaskVol,CCVol)
for (int c = 0; c < aseg->width; c++) {
for (int r = 0; r < aseg->height; r++) {
for (int s = 0; s < aseg->depth; s++) {
int asegid = MRIgetVoxVal(aseg, c, r, s, 0);

// Total number of voxels in the brainmask
if(MRIgetVoxVal(brainmask, c, r, s, 0) > 0)MaskVol += VoxelVol;

// Skip background
if(asegid == 0) continue;
// This asegid is not in the range of the LUT, skip it
if(asegid >= asegctab->nentries) continue;
// This asegid is BrainStem, skip it because its volume is unreliable
if(asegid == Brain_Stem) continue;
// Skip Optic Chiasm
if(asegid == Optic_Chiasm) continue;
// This asegid is also not in the LUT and it's not cerebral cortex or WM, skip it
if(asegctab->entries[asegid] == NULL && !IS_CORTEX(asegid) && !IS_WHITE_CLASS(asegid))

// To get here, it must be cortex or WM or a structure in the
// ASegStatsLUT (but not brainstem or chiasm). FreezeSurface=247?
BrainSegVol += VoxelVol;

// Ventricle Volume
if(asegid == Left_choroid_plexus || asegid == Right_choroid_plexus || asegid == Left_Lateral_Ventricle ||
asegid == Right_Lateral_Ventricle || asegid == Left_Inf_Lat_Vent || asegid == Right_Inf_Lat_Vent)
VentChorVol += VoxelVol;
// 3rd, 4th, 5th, CSF
if(asegid == Third_Ventricle || asegid == Fourth_Ventricle || asegid == Fifth_Ventricle ||
(asegid == CSF && KeepCSF)) TFFC += VoxelVol;

// Subcortical GM structures (does not use PVC)
if(IsSubCorticalGray(asegid)) SubCortGMVol += VoxelVol;

// Corpus Callosum
if (asegid == 251 || asegid == 252 || asegid == 253 || asegid == 254 || asegid == 255) CCVol += VoxelVol;

// White matter. Not need to try to use the surface here. Include hypos
if(asegid == Left_Cerebral_White_Matter || asegid == 78) lhCerebralWM += VoxelVol;
if(asegid == Right_Cerebral_White_Matter || asegid == 79) rhCerebralWM += VoxelVol;

// Hypo label 77 is unlateralized, so get its mni305 RAS
if(asegid == 77){
double xs, ys, zs;
TransformCRS2MNI305(aseg, c,r,s, talxfm, &xs, &ys, &zs);
if(xs <= 0) lhCerebralWM += VoxelVol;
else rhCerebralWM += VoxelVol;
//printf("%d %d %d %g %g %g\n",c,r,s,xs,ys,zs);

// Cerebellum GM volume
if (asegid == Left_Cerebellum_Cortex || asegid == Right_Cerebellum_Cortex) CerebellumGMVol += VoxelVol;
// Total Cerebellum (GM+WM) volume
if (asegid == Left_Cerebellum_Cortex || asegid == Right_Cerebellum_Cortex ||
asegid == Right_Cerebellum_White_Matter || asegid == Left_Cerebellum_White_Matter)
CerebellumVol += VoxelVol;

// CtxGM = everything inside pial surface minus everything in white surface.
// With version 7, don't need to do a correction because the pial surface is
// pinned to the white surface in the medial wall
double lhCtxGM = lhpialvolTot - lhwhitevolTot;
double rhCtxGM = rhpialvolTot - rhwhitevolTot;

lhCerebralWM += CCVol/2.0;
rhCerebralWM += CCVol/2.0;

// Supratentorial volume (brainstem already not there)
double SupraTentVol = BrainSegVol - CerebellumVol;
double SupraTentVolNotVent = SupraTentVol - VentChorVol - TFFC;

double BrainSegVolNotVent = BrainSegVol - VentChorVol - TFFC;

double TotalGMVol = SubCortGMVol + lhCtxGM + rhCtxGM + CerebellumGMVol;

printf(" #CBVS2 MaskVol %10.1f\n", MaskVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 BrainSegVol %10.1f\n", BrainSegVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 BrainSegVolNotVent %10.1f\n", BrainSegVolNotVent);
printf(" #CBVS2 SupraTentVol %10.1f\n", SupraTentVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 SupraTentVolNotVent %10.1f\n", SupraTentVolNotVent);
printf(" #CBVS2 lhCtxGM %10.1f\n",lhCtxGM);
printf(" #CBVS2 rhCtxGM %10.1f\n",rhCtxGM);
printf(" #CBVS2 lhCerebralWM %10.1f\n",lhCerebralWM);
printf(" #CBVS2 rhCerebralWM %10.1f\n",rhCerebralWM);
printf(" #CBVS2 SubCortGMVol %10.1f\n", SubCortGMVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 CerebellumVol %10.1f\n", CerebellumVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 CerebellumGMVol %10.1f\n", CerebellumGMVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 VentChorVol %10.1f\n", VentChorVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 3rd4th5thCSF %10.1f\n", TFFC);
printf(" #CBVS2 AllCSF %10.1f\n", TFFC+VentChorVol);
printf(" #CBVS2 CCVol %10.1f\n", CCVol);

std::vector<double> stats = {
BrainSegVol, // 0
BrainSegVolNotVent, // 1
SupraTentVol, // 2
SupraTentVolNotVent, // 3
SubCortGMVol, // 4
lhCtxGM, // 5
rhCtxGM, // 6
lhCtxGM + rhCtxGM, // 7
TotalGMVol, // 8
lhCerebralWM, // 9
rhCerebralWM, // 10
lhCerebralWM + rhCerebralWM, // 11
MaskVol, // 12
-1, // 13 voxel-based supratentorial not vent volume
-1, // 14 surface-based brain not vent volume
VentChorVol // 15 volume of ventricles + choroid

return stats;

\fn std::vector<double> ComputeBrainVolumeStats(const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir)
\brief See version 2 of this function as well. Computes various
brain volume statistics and returns them as a vector of doubles.
These stats include BrainSegVol, BrainSegVolNotVent, SupraTentVol,
SubCortGM, CtxGM, CtxWM, etc. The hope is that this one function
will be able to consistently define all of these parameters for a
single subject. Where possible, this function returns values based
on surface-based analysis. It also computes the same values based on
volume-based analysis to check against the surface-based results.
std::vector<double> ComputeBrainVolumeStats(const std::string& subject, const std::string& subjdir)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1229,6 +1433,7 @@ std::vector<double> ComputeBrainVolumeStats(const std::string& subject, const st

static const std::string brainVolumeStatsFilename = "stats/brainvol.stats";

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